sir meowski

Leo is not enlightened

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To be honest it’s a stupid point isn’t it. The guy has never claimed to be sat there as an enlightened bloke. All’s he’s said is he’s been in, and reached states of ludicrous levels. I get the guy, not because I blindly believe him, but because I’ve been in an reached ludicrous states myself. I sat there one day and looked at the walls of my apartment, I became so shy to the beauty of it all I was embarrassed. I couldn’t look at the walls of my apartment because I knew it was me, I knew it was my own reflection it pained me to look at the beauty of it. I also knew in this moment what other people were, I could see how other people were created pin point, right down to the shape of their jaw bone, and how they were like some sort of perfect reflection of myself. I can’t describe, but everyone and everything was a mere reflection of myself. And I shied away from its beauty. Point being, Leo can not describe this shit, but he tries, to teach others. Because he knows that others are himself. Enlightened or not, it doesn’t matter. What he is, is of understanding. And if you ain’t enlightened, then understanding is the next best thing. Appreciate 

Edited by Dazgwny

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16 hours ago, sir meowski said:

Always describing, describing, describing. Getting lost in description. To evolve spiritually and become a master, the most important thing is to stop describing. What you are searching for is indescribable. It is not love, it is not god, it is not the divine, it is not the non-dual. Those are all descriptions and concepts. They are fairy tales and phantoms. What you're searching for is not a concept and it is not a description. What can be worded is not the truth.

I dont think he has ever claimed that his descriptions are actually "it". Like pointing to the moon. Hes not claiming the finger hes pointing with is the actual moon. He has actually elaborated on this multiple times.

You are talking and describing it as not the things leo has described it as so if the wise dont describe and dont talk.....

Anyway, it's not about Leo.?

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Oh look... another mystical dick measuring contest so I say this in the most spiritual way possible, there is no dick because what you think you have is really just infinite absolute nothingness.

Edited by SOUL

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4 hours ago, Scholar said:

Spirituality is basically just impatience. :D


If you want to be selfless, there are much faster ways to get to it than any practice or any tripping. So, basically, what you actually want to do when you do spirituality is just appreciate life, before it is replaced by the Ultimate. You will get the Ultimate anyways, there is no avoiding it, even if you tried!


That's the funny thing about this. You couldn't avoid the highest stage of consciousness even if you tried your hardest at it, for your entire life. It will come, it is inevitable. Infact, all of you are actively avoiding it!


So what are you actually doing here? You are playing a game, or a drama, or a horroshow, and that's what it is about. And Leo, you are playing a particular game, much like many others, feeling it to be more special than the other games that are being played.


And even better, you already are the Ultimate. And you did this, from that position. You are literally chasing the tail you are have created for yourself so you can end up creating it again. xD

Party pooper ? 

There is only the goal; the sought; wholeness; allness — that which has no other obviously has no escape, and no better.

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15 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

@Migue Lonas That's an intrapsychic-phenomenological model on par with Freud. It's not at all a comprehensive description of God. You can't describe infinite complexity.


14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's all God.

At it's highest level God is just INFINITY. It's a perfectly symmetrical singularity, like a black hole but more like a white hole. That is the Godhead.

He is supernaturally gifted with extreme states of consciousness. He's naturally tripping balls in his sober state. This is not something he practiced towards. This is something he was born with.

You are not him. You will not reach his state with practice.

That model is roughly correct.


Got ya, thanks.

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@sir meowski Its his business, what else would he do lol

i think he is just passionate about what he does for a living, which is talking about the non dual and experiencing mystical/alternative states of consciousness

If that is what he wants to do so be it, allow him the freedom of doing that

don't let that stop you from doing your own work, its your life, not his. 

For leo, its his life, not yours. 

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This anti psychedelic propaganda is more damaging rather then doing people a service, especially in the metaphysics circles and spiritual circles.

Psychedelics is and will always be an insane source of wisdom, insights , healing etc.

There is nothing which even come close to a full breakthrough experience IMHO, there is no drug or meditation that is so out of this world as a breakthrough experience with psychedelics.

Please note that I speak from my own experiences since that is the only measure i can compare with.

But if you are immature in your mind and then goes on to do psychedelics you are setting yourself up for alot of self deception.

Every practice is in a way necessary, they build on eachother, I dont understand this either or mentality that is destroying more then it is helpful imo.

Psychedelics is mimicking death more or less, even science can show the decreased brain activity during a transcendental psychedelic experience.

Also i want to add that why is enlightenment the only measure of truth?

Why is it important?

It is just an ego game if you think that an enlightened being somehow knows truth more then an philosopher/mystic which is illuminated by insights and direct awareness of GOD etc.

Intuitive and discursive knowledge go hand in hand i would say, and they both together produce a wholeness to truth.

Also i want to add, why would a silenced mind be more true then a contemplative mind which can deduce certain truths about the world we live in etc, that is a bias which plenty of spiritual people fall into.

Balance is the key i would say.

You can reach GOD using logic and reason as well, and let me tell you that you do not end up in some nihilistic emptiness/nothingness of the atheist philosophy's, which to me is completly illogical and unrational, you end up at the uncaused cause, completly unlimited in scope, closer then close, there is nothing in this world that is even remotely close to the majesty of GOD.

But paradoxically, there is only GOD and nothing else, but GOD as it is in itself is not the limited human that we are at this particular moment, this is an creation.





Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Adamq8 said:

This anti psychedelic propaganda is more damaging rather then doing people a service, especially in the metaphysics circles and spiritual circles.

Psychedelics is and will always be an insane source of wisdom, insights , healing etc.

There is nothing which even come close to a full breakthrough experience IMHO, there is no drug or meditation that is so out of this world as a breakthrough experience with psychedelics.

Please note that I speak from my own experiences since that is the only measure i can compare with.

But if you are immature in your mind and then goes on to do psychedelics you are setting yourself up for alot of self deception.

Every practice is in a way necessary, they build on eachother, I dont understand this either or mentality that is destroying more then it is helpful imo.

Psychedelics is mimicking death more or less, even science can show the decreased brain activity during a transcendental psychedelic experience.

Also i want to add that why is enlightenment the only measure of truth?

Why is it important?

It is just an ego game if you think that an enlightened being somehow knows truth more then an philosopher/mystic which is illuminated by insights and direct awareness of GOD etc.

Intuitive and discursive knowledge go hand in hand i would say, and they both together produce a wholeness to truth.

Also i want to add, why would a silenced mind be more true then a contemplative mind which can deduce certain truths about the world we live in etc, that is a bias which plenty of spiritual people fall into.

Balance is the key i would say.

You can reach GOD using logic and reason as well, and let me tell you that you do not end up in some nihilistic emptiness/nothingness of the atheist philosophy's, which to me is completly illogical and unrational, you end up at the uncaused cause, completly unlimited in scope, closer then close, there is nothing in this world that is even remotely close to the majesty of GOD.

But paradoxically, there is only GOD and nothing else, but GOD as it is in itself is not the limited human that we are at this particular moment, this is an creation.





Where has this rhetoric that meditation cannot achieve such out of the world experiences? Jhana has literal stages called infinite conciousness and nothinginess, that are completely as out of this world as any psychedelic, this culture on the forum where people can speak absolutely on things they have no experience with should be banned. Until you've achieved full absoprtion Jhana, you don't know what your speaking about, so you should refrain else your misleading people


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Gura is good teacher, now im going to watch music video where I'm entering coral stage. (it's called Dip by stefflon don)

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Leo might rate high on awakening levels. But enlightenment, lol, he's nowhere near enlightened.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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Hey man whats with the attitude of yours, there is no need in being aggressive..

I explicitly made it clear that I spoke from my own experience, and to me nothing comes close to an DMT experience, thats all.

I did not say anything bad about meditation if you read my text again, and I did not state it as an " objective " fact either, I said how my experience has been with meditation and how it differs from psychedelics, to each their own, meditation work better for others and psychedelics work better for some. 

But to state that " Until you've achieved full absoprtion Jhana, you don't know what your speaking about, so you should refrain else your misleading people" is circular logic, you are using buddhist views on meditation to validate buddhist views on meditation as a measure of truth.

That if something is misleading.



Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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1 hour ago, Adamq8 said:


Hey man whats with the attitude of yours, there is no need in being aggressive..

I explicitly made it clear that I spoke from my own experience, and to me nothing comes close to an DMT experience, thats all.

I did not say anything bad about meditation if you read my text again, and I did not state it as an " objective " fact either, I said how my experience has been with meditation and how it differs from psychedelics, to each their own, meditation work better for others and psychedelics work better for some. 

But to state that " Until you've achieved full absoprtion Jhana, you don't know what your speaking about, so you should refrain else your misleading people" is circular logic, you are using buddhist views on meditation to validate buddhist views on meditation as a measure of truth.

That if something is misleading.



Sorry, wasn't intending to come across aggressive, just clear and concise.


To be clear: I'm not circularly using Buddhist states of consciousness to prove any truth, just stating the obvious: until you have achieved them yourself, you don't truly know them or how they compare to anything else. Too many people claim DMT is way more powerful than any meditation technique, whiteout themselves having verified this. It's conjecture

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Leo has said in the past that he is not enlightened. What is enlightenment, other than the direct realization and actualization of your true identity, within the dream?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 hours ago, wildflower said:

Where has this rhetoric that meditation cannot achieve such out of the world experiences? Jhana has literal stages called infinite conciousness and nothinginess, that are completely as out of this world as any psychedelic, this culture on the forum where people can speak absolutely on things they have no experience with should be banned. Until you've achieved full absoprtion Jhana, you don't know what your speaking about, so you should refrain else your misleading people


I can personally verify that the higher jhanas can blow 5-MeO-DMT out... At least in some sense.

YET, if one has the ability to enter jhanas, and they use that skill on 5-MeO-DMT, it's hard to imagine that it wouldn't be more intense in most cases.

But the skill required to enter higher jhanas can take a long, LONG time to develop. And it seems not everyone can do it.

Edited by The0Self

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You have mistaken intensity for enlightenment. The river dancing by the meadow and the winds howling through the trees - sources of supernatural magic and infinite wisdom. There is nothing to get, nothing to grasp. The doer wants to do and the knower wants to know. But the river just is, same as you just are. You are flowing through infinity, like you always have and like you always will. You can gain infinite understanding if you submerge into this eternal Now that always is and always has been. Like a flash of lightning, you will understand with absolute clarity and without trying, that there is nothing to get and nothing to grasp. No experience to pursue. No concept to hold on to. You will appreciate the subtlety of this Now and you will understand the nature of your power. Through presence alone, you will become a realized Master. Self deception will no longer be a possibility for you.

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