
Leo,whats the best, most effective and fastest way to awaken?

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Hi, so basically I am a newbie in the field of spirituality and I'm interested in the nature of reality, of god of Love etc. I watched almost all of Leos videos and I am doing some meditation and breathing exercises here and there, but really, it's not a regular daily practice. In his newest video Leo said that Meditation and Yoga could be helpful, but if one is not doing psychedelics and only relies on these other practices, one is just wasting his/her time. Is there a "best way" to make an awakening more possible and more likely. I would say that a good plan could look like this (just my opinion):  first build up your theoretical foundation by watching all of Leos videos, by reading books about awakening, psychedelics etc. Then start a daily Yoga/meditation practice and do some breathing exercises(shamanic breathing for example). If you feel comfortable doing these things(maybe it takes a few monthes, maybe longer, depends on the person), then the main and most important part of this work can begin, which would be a mix of psychedelics and contemplation. You would start with a psychedelic which is easier to handle than the big and heavier ones like 5Meo. You master these more harmless psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD for example), start with a low dose, work your way up to higher doses, until you are ready for the kings of psychedelics (5Meo for example). If you are starting using psychedelics you start a contemplation practice at the same time besides that. You can practice it even before your psychedelic journey begins. So you contemplate before, during and after trips. Contemplation questions could be: What is God? What is Love? etc. And this mix of deep contemplation and heavier psychdelics like 5Meo can lead you to a full and total awakening. (if you do it long and consistent enough)

This would be my plan and I think it would be the best and most effectice way to a full and deep enlightenment.


What do you guys, and what do you think Leo? @Leo Gura

Edited by actualizing25

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If you've watched all of his videos it should be obvious what his answer will be xD 

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1 hour ago, actualizing25 said:

This would be my plan and I think it would be the best and most effectice way to a full and deep enlightenment.

So you got a way to full and deep enlightenment.  But do you know what enlightenment is ? 

spoiler : whatever you think it is, it is not.


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1 hour ago, Meta-Man said:

Sounds like a good plan.

Personally I don’t like a very rigid mechanical approach, but I guess it could work for some.

Sitting in silence doing nothing






Being more truthful/authentic in everyday life


This has basically been my ‘approach’, except it all happened naturally/organically/effortlessly.



This right here is it.

If you need help with self inquiry tips listen to Leo's enlightenment videos in order.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@actualizing25 There is no clear answer. It depends a lot on you. It's a good idea to be open to exploring various methods to find those which resonate with you. Allow this to be a process of discovery and experimentation, that way you can stumble upon new stuff, new methods, new teachers, etc.

Psychedelics will give you some solid glimpses but they will not be enough by themselves to embody awakening. You will need some manual practices. Developing your concentration ability is crucial. It think this holds people back the most. They can't focus the mind long enough to awaken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

@actualizing25 There is no clear answer. It depends a lot on you. It's a good idea to be open to exploring various methods to find those which resonate with you. Allow this to be a process of discovery and experimentation, that way you can stumble upon new stuff, new methods, new teachers, etc.

Psychedelics will give you some solid glimpses but they will not be enough by themselves to embody awakening. You will need some manual practices. Developing your concentration ability is crucial. It think this holds people back the most. They can't focus the mind long enough to awaken.

Maybe that's because we are not taking into account suffering due to one's own selfishness.   I had decades of it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@actualizing25 there is a body and a sense of ME in the body.

Forget about the body for now..

What makes up that sense of ME?

What does it consist of?



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Gurus hate him. Find out how this man got enlightened with this one simple trick. ;)

“ In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind there are few. ”
― Shunryu Suzuki

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You will need some manual practices. Developing your concentration ability is crucial. It think this holds people back the most. They can't focus the mind long enough to awaken.

Ofc, concentration is f.. crucial. It is almost all what's needed in this work but you dont appreciate its importance yet.:P

Edited by tedens

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The mind is not involved at all

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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self inquiry with medium doses of good quality cannabis helps me along my journey

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@Leo Gura This is really good advice. 

also, In terms of concentration, look into Dopamine Detox, technology and artificial stimulation is a big reason a lot of us can’t concentrate/ sit still for long periods of time. 

Think Social media, phone, games, apps, porn etc all releases incredible levels of dopamine. 

I would say a big reason for the rise in ADD is probably due to the incredible amount of technology and media we consume on a daily basis. 

So, if you have a technology addiction, try a 1 day dopamine detox, and also try to reduce your overall usage over certain periods where you need to concentrate more. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Leo Gura This is really good advice. 

also, In terms of concentration, look into Dopamine Detox, technology and artificial stimulation is a big reason a lot of us can’t concentrate/ sit still for long periods of time. 

Think Social media, phone, games, apps, porn etc all releases incredible levels of dopamine. 

I would say a big reason for the rise in ADD is probably due to the incredible amount of technology and media we consume on a daily basis. 

So, if you have a technology addiction, try a 1 day dopamine detox, and also try to reduce your overall usage over certain periods where you need to concentrate more. 

I'm not sure about that. Last year I was very deep into quitting porn because I felt almost sure how bad it was because of the dopamine release but then I'll realize much of it was psychological. (once I read that porn was so bad and it was the responsible of my problems, my mind absorbed and belief all of that dopamine bro-science as absolute and seriously think I did some serious nocebo effect on me).

I realized much of it was psychological, in our super stimulated world if you don't get stimulation from porn or social media you'll end up getting in other forms in the internet, doing push ups and listening to techno music (lol)... etc.

Sure, doing push-ups and socializing is definitely a way more healthy mechanism of releasing dopamine than watching porn or scrolling throughout YouTube and Instagram, but, the point is the mind in either way in all those cases will be and crave be distracted with external stimulation.

And particularly in my experience I am not noticing a very straight line between success in consciousness practices, and abuse of social media/internet scrolling addiction (that's what I call it LoL). In this days of quarentine I'm literally checking Instagram like 20-30 times a day, also this forum and lot...etc and it is mainly because I find myself I can't go out and the mind gets anxious... however at the same time I'm reaching levels of concentration in my yoga and meditation practices which are being absolutely amazing, like I've never have reached in my life. 

I must say, when i did abstained from porn and Internet scrolling, i did felt quite more calm and less anxious overall, but also more bored. I wouldn't say it improved my practice, I just felt a little with more patience to enjoy boredom (I guess with some consciouss practices this could be an advantage, but I think you don't want to get bored doing meditation or yoga because then you're probably doing it wrong)

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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13 hours ago, Zanoni said:

Gurus hate him. Find out how this man got enlightened with this one simple trick. ;)

haha! good one

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@Javfly33 Porn isn’t inherently bad, just like nothing is, however, relatively speaking, excess use can have negative effects in ones life that go beyond Dopamine, although if I remember rightly studies showed the increase similar to that of a Cocaine user. I mean check any NoFap forums or the book Your Brain On Porn, it basically desensitises you to natural sexuality, and has even caused ED in young males, as well as a host of other issues, I’d say it’s a much bigger issue than most want to quit. And, most don’t wan to face it as it is such a hard vice to quit for many, and is so widely used, and of course people in the industry won’t say cut down as they make so much $$$ from the people who are hooked, similar to the gambling industry. 

Also, side note, just be careful not to try and rationalise addictions and bad habits, I’m certainly guilty of this. I tried to rationalise porn for years, and I’m not saying it’s bad for everyone, but for me, the cons certainly outweighed the pros. 

Im also not saying quit everything you enjoy, not at all. I still use social media here and there, play video games at certain times and watch TV/ Movies, However, all of these are after I’ve completed work for example, and if I was going through a very busy phase in my business I would certainly limit them, as it can skyrocket your focus, id recommend looking into it a bit more. 

P.S. being bored is a good sign, explore that, we are so used to being stimulated and distracting ourselves, we often don’t give ourselves chance to investigate and rest. 

Also, this isn’t an absolute and won’t work for everyone of course, however, if you look at most top performers in their field, who are dedicated to their LP, they won’t be spending hours on Instagram or watching Porn, sure they will enjoy life, but the focus will be on their LP or main focus in their life at that time, that’s more what I’m talking about. 

I know for me, switching my phone off in work hours, cutting out porn, cutting down on TV/ Movies and video games in the week, fasting and cleaning up my diet has skyrocketed my ability to concentrate and focus during work hours. But, like I said everyone is very different, however, the rising cases of ADD are very alarming, although it goes way deeper than dopamine. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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sorry for derailing the thread slightly, to answer your question this is what was most effective for me (aside from the basics people have mentioned already) 

Working 1-1 with an awakened being through any blockages/ issues/ struggles you are having on your path. 

Transmissions- Silence is always the highest teaching, as the truth can only be found in silence, any words we speak are simply a modulation of the truth, but of course necessary in most cases and helpful. 

If you can and are ready, I would certainly recommend working with a teacher 1-1, it, to me, is far more effective than attending Satsangs (which has its uses as well!), watching videos& reading books (again have their uses) 

Its like being taught sport in a group setting or 1-1, when 1-1 you can focus more diligently on your own issues and where exactly you are going wrong etc.

Was extremely helpful for me! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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6 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

I'm not sure about that. Last year I was very deep into quitting porn because I felt almost sure how bad it was because of the dopamine release but then I'll realize much of it was psychological. (once I read that porn was so bad and it was the responsible of my problems, my mind absorbed and belief all of that dopamine bro-science as absolute and seriously think I did some serious nocebo effect on me).

I realized much of it was psychological, in our super stimulated world if you don't get stimulation from porn or social media you'll end up getting in other forms in the internet, doing push ups and listening to techno music (lol)... etc.

Sure, doing push-ups and socializing is definitely a way more healthy mechanism of releasing dopamine than watching porn or scrolling throughout YouTube and Instagram, but, the point is the mind in either way in all those cases will be and crave be distracted with external stimulation.

And particularly in my experience I am not noticing a very straight line between success in consciousness practices, and abuse of social media/internet scrolling addiction (that's what I call it LoL). In this days of quarentine I'm literally checking Instagram like 20-30 times a day, also this forum and lot...etc and it is mainly because I find myself I can't go out and the mind gets anxious... however at the same time I'm reaching levels of concentration in my yoga and meditation practices which are being absolutely amazing, like I've never have reached in my life. 

I must say, when i did abstained from porn and Internet scrolling, i did felt quite more calm and less anxious overall, but also more bored. I wouldn't say it improved my practice, I just felt a little with more patience to enjoy boredom (I guess with some consciouss practices this could be an advantage, but I think you don't want to get bored doing meditation or yoga because then you're probably doing it wrong)

If there is suffering involved with the whole situation then maybe adjust accordingly...

If you have transcended beyond the apparent suffering there is no issue..

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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On 12/04/2020 at 7:04 AM, actualizing25 said:

more harmless psychedelics (mushrooms, LSD for example)

With an assumption like that, you are in for a nasty surprise xD

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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4 hours ago, VeganAwake said:

If there is suffering involved with the whole situation then maybe adjust accordingly...

If you have transcended beyond the apparent suffering there is no issue..

I "think" so. I just leave the mind and body to do what it wants. Since I am not it, the only thing that is a problem is when I believe I am them. That´s why I just care about doing the practices and being conscious, the rest of the day "I plug out". The more conscious I become the more the illusory identity "falls apart" like you like to say. Sometime shadow work must be done but a lot of others times much of the issues are related straightly with the identity,so if the identity stops being feed, the issues are just seen as non-sense things which just stop being re-conditioned.


May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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