
What does "awake" even mean?

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Is there a definite line that you cross when you're suddenly "awake"? I consider myself awake compared to people who live completely unconscious to why they do some of the things they do. It makes sense to me that there are infinite degrees of awareness because I have felt myself becoming more aware as I recognize the ego's traps andthe illusion of self. But is there a "huge breakthrough" you must surpass to consider yourself to be awake? Is that what a mystical experience is supposed to be? Is it possible for someone to just get more conscious in a slow and steady way that they don't even realize they are at a high level, like acclimating to a certain water temperature? Or is "awake" a state of consciousness that is completely unmistakable and outside anything to could imagine experiencing day to day?

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Well I doubt you'd care about terms like "high conscious" and "huge breakthrough" and "awake" if you were "awake" xD

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Well,  don't listen to me, but in terms of lucid dreaming there's a spectrum of lucidity.  Even being just a tiny bit lucid is leaps and bounds above being an unconscious dreamer.

But lucidity only marries two dreams together. "awake" is probably more akin to ending the dream. (waking up) 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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16 minutes ago, JayG84 said:

Or is "awake" a state of consciousness that is completely unmistakable and outside anything to could imagine experiencing day to day?

Unmistakable, unthinkable, unbelievable, unimaginable, un-experiencable, and astoundingly intimately ineffable. “Consciousness”, “awake”, “Truth”, “states”, “levels”, “degrees”, as well as “relativity” lose all apparent meaning. That ‘huge breakthrough’ is the ‘direct experience of infinity’ but it is not a ‘breakthrough’ a you surpasses, nor is it direct, an experience, or infinity. 



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I think its the consciousness state you get after a mystical experience/or maybe several of them

"We are like the spider. We weave our life and then move along in it. We are like the dreamer who dreams and then lives in the dream. This is true for the entire universe."

-- The Upanishads


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It means Consciousness, the Universe, or God awakes to who they are and stop dreaming they are a separate being or a human.

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33 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Unmistakable, unthinkable, unbelievable, unimaginable, un-experiencable, and astoundingly intimately ineffable.

Is this in a good way or a bad way? Is this state more preferable than the ordinary state?

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“States” is a dualistic thought. This state, and that state. ‘Put a state in each hand’ and compare them. Notice, there’s nothing there. Now notice it’s exactly the same for ‘the thought’. There’s is only the apparent, or, illusion of, a comparison. Such is ‘good & bad’, and preferences of. Notice the ‘trap’ of believing the thought that a you is comparing good, bad, preferable, and ordinary states. Notice the actuality, these are thoughts appearing and disappearing, being believed (if so), keeping a narrative going that this is ‘the ordinary state’, or, ‘the mystical state’, or, ‘the low or high consciousness state’, etc, etc. 



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@Nahm I have a question.

In Conversations with God, God says "The game would be over if you remembered everything. You came here for a particular reason, and your Divine Purpose would be thwarted if you understood how everything is put together. Some things will always remain a mystery at this level of consciousness, and it is right that they should. So do not try to solve all the mysteries. Not at one time, anyway. Give the universe a chance. It will unfold itself in due course. Enjoy the experience of becoming."

Do you mean by "awakening" the 'full remembering' and 'the end of the game'? Would you say that you have 'fully remebered' or are you still 'becoming'?

Somehow I feel like there shouldn't be an 'end' to awakening, or remembering. Isn't awakening infinite, always deeper, always more?

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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I feel that awakening is just the first step of the enlightenment journey. Realizing yourself as Consciousness is beautiful, but there is still so much deconditioning to be done. This is a gradual process, but it too is beautiful.

I wrote this yesterday and wanted to share it here:


The Bonfire

Consciousness strikes the spark of my undoing,
Catching in the kindling of thought,
Consuming it to soot, intensifying,
Crumbling the timbers that it wrought,
Purifying fire ever rising,
Burning through the ropes of my desire,
Devouring the karma of my making,
Soul wind stirring these flames higher,
Scattering the ashes of my suffering,
No illusion left, only the fire.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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5 hours ago, JayG84 said:

Is there a definite line that you cross when you're suddenly "awake"?

There a line, but you don't cross it.

5 hours ago, JayG84 said:

Or is "awake" a state of consciousness that is completely unmistakable and outside anything to could imagine experiencing day to day?

The ego is too lazy to even try to realise its true nature, it will avoid the most difficult work to breakthrough. When you do break-through it will show you that everything you experience is this. It can't be anything other, because that's how you focus on actuality.

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5 hours ago, JayG84 said:

Is there a definite line that you cross when you're suddenly "awake"?



I consider myself awake

You are not awake at all. You are dreaming.


Or is "awake" a state of consciousness that is completely unmistakable and outside anything to could imagine experiencing day to day?


It's when you wake up from human life.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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Unless it feels like you're literally dying every moment of your existence, there is a good chance you're not awake.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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1 hour ago, roopepa said:

In Conversations with God, God says "The game would be over if you remembered everything. You came here for a particular reason, and your Divine Purpose would be thwarted if you understood how everything is put together. Some things will always remain a mystery at this level of consciousness, and it is right that they should. So do not try to solve all the mysteries. Not at one time, anyway. Give the universe a chance. It will unfold itself in due course. Enjoy the experience of becoming."

I just read CwG. It definitely talks about things I've never heard from Leo. I would like to hear more of his thoughts on The role of Desire in how we manifest our realities and the metaphysics of energy fields that are Consciousness/Love. Like we've all "felt" Love and the energy or vibe of another person. How does this fit in to awakening? Is this Kundalini energy that we must purify to become better conductors for more Love?

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7 hours ago, JayG84 said:

 Or is "awake" a state of consciousness that is completely unmistakable and outside anything to could imagine experiencing day to day?

Bingo!  It is exactly what the dictionary said, literally, not as a metaphor or philosophy. 

Awake = stop sleeping; wake from sleep

Update: That is why everyone said it is the most profound or shocking  experience they ever had.   I will create new post about growing old.  It deserves itself a separated discussion.

Edited by Tim Ho

Hakuna matata

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3 hours ago, Moksha said:

I feel that awakening is just the first step of the enlightenment journey. Realizing yourself as Consciousness is beautiful, but there is still so much deconditioning to be done. This is a gradual process, but it too is beautiful.

I wrote this yesterday and wanted to share it here:


The Bonfire

Consciousness strikes the spark of my undoing,
Catching in the kindling of thought,
Consuming it to soot, intensifying,
Crumbling the timbers that it wrought,
Purifying fire ever rising,
Burning through the ropes of my desire,
Devouring the karma of my making,
Soul wind stirring these flames higher,
Scattering the ashes of my suffering,
No illusion left, only the fire.

g.r.a.c.e = god realized and completely embodied



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9 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

g.r.a.c.e = god realized and completely embodied

Amazing, isn't it? ?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Unless it feels like you're literally dying every moment of your existence, there is a good chance you're not awake.

Um... no. Don't give people exaggerated negative ideas.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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I think awake is when you have an insight about the nature of reality and you begin to become open to the mind blowing truth that is to know yourself, or to know reality.



You begin to question things that are taken for granted, like matter, thoughts, the ego, etc...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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4 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Unless it feels like you're literally dying every moment of your existence, there is a good chance you're not awake.

how can you feel like you're dying when death is as real as a unicorn? That's like saying unless you feel like your unicorn is being stabbed to death by a hundred demons you haven't realized unicorns are imaginary.

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