
What is time ?

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Physics is the only science that explicitly studies time, but even physicists agree that time is one of the most difficult properties of our universe to understand. so What is Time .? can we travel in it ?can we live out of it .?

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Theoritcally speaking, time-travelling is possible.

I don't know anything else about this subject, except that I once stopped knowing what time is, the concept of time stopped being true for about 10 seconds, as ironic as it might seem, but seriously though.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Time is just a buffer, it's necessary for creation, it gives space for thoughts and feelings to arise and desires to be born. There's no journey without time, and no journey without desire. You can alter your perception of it, if you want. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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From a sort of human concepts standpoint, I suppose we created the idea of time to make and share distinctions relating to things that benefited and threatened us.

Because the parts of us that feel threatened are the parts of the infinite universe that happen to be concerned with their own survival. Because within infinity exists every finitude.

And occasionally a sandcastle becomes particularly conscious of itself as sand rather than as a sandcastle.

And then someone replies that there isn't any sand.


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Do you think you could tell what time it is, if all of reality just stopped moving? (even your thoughts) 

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1 minute ago, bejapuskas said:

Do you think you could tell what time it is, if all of reality just stopped moving? (even your thoughts) 

Imagine if time and motion stopped in place for a million years and then started again. We wouldn’t even notice. . Or could we? ? 

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18 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Imagine if time and motion stopped in place for a million years and then started again. We wouldn’t even notice. . Or could we? ? 

Good question... Is there any difference between time and motion? I mean, we measure time by the movements of our planet

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The nature of time is eternity/timelessness/wholeness/infinite.


You are time itself.

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I feel like Cypher eating the steak in the Matrix.

You know when he says that he knows the steak's not real but then he eats it anyway and says ignorance is bliss.

I feel like that about time. 



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Time is a creation of the human mind. All their is, is the present moment. If you go back in time a billion years into the past you just get to the present moment, if you go to a billion years into the future you will just get to the present moment. That present moment is the exact same present moment that is happening right now in your experience. The present moment is eternal. The screen of reality is always the same but the things on the screen change. 


That at is my current understanding of time, contemplate this on a psychedelic and see if it’s true or not for yourself !!! :)

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Here's my take on it:

Look at a clock on the wall and watch the second hand go round.

The tip of the second hand traces a circle around the dial. That circle is time.

By dividing up the circle, you can count out how much time passes. You can also record when something happens by noting down at which part of the circle the second hand is at. Or you can predict where the second hand will be in X number of seconds.

Time seems to be continous and joined up, going from the past to the future, as the hand goes round and round.


BUT, what does direct experience really tell you? Only two things:

The second hand is only EVER in one position.

The second hand ALWAYS keeps moving.

(if you think about it more deeply, there's a contradiction there. How can something keep changing and yet have a definite state? Don't believe calculus. The answer is is that there is NO definite state. But how can something without a state change? The answer is, there is no change either.)


So in my example, Time is a geometric (mathematical) construct. In every day thinking we use all sorts of mental constructions of time: decades years, months, weeks, seconds, last Thursday etc. They are all effectively just counting stuff. It's all virtual, inside your head. Or you might use mental imagery of someone looking younger or whatever. Most people take this as evidence of time going from the past into a future, like a straight line. But it's just a made up story. Like the characters in a novel, It doesn't exist.

So the only thing left is the direct experience of time. But that can't exist either, because it's a contradiction: every time you think you've grasped the present moment it's already changed. There's absolutely nothing there.

That's how you exist outside time. There is no time.




Edited by LastThursday

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... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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3 hours ago, Tom T said:

Time is a creation of the human mind. All their is, is the present moment. If you go back in time a billion years into the past you just get to the present moment, if you go to a billion years into the future you will just get to the present moment. That present moment is the exact same present moment that is happening right now in your experience. The present moment is eternal. The screen of reality is always the same but the things on the screen change. 


That at is my current understanding of time, contemplate this on a psychedelic and see if it’s true or not for yourself !!! :)

Yes. Time doesnt exist. Sorry time!

Sometimes times goes by slow, sometimes fast. I found.

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Space is made up of dots and a dot is imaginary and  has no dimensions   also  time is the present it's is a Dot  on the  time line   But That  dot  has no dimensions .

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6 hours ago, LastThursday said:

Here's my take on it:

Look at a clock on the wall and watch the second hand go round.

The tip of the second hand traces a circle around the dial. That circle is time.

By dividing up the circle, you can count out how much time passes. You can also record when something happens by noting down at which part of the circle the second hand is at. Or you can predict where the second hand will be in X number of seconds.

Time seems to be continous and joined up, going from the past to the future, as the hand goes round and round.


BUT, what does direct experience really tell you? Only two things:

The second hand is only EVER in one position.

The second hand ALWAYS keeps moving.

(if you think about it more deeply, there's a contradiction there. How can something keep changing and yet have a definite state? Don't believe calculus. The answer is is that there is NO definite state. But how can something without a state change? The answer is, there is no change either.)


So in my example, Time is a geometric (mathematical) construct. In every day thinking we use all sorts of mental constructions of time: decades years, months, weeks, seconds, last Thursday etc. They are all effectively just counting stuff. It's all virtual, inside your head. Or you might use mental imagery of someone looking younger or whatever. Most people take this as evidence of time going from the past into a future, like a straight line. But it's just a made up story. Like the characters in a novel, It doesn't exist.

So the only thing left is the direct experience of time. But that can't exist either, because it's a contradiction: every time you think you've grasped the present moment it's already changed. There's absolutely nothing there.

That's how you exist outside time. There is no time.

The clock can run out of batteries and stop, but that doesn't mean that time stopped. It can also get broken, but that doesn't mean, that time went crazy... Clock just moves, it doesn't indicate anything. If we have never invented clock, or if we could measure time in a different way, it wouldn't change... 

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7 hours ago, TheOne said:

time is the present it's is a Dot  on the  time line

Don't be fooled. Where is the 'line' of time?

2 hours ago, bejapuskas said:

Clock just moves, it doesn't indicate anything.

Correct. Only the marks indicate something. Reality just moves, everything is moving, it never stops.

57% paranoid

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My idea of time is simple. Time began now and that entire past is squeezed into the eternal now moment which is always moving forward. Then how to explain seeming paradoxes, such as:

"In the paradox of Achilles and the tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 meters, for example. Supposing that each racer starts running at some constant speed (one very fast and one very slow), then after some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 meters, bringing him to the tortoise's starting point. During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, say, 10 meters. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, by which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead. Thus, whenever Achilles arrives somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has some distance to go before he can even reach the tortoise.[11]" -'s_paradoxes#Achilles_and_the_tortoise

That's easy to explain too! Our universe started with a Big Bang some billions of years ago. And as Nassim Haramein has explained, the universe moves in Planck time frames. So time in our universe is discrete, not continuous. And that resolves Zeno's paradoxes.

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22 hours ago, TheOne said:

can we travel in it ?

Is actual time travel possible? As I see it, nope. I gave an example in some other thread: try travelling back 1 hour into the past and meet your past self. And then travel back with both your past self and present self back to the present time. Can't happen.

And that's consistent with my view that time began now. The entire past is compressed into the eternal now moment. And the process of creation goes on forever since infinity has no end, but it never goes backwards; the arrow of time always moves forward. Yesterday will never be experienced again, by anybody.

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@TheOne From Realitys perspective, time, and space as Einstein called spacetime since they are entangled, is yet more content within Reality, or another word for reality, Absolute Infinity, or God, which is a Mind.  It is unlimited therefore it is conscious.  

But looking at it as content within reality, it is a dimension just like space.  Length, width, height etc in space and Time is another dimension.

Time is relative to the observer meaning you can notice time can change based on how fast one goes.  If one could go the speed of light time would slow down relative to myself who is standing still.

This is time dilation and is used in our GPS systems and other things today.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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