
How do I become directly conscious that I am creating reality?

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In one of Leo's episodes with life advice for young people one of the first things he mentions is that there are certain states you can access where you know that you are creating your whole reality. How can one achieve such state? 

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You might as well ask, how do I become directly conscious that I'm God? 

You need to have awakenings that will reveal to you that you have been making distinctions all the time in reality, even though it's all one (Non duality), and those distinctions are actually nothing (literally).

What help me most was 5 Meo, but your path may be different.

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3 hours ago, Aquarius said:

How can one achieve such state? 

The fastest way is through psychedelics. 

The second fastest is through direct observation. Observe for impossible coincidences that occur repeatedly. 

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I experienced this three times. I call it God Consciousness. The first time was on a 5.87 gram mushroom trip. The second was during a manic episode that was also an awakening. The third was when I took 10 tabs of LSD. Psychedelics are you easiest and quickest route. Other than that you have yoga and meditation, but this will take years. Keep in mind this experience comes out more at higher doses. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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6 hours ago, Nahm said:

This thread didn’t exist as this thread. 

Now it does. 

Lol! Brillant!

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It is confirmed now that reality is but a hallucination by your brain, what you are experiencing is a neurological experience, in the back of your head. But if it is all in your brain, then what is your brain? In order for there to be a brain, there must be a hallucination. This whole hallucination is nothing. it is not physical, You are that nothingness, you are that hallucination. Therefore it is safe to say as a concession that you are creating it. Psychedelics, as others have said, may help you realize this whole process. But the deep investigation into the nature of perception, and self-inquiry will inevitably help you achieve this state of awareness.

Edited by black_math49

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7 hours ago, black_math49 said:

It is confirmed now that reality is but a hallucination by your brain, what you are experiencing is a neurological experience, in the back of your head. But if it is all in your brain, then what is your brain? In order for there to be a brain, there must be a hallucination. This whole hallucination is nothing. it is not physical, You are that nothingness, you are that hallucination. Therefore it is safe to say as a concession that you are creating it. Psychedelics, as others have said, may help you realize this whole process. But the deep investigation into the nature of perception, and self-inquiry will inevitably help you achieve this state of awareness.

Very nice explanation, i dont get why neuro scientist can't see this, that the brain hallucinates ur reality, then your brain is also a hallucination, it is all an hallucination by god.?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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i would also like to know how im doing it in this sober state. On ayahuasca its easy, but once im back in the dream i dont know anything :D Maybe its the feature of this dream.. 

@Nahm please tell me!! Im begging you, you must know! Give me some clues, please. 

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Follow your bliss, follow your heart, get quiet, get curious, notice things and appreciate them. After that it's like the snowball effect and the thing starts rolling downhill all on its own. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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53 minutes ago, Nahm said:


How’s it easier on ayahuasca?


On ayahuasca I see this current life as nothing but beautiful (beyond description) dream and I have the power to know, to change what's going to happen next, how people will behave what they will do, I could forsee their actions and create the reality I desire, but at end of the trip or the peak I always choose this one, where I'm sorta ignorant and not knowing what's going to happen next, it's as if I'm learning how to trust the universe. Hmm maybe that's it, I'm here to learn how to trust! Wow thank you Nahm! :) bless you and much love my dear friend <3

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there is no answer i can give that will actually help you just make it happen by what ever means necessary.  

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On 15.8.2020 at 6:16 PM, Adamq8 said:

i dont get why neuro scientist can't see this

Materialism. Consciousness is not created by the brain but rather the brain enables consciousness.

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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On 15.8.2020 at 10:41 AM, black_math49 said:

It is confirmed now that reality is but a hallucination by your brain, what you are experiencing is a neurological experience, in the back of your head. But if it is all in your brain, then what is your brain? In order for there to be a brain, there must be a hallucination. This whole hallucination is nothing. it is not physical, You are that nothingness, you are that hallucination. Therefore it is safe to say as a concession that you are creating it. Psychedelics, as others have said, may help you realize this whole process. But the deep investigation into the nature of perception, and self-inquiry will inevitably help you achieve this state of awareness.

Good one. 

Edited by Vittorio

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I had this realization sober after having meditating for 1 year for 20 minutes daily, on 2 puffs of weed and on 60ug and 125ug of LSD (on different days)

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If a tree falls in the Forrest and there's nobody there to hear it fall, does it make a sound? The answer is no. Because the only thing in all of existence that makes sound, is ears. This is a very well known philosophical idea. One that I believe is true. The tree creates vibration, but the only point at which *sound* specifically comes into existence is when vibration is interpreted and ultimately *created* from an interpretation of vibration, in your hear drum. You are creating the sound.

Everything is like this. Use this to contemplate. In a night time dream it feels like your walking around discovering things, but your actually creating them. To have "perception" is to literally create everything in real time. 5meo is powerful at revealing this. I have only grasped this conceptually so far, for the most part. Something I look forward to actualizing with the help of 5

Edited by Aaron p

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