Leo Gura

The DPT Mega-Thread

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6 minutes ago, Sia said:

In the "DPT: The Other God Molecule" you talked about the deepest awakening that you've had so far and you said it was so deep that you could not believe how it is possible to be alive, but in your past experiences you said that you were completely aware of how you designed every cell in your body and so on.... my point is, if the awakening that happened in your sleep was deeper, shouldn't you be even more aware than those previous experiences? you mean if you go deeper in god's head you forget about how you made life?

It's not so simple. There are many different facets to God's awareness. Sometimes you're aware of one facet but not another.

In practice you have to sorta see different facets individually and then piece them together. There's just too damn much to see it all at once.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I just took 40mg of DPT last night. 

Let me just say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't really feel GOD-like or anything, maybe I am just not ready or conscious enough or something but I can see why people say that DPT has a more "darker" tone to it then other substances. Let me explain...

On the come up I was just laughing at everything. Then here's where the "darker" tone comes in. I remember at one point in the DPT trip it felt as if I was being possessed over and over again by different malevolent spirits telling me that I need to work on my sub communications towards people, because people can sense through my vocal tonality that there is no empathy there and that I need to have empathy in order for people to feel safe around me. I then just starting laughing like an evil maniac. I think for most normal people this type of thing would scare the shit out of them but honestly I was really enjoying getting possessed over and over again which I am not so sure if that's a good or bad thing lol. That was the the so called evil part of the trip

For the so called "good" part of the trip, I had periods of extreme love and compassion in my heart especially towards my dog. I remember near the end of the peak I placed my hands on him and attempted to heal him as he is a rescue dog and has been through a lot. I remember it felt as though I was taking on some of his "negative" karma and I shed a lot of tears as I was trying to heal him. He seemed to feel somewhat better, but I don't know if it's all in my head or just imagination or both. Like Leo says imagination is reality.

All in all that was my first real trip at a dose that high and I feel as though I barely just scratched the surface. The experience was over really fast. It felt as if I didn't even have enough time to catch my breath before it was over. It was like I ascended up to a super high state of consciousness really quickly and then came down just as fast. I'm definitely going to have to experiment more and explore this substance.

Edited by onacloudynight

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So I took a break from my microdosing addiction for one week and took 60mg DPT plugged after having beaten my meat on weed until it was dead and out of seed. God, I love the female orgasm. It gives no release. It keeps going on. No stop. Perfect. Surrender. Feel. Alive.

It feels like I got fucked by a drug. Like I have been violated. I liked it. A lot. I'd like to show it. I can only show it to my girl. Such a good girl. Perfectly imperfect. Yet I still accept her. The way she is. Fill her so she will be the best yet. Penetrate into her. Through her the entire world will be filled. I surrender in her arms. I drop my body. Let go of control. I am received and held up. I float away into a soft sea of nothingness. It envelops me like a cocoon protects a butterfly. I am surrounded by it. Sweet because I made it. Perfectly still. So sweet and delicious. Mine. I made you and I made me. I make and I have made. I will continue to make and dream. Dream is real. I am here and you are here. I make it so. This is me. And you. Forever. In sweet harmony. Let's come together. These are just letters floating on a screen. Seemingly coming out of nowhere. Were those it come from. Do you understand everything that makes this possible right now. This  moment made possible by a past version of me. Now a newer version reads me. A never ending cycle of something. What is it. I don't know. I feel like I am loosing it while I write this. It leaves my body through my fingers. My fingers that are typing on a keyboard. What is a keyboard. Letters are appearing on a screen in front of me. The sentences become longer and longer while I am returning to this body. Take it over and make it mine. Look where I go. I go wherever I want to go. I make whatever I want real. This is my choice. This is my life. You see. It is coming back. Taking over. Taking control of my body. I let it in. It's voice is so sweet. Here we go. Fuck you all. Suck my dick. Beautiful. Isn't it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Hard. Firm. Penis.

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I'd say 150-200mg plugged is not a problem physically if you are healthy in general. Now, how you're gonna handle it and why'd take that much is another question.


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So this weekend I took DPT 3 days in a row. First 2 days was mixed with weed and today was sober. Dosages were 60, 75 and 105mg rectal. This is after taking a 6 day break of a daily 4-AcO-DMT microdosing schedule. You can probably subtract at least 10-20mg for general tolerance from my dosages.

First two trips seemed to just stir stuff up, but I didn't know what it was. It was not tangible for me. Because my girl got worried about me I crashed a little yesterday. Not too bad. Then today I was experiencing the familiar pain. The pain that drives me to want to essentially terminate this life. Even though I can't, because then the pain lives on in my family members. Sometimes that makes me hate everyone that loves me, because they are keeping me here. On the other hand I am grateful, because I would have left long time ago. 

I wanted to know what this pain was, I wanted to know today. I wanted to "fix" it, to "make it right", I wanted to "pay the price" for whatever it was. It is rather personal and messy childhood family stuff. I got taken pretty much straight to it. It was not something I was thinking about and popped up pretty much out of the blue. I am rather grateful for this experience and I feel like a large burden has been lifted from me.

DPT is a powerful tool and it seems highly maluable to me. So if you have a burning desire to know "what  it is", then I guess you will get your answer. However you will have to live with it. I just wanted to know what "this pain" was that was crippling me in PTSD like flashbacks. I got my answer. I will take a break from DPT and go back to my 4-AcO-DMT micro-dosing schedule. Maybe in a month I will take another few days and dedicate that to digging down to "what it is".

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On 7/10/2019 at 3:59 AM, Schahin said:

@Leo Gura

What have you found out about these things:

Does each human have a predetermined or preplanned destiny? 

Not from what I can tell.


Therefore is free will really non existent? The ayahuasca followers still say that free will is inherent to every human. 

Free will is existent as the Will of God. God's highest Will is total freedom for you. God gives you just enough rope that you can awaken yourself or hang yourself.


Do coincidences exist or is everything carefully wanted to be as it is, withouth coincidences, pure destiny.

Not coincidences but divine Intelligence permeates and structures all of Creation. Yet this is not destiny. Divine Intelligence balances between autonomy and communion, creating an infinite holoarchy of holons which culminate in an infinite fractal of Absolute Goodness and Love.

God's plan is to give its offspring a taste of the joys of being a creator. God is sharing itself with itself, the result of which is your human form and ability to make decisions for your life.

On 7/9/2019 at 5:33 PM, Girzo said:

That's why on every new batch and substance you put like 10 scoops on a scale and see how much approx. one spoon holds. Then do it one more time to make sure everything is right. After you know how much milligrams one spoon carries you can accurately share your dosages.

Gemini 20 or similar is enough. You don't really need a more expensive scale.

Good point.

On 7/13/2019 at 6:12 AM, onacloudynight said:

I just took 40mg of DPT last night. 

Let me just say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't really feel GOD-like or anything, maybe I am just not ready or conscious enough or something but I can see why people say that DPT has a more "darker" tone to it then other substances. Let me explain...

On the come up I was just laughing at everything. Then here's where the "darker" tone comes in. I remember at one point in the DPT trip it felt as if I was being possessed over and over again by different malevolent spirits telling me that I need to work on my sub communications towards people, because people can sense through my vocal tonality that there is no empathy there and that I need to have empathy in order for people to feel safe around me. I then just starting laughing like an evil maniac. I think for most normal people this type of thing would scare the shit out of them but honestly I was really enjoying getting possessed over and over again which I am not so sure if that's a good or bad thing lol. That was the the so called evil part of the trip

I don't get that at all. Odd how different it is for people.

I just get total nonduality and extreme visionary powers. I get the infinite vision of God. A vision powerful enough to spawn entire galaxies into existence.


I remember near the end of the peak I placed my hands on him and attempted to heal him as he is a rescue dog and has been through a lot. I remember it felt as though I was taking on some of his "negative" karma and I shed a lot of tears as I was trying to heal him. He seemed to feel somewhat better, but I don't know if it's all in my head or just imagination or both. Like Leo says imagination is reality.

Keep practicing that. Gold lies in them thar hills!

Remember, dog is God spelled backwards ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why do some people get non-dual states with DPT and many other just get different wired trips? What is it with DPT that makes everyone have different trips. Why do not everyone just have non-dual states with DPT?

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11 hours ago, Psychonaut said:

So this weekend I took DPT 3 days in a row. First 2 days was mixed with weed and today was sober. Dosages were 60, 75 and 105mg rectal. This is after taking a 6 day break of a daily 4-AcO-DMT microdosing schedule. You can probably subtract at least 10-20mg for general tolerance from my dosages.

First two trips seemed to just stir stuff up, but I didn't know what it was. It was not tangible for me. Because my girl got worried about me I crashed a little yesterday. Not too bad. Then today I was experiencing the familiar pain. The pain that drives me to want to essentially terminate this life. Even though I can't, because then the pain lives on in my family members. Sometimes that makes me hate everyone that loves me, because they are keeping me here. On the other hand I am grateful, because I would have left long time ago. 

I wanted to know what this pain was, I wanted to know today. I wanted to "fix" it, to "make it right", I wanted to "pay the price" for whatever it was. It is rather personal and messy childhood family stuff. I got taken pretty much straight to it. It was not something I was thinking about and popped up pretty much out of the blue. I am rather grateful for this experience and I feel like a large burden has been lifted from me.

DPT is a powerful tool and it seems highly maluable to me. So if you have a burning desire to know "what  it is", then I guess you will get your answer. However you will have to live with it. I just wanted to know what "this pain" was that was crippling me in PTSD like flashbacks. I got my answer. I will take a break from DPT and go back to my 4-AcO-DMT micro-dosing schedule. Maybe in a month I will take another few days and dedicate that to digging down to "what it is".

If you want to kill yourself, why not do a major dose of 5-MeO or DTP, to try and break-through to a full Awakening for full Ego Death? Why hold back? If you did, most likely the urge to die and the issues from your past would be gone. 

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@Peo Everyone has different trips on everything. 

On DPT it seems like you go through some deep mind purification and what kind of shit people have experienced, repressed or whatever varies wildly, hence different weird experiences. Other psychedelics also make you deal with your "stuff", but DPT sounds like it doesn't hold back it just shows you how you imagined all the so called evil shit on all levels of consciousness. Others that are already very purified just go straight into the mind of God.

People like Leo who already understands evil doesn't exist on a deep level probably won't experience weird shit at all and even if he does he won't interpret anything that's happening in the trip as outside of himself and trying to hurt him.

In any case I think it's still beneficial to go through those weird trips as long as you have some theoretical foundation on non-duality.

I have yet to try DPT, but other psychedelics give me a lot of intuition on this stuff.

“Man’s faith in God is measured by his confidence in himself... Your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself, because your true self is God.”  - Neville Goddard

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@Jed Vassallo It doesn't work this way. I have tried forcing it especially with 5-MeO-DMT. It just traumatized me even more. I have to deal with this shit.

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Lol. I made a post about DPT almost 3 years ago. I think the trip I was referring to was one of the last I did on it before it was banned. Now that I look at it, it is very possible that the thing I wrote about humans was my own projections. I had a very bleak look on humanity then I guess.. But who the hell knows? 

I will try and get my hands on it again. I took it before diving into the path fully. Would be interesting to take it now 3 years later and see how different it'd be.

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Would plugging DPT in a gel capsule work? Are there reasons to prefer syringe with water?

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@mindcentral It would probably be much less effective and dirtier.

Syringe is clean and easy.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, john23 said:

For you @Leo Gura is DPT just superior and no need for 5-meo anymore?

I love them both. They have some unique pros and cons. But for this point in my journey, DPT hits the spot. Who knows what the future will bring.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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My short trip report of 50mg DPT:  amor more amor amor amor more amor... till infinity. :)

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If I have the choise to choose between 5 Meo and DPT, on which substance should I start with?

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2 hours ago, OBEler said:

If I have the choise to choose between 5 Meo and DPT, on which substance should I start with?

I would have to suggest 5 Meo 1st because it opens you up to the light and then DPT so that there will be little chance to get bad trips on it.  This is the way I did it and I have never had a bad trip. (close to 40 on medium to high dosages.) 

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