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About Peo

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  1. Only healthy thing about muscle mass is increased bone density.
  2. You need to stop watching Tiktok bro. It is poison for your mind.
  3. You do? or u just joking?
  4. If only that was the case. It would have been fun, but that girl had some serious anger issues.
  5. True. Must have sex no matter the cost.
  6. false. Stop with these assumtions. Have never said that i see myself as 0.
  7. I don't like talking to unattractive girls. I always approach girls between 6-10s
  8. You know most nightclubs and bars are close on the day right?
  9. Ok, but i don't really know what people mean when they talk about vibe and energy. Is that in my head?
  10. The most reasonable explanation. I have seen girls crying and puking when i have gone out.
  11. What state? Full blown psychedelic state?
  12. 0 female friends. 7 bestfriends guys. 3 sorta guy friends, not very close. Does discord count? Does pick-up count? 10-15 girls per week.