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What do I have to do to get rid of porn addiction?

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I even meditated one hour as leo said and still relapsed.

I cannot control my mind,I could even meditate for days.after this I'm still going tor relapse.

Porn numbed me so much that It is imposible to control myself when I have urges.

Please help me!!!!!!

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8 hours ago, Name said:

I even meditated one hour as leo said and still relapsed.

I cannot control my mind,I could even meditate for days.after this I'm still going tor relapse.

Porn numbed me so much that It is imposible to control myself when I have urges.

Please help me!!!!!!

I hate to say, but if you feel it's an actual "addiction" you need to abstain from it. If that is impossible, then doing it in moderation is the next best thing. 

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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I think the urge to fap is greater than the fear of death ?

have you tried joining in on no nut november?


I've changed my account password to something I don't remember. 

I do not support anymore


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12 hours ago, Name said:

I even meditated one hour as leo said and still relapsed.

I cannot control my mind,I could even meditate for days.after this I'm still going tor relapse.

Porn numbed me so much that It is imposible to control myself when I have urges.

Please help me!!!!!!

If it feels irresistible, then it is irresistible. 

Have proper expectations: You will relapse many times. Accept this. It won't happen that you commit to not fapping and then it's done. 

I found something better and sexier : Sexual visions and dreams, the ability to imagine and feel any woman riding you, the ability to get a boner and be horny all the time, the kind of energy that comes with that, the love for life that you feel. The connection to being.

For you though, generally speaking, you keep finding the niche of porn that is sexier and more fetish oriented, and it is very good. Kinda irresistible. You will go through withdrawal symptoms. But if you've seen enough of what you find enticing. Your mind will find a way to recreate it or replace it with something better or an equivalent if you completely cut off that source. 

Be motivated by what could be possible. 

If you want to really quit, just sit there and do nothing. Watch your urges arise, stay and go away. 


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try reading the book "Breaking the Cycle" by  George Collins and Andrew Adleman

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On 11/12/2019 at 5:35 PM, Name said:

I even meditated one hour as leo said and still relapsed.

I cannot control my mind,I could even meditate for days.after this I'm still going tor relapse.

Porn numbed me so much that It is imposible to control myself when I have urges.

Please help me!!!!!!

Something that I think works for addictions in general is awareness. An addiction is by definition a habit that's done in auto-pilot mode. So next time when you have the urge to watch porn, bring your complete attention to your urge. Observe how it feels, what thoughts arise, get to know the "excuses" you find to watch porn, what you expect to get out of watching porn, etc. Often times, when one does this, the urge can be "controlled" or not acted out. This will probably take a great deal of effort, but every time you do this, you're training yourself not to act out on your urge. If you happen to relapse, try to observe this in the same neutral way, without beating yourself up (addictions are deeply ingrained habits that usually serve as an escape to uncomfortable feelings and relapses are a normal part of the process). 

You can also use this: When you feel the urge to watch porn imagine yourself after having watched it. Try to imagine as vividly as possible how you would feel. After doing this for some time, decide if you really want to indulge in this behavior. 

Lastly, since many of our addictive behaviors stem from not wanting to feel uncomfortable feelings (boredom, dissatisfaction with life, etc.), get creative and find healthy activities that can feel good and fill your time, especially if you spend many hours without doing anything in particular. 

As a summary, you could say that you need a balance between discipline and compassion towards yourself to overcome an addiction. IMO, the most important part is increasing your tolerance to discomfort, allow yourself to feel it, let it flow through you. 

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You have options.

You could try not focusing specifically on overcoming a porn addiction, but instead switch your focus to general personal development and 'move away' from porn addiction that way. The addictions grip on you may lessen as a by-product. 

Think about the environment and the triggers that lead to relapse, and if you are able to remove them (maybe you block adult websites on your phone, move your laptop out of the bedroom).

You could look at the 12-step model or any other therapy. It might be that the porn addiction is a symptom of childhood wounds, or depression, there could be biological factors. It's your job to inquire and to take action. Good luck.


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I know it sounds new agey, but its true: You need to reconcile and accept porn in your life before you can let it go.

May you realize you are sitting on your Inmortal Throne of Bliss, and you have no obligations of any kind but to enjoy What You Are. Shambo

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Distance yourself from enablers like the internet and your computer. If you go to a healing retreat or meditation retreat where you are in close living quarters with other people and it's impossible to look at porn and or masturbate, you'll notice the urge come back but with a different relationship to it. 

While in this kind of situation, you'll have a better chance contemplating your relationship to masterbation and porn and hopefully be able to bring back your insights to your normal life. 

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@Name Read this

It will help you develop ideas of what porn is doing to your brain. 

There are benefits of not watching porn as well such as having a higher self respect.

You can substitute it for something healthier, I need to stop wasting my time listening to music so I decided that expressing myself emotionally in a social setting will be a good substitute.

Fundamentally, you can stop. How you do it is up to you.

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You have to outsmart the addiction, sometimes its the only way. Your brain will do whatever it can to try and find ways for you to fall back into the addiction. We live in a very overly sexualised society so you have a lot against you. Do a complete detox, icompletely detox from all devises that have internet etc. Do a ten day Vipassana or look at maybe volunteering somewhere that dose not have internet or phone use. After about 6 months your brain will start to free itself from the addiction. Its like being an alcoholic and living in a bar, sometimes you just have to leave the bar.


Of course this is extreme and you might not be able to do this because of commitments you have with your life but start looking at ways to get ride of devices the could enable you to access porn for a period of time until its under control

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What do I have to do to get rid of porn addiction?

Listen to Leo's Self Deception series, and 30 ways society fucks you in the ass

That's how I did it.

Good luck!

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On 11/12/2019 at 10:05 PM, Name said:

I even meditated one hour as leo said

@Name leo has been never claim 1hr mediation will cure your NOFAP addiction 

See this video!

You have to learn about balancing things in Life!!!

What's important in life, don't waste your time on Just for 2/3 mins silly pleasure! 

1hr meditation will not help you. Thats  need HARDCORE Practice!

All of your life you have been told that God created you. God come now to tell you this:  You are creating God❤️

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Life purpose, dreamboarding, journaling, underestanding what you really want and increase the hours of wakefulness, you will not be able to stand the dillemma for long.

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I attempted to "get over" the "addiction". I definitely feel like I'm not as attached to the habit anymore, even though I enjoy it more than ever. It doesn't seem like an issue or anything that gets in the way of my focus or anything now, whereas in the past it kind of used to. I feel like there's a self-fulling prophecy effect, though, where all these videos and nofap and terminology will make you think the condition is way worse than it is. 
"PMO, addiction, relapse, spilled my seed, etc." Unhook from those negative attitudes towards it. For me, nofap past a week made me more lethargic and tired than anything else. I kind of just self-regulate now.

I mean if you're going at it like twice a day or more and stockpiling the stuff, you might have an issue. If your testosterone is low or you feel extremely lethargic when you use porn, and then energized when you stop for days or weeks at a time, that might mean you could use some supplements and implement more balance in your life. Ironically for me, stockpiling good material wound up making the process pretty quick and enjoyable when I do use the stuff. It's part of what got rid of the compulsiveness and franticness of the whole activity, I think. Being open about the activity itself is also useful. Talking with friends and online friends and whatnot can help. I try to celebrate the activity a bit, like going out to eat at a good restaurant.

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Getting over any addiction in a lasting manner, requires you to go meta on it. (Watch Leo's video about it: Content vs structure)

Addictions are sympthoms not the diseases itself.  

Investigate why you are addicted?
As you stated youself: "Porn numbs me", so what needs numbing? Which pain or trauma are you numbing? Why are you doing that? Why does it hurt so much? How much does it actually hurt? Why can't this pain or trauma just exist? What is so bad about it that you have to flee in an addiction? 

Don't get me wrong here, all these question are extremely painfull, confronting, awkward, shamefull even treathening! But compare this pain to the pain your addiction is causing. Why not exchange one pain for the other? It won't hurt will just hurt differently, and in the long run, your life wil become much better.

Don't "cure" your trauma's, you are not sick, there is nothing wrong with you, EVERYBODY has trauma's big and small. Learn how to integrate these trauma's, learn to allow the pain to exist, it can't kill you, it's just uncomfortable nothing more.

Best of luck

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