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About Zega

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  • Birthday 11/19/1992

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    Southern California
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  1. I was worried we were making a death star from the title
  2. @Scholar I must have misunderstood, I thought we were talking about convicted pedophiles... There are some support groups for people who have the thoughts and urges, other than therapy: Virtuous Pedophiles, TROUBLED DESIRE, MAP Support Club, and CBT. It's up to the person having these feelings to reach out and seek help so those thoughts don't become actions.
  3. I think a broader topic is how criminals are handled in the justice system. At least in the states, we have a draconian punishment-based for-profit prison system that isn't focused on rehabilitation. UK is almost as bad and there are certainly worse prison systems around the world, but the bottom line is that a dramatic shift has to happen before we can even talk about pedophiles. I think this is more a reflection on our spiral dynamic stage that reflects how we treat criminals. We aren't quite ready yet to have a stage green prison system like some scandinavian countries have, as much as I would like that. So I think the first, and biggest, steps are to take profits out of the prison system by deprivatizing them and pushing for a mass prison reform to help criminals reintegrate into society with jobs and responsibilities. We don't do this through slave labor like some prisons have. I'd like to point out that there is a very small percentage of people who cannot be rehabilitated and need to be taken out of society permanently. This doesn't mean they should be dehumanized either, but there's people out there whose brain is wired so dramatically different that there is no way they can function normally outside of supervised containment. Some of these people are pedophiles.
  4. “One of the penalties of refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” -Plato I think Leo actually put this quote in one of his political videos
  5. I have a few close friends who were teachers. Most in CA one in CO. They all pretty much say the same thing: the pay is garbage for the work you are doing but they love the actual work they are doing. I really hope we can make teaching a good paying job again but it seems to have been on a downward incline since I was in school. I wanted to be a band teacher but I've known enough band teachers to no longer be interested in that... Education is in such a weird place in the states right now.
  6. The problem is that so many other states maliciously hate California that people would probably vote against him in fear of the whole country being like CA. Living in CA myself, I don't like all of his policies or how he's handled some things but he's at least competent. I'd vote for him over Larry Elder for governor again any day.
  7. So are we just pulling pictures off reddit now? I reverse searched this and it came from a jewish subreddit with no source. Besides that there's plenty of pic like this from gun loving families in the US. So your point is they're all conditioned to be terrorists? Is anyone even moderating this thread anymore? I'm just checking this after a month and the last 5 pages looks like a YouTube comment section.
  8. We would have to start with people being allowed to buy property and charge rent. There's a politician in my county who thrives on doing exactly that and there is 0 incentive for him and people like him to stop. Easy passive income while investing little to nothing into the property they own and raising rent annually as if wages were also going up.
  9. I don't believe I suggested any of that. You can allow people to leave Gaza and still have checkpoints, what are you talking about?
  10. Isn't Hamas the result of people who have been oppressed, humiliated, and segregated for seven decades? It's not shocking that people become radicalized from decades of oppression. I don't see Hamas being eliminated while Gaza remains the world's largest open-air prison. There's no justice for Palestinians when they are abused by Israel citizens in the West Bank or anywhere else. There's a ton of video examples of the oppressed life of average Palestinians like this one I'm sure you're well aware of this already. The longer they live like this the more people will be radicalized and join Hamas. What other options do they have when your apartment building could just be bombed indiscriminately one day with little to no warning? It's not like there's any other groups to turn to. Back to the cancer analogy, aren't Israel's actions like trying to treat cancer by smoking it out with tobacco? Counter intuitively wouldn't the Israel government be better off pushing for equal rights of Palestinians? Maybe policy change that allows them to leave Gaza....Probably wishful thinking on my part, but Hamas wouldn't have support of radicalized Palestinians if they weren't being treated as subhuman and given rights. Maybe then they could have a sane leadership. Idk what the "correct" response is to Hamas's acts of terror but the violence is incredibly asymmetrical and Israel has the power to do this differently, but their right-wing government is a whole other topic. quick edit* I also want to add that from scrolling through various social media comments I've noticed people seem to think Hamas is some kind of power house that both controls Israel and Gaza. That's more a point about propaganda but I felt it worth mentioning.
  11. There's not much I can add to what's been said here but one side is trying to give kids free school lunches, the other side is forcing kids to have their rapist's babies. Maybe to you it's a small distinction but that's probably because you're not living in an area where your life was majorly impacted by conservative legislation.
  12. The US is only 245 years old and built on paved over graves
  13. All things in life in moderation...especially moderation.