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Posts posted by Michael569

  1. You should mostly ignore them in polite conversation including dating, work, socialising etc

    The only times when you can touch them is either when she is your girlfriend/wife/fling, when you are a medical professional examining the tissue or when specifically given permission (usually drunk scenario)

    In all other scenarios assume that boobs are neither to be talked about nor touched nor looked at (when she is looking at you) or it will make you look like a pervert. Sure, you can take quick glances and everybody does just try not to get caught 

    The fact that a lot of girls like to flash them around does not authorise you to touch or really pay them an excessive amount of attention, that usually turns into an awkward scenario pretty quickly. 

    When complimenting (in a non-formal setting), at least in the West, you can compliment things like evident weight loss, dressing style or a particular piece of clothing, new hair, makeup etc. You should not compliment individual body parts unless you are very familiar with that girl and you know she appreciates it. As a guy that is - girls can generally compliment each other's body parts in a conversational scenario - this is also very country dependant and would probably be more likely in the Mediterranean region and less likely in the Northern and Western Europe where relationships tend to be a bit more professional. 

    In a professional setting, you generally don;t compliment people on physical appearance, you compliment on professional achievement or personal achievements (family stuff, achieved education etc). Rarely you can compliment on stuff that is obvious and begs to be complimented on (e.g. long-hair girl comes into the office with short hair) - that should be acknowledged. But if you noticed she got a boob job, unless she opens that topic, you do not talk about it. 

    When you are in a professional setting - work, corporate etc - you do not acknowledge any differences between gender and completely forget about people's bodies and looks. Forgetting this unwritten rule not only gets you fired but will get you labelled as a sexual harasser and can get you into a criminal register. The professional setting is dry, direct and formal communication only , with the exception of a colleague or a person with whom you're extremely familiar and comfortable. 


  2. Games can be more cognitively stimulating, often requiring a much higher level of deeper concentration, and can lead reduced rate of blinking and that intensity might, in some people lead to headaches. You might be unconciously tensing your jaw , neck, traps and upper back muscles while focusing - pay attention to that, all of these things can lead to headaches potentially. 

    Some games also require endless micro-ing and task switching, that could also be it. Movies usually don't require that. 

    Do you watch movies on the same monitor? 

  3. 4 hours ago, MarkKol said:

    I tried Implementing a high calorie breakfast (overnight oats) to eat daily so that I can gain more weight and optimally reach 70kg. But It didn't work out, my body felt fine including my stomach, I wasn't bloated but I did experience minor head discomfort and brain fog (not necessary a headache) I experienced the same thing on peanut butter. I think my body has a hard time processing all this combined food instantly. I'm definitely going to cut out the oats entirely and keep the chia seeds and nuts.

    - 350ml Water
    - 100g greek yogurt
    - 100g rolled oats
    - 30g / 1 oz almonds / hazelnuts / walnuts
    - 30g / 1 oz chia seeds
    - 30g / 1 oz vivo life protein powder
    - 1 big banana (added after)

    comes to around 1000 calories, a very dense cereal.

    I have to say I have an extremely hard time hitting my caloric intake and especially my carbs, I have to eat 2230 calories daily to reach my ideal weight and I just find it insane. I can barely get to 1000

    This might be pushing it a bit too far. I'd try to cut it down by 20-30% and see if that works better. I think high-carb breakfast work really well for most people, but there is a threshold, which once crossed can lead to a bit of a brain fog. 

    Alternatively, try cooking the oats rather than eating the dry and replace the yoghurt with some raspberries or strawberries - it might help balance it all out a bit better. If your current weight is < 70 kilos, you can probably make do with fewer calories. I weight 86 kilos and would not be able to stomach that quantity of food either, pretty sure. 

    If your stomach is full to burst it defeats the purpose of energising meal. 

    Another tip that I've been doing lately is to make a smoothie bowl from 2 bananas, cup of berries and some greens and flax and then I grind about 80 grams of oats into that with some prot.powder I find if I exercise within 90 minutes of this type of meal, I can lift more, I'm more explosive and  I can extend the reps-till -fatigue- by up to 3. Its an anecdotal report so take it as such. I don't get the same boost from oatmeal tho. Only works in summer, I hate cold breakfast in winter :D 

  4. Couple of years ago I was journaling exactly on this topic, and I concluded the article with this picture. Even now, years later just looking at me fills me with dread and an incredible sense of sadness. If I was to summarise it with a single sentence, it would be: 

    "The realisation that I've wasted my entire potential and spent my life serving someone else "

    I think that particular day I promised myself that I'd never give up on myself even if it took me 20 years to dig out from wage slavery 


  5. 23 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It is silly to micro-manage your diet like that.

    Just eat minimially processed organic whole foods

    on a daily basis for months and years? yes it turns you into a food slave

    But to do this as a one-off experience, especially for someone trying to sort out a bunch of health problems or oprimise for energy and mental performance it may (or may not) give some hints. For a person confused about nutrition and trying to make sense of it all, tracking is an incredible tool shedding a lot of light and clarity. 

    Also if you're interested in long-term health preservation, things like Cronometer can help you calibrate things - such as doing ad hoc tracking, say once every 3 or 6 months. 

    But yes, it shouldn't become toxic and cause anxiety about micro deficiencies etc. I think any tool you use can become both useful and toxic - its all about balance isn't it 

  6. 3 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    In fact there is even worse, it's the worst nightmare I've had, probably in my entire life.

    I dreamed that I was teleported to a shit hole: It was raining, the houses were red bricks, the women were fat and ugly :ph34r:I started to panic when I saw a Union Jack floating on a house then I saw someone coming in the mist, I was surprised when I recognized him : it was @Michael569 !

    I asked him shaking "Please guys what the hell am I here??? » and that was horrible. :o

    He replied, "Hey my friend, you're English too now and there's your woman:" shows a fat blonde Protestant*. Before I could say anything he added "Come to my house!" I made quinoa porridge and we're going to do some cardio."

    I yelled with all my might "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo » and I woke up, my mother came to comfort me by giving me a hug and reminding me that I am still in south France and that there will be parmesan cheese at noon.

    I'm so done arguing over nutrition with you :D 

  7. The second day is not bad. Don't worry about Vit D just supplement that. The rest can be pimped with some modifications and addition of new foods -for that calcium either throw in some dairy or tofu and sesame seeds. For vit E a couple of almonds should cover that.

    Vit B12 either animal products or supplement

    The first one needs more carbs and more protein - this will also bulk up the calories and probably cover the micros as well

    I love playing around with Cronometer, everytime i do i discover some new micronutrients superfoods i didn't know about. It's a good way to build a functional diet and cover micro deficiencies although not ideal if you're a foodie who's all about pleasure.

  8. 9 hours ago, guitarguy251 said:

    When you were describing cold exposure and body scanning mindfulness I thought of Wim Hof. I have heard some success stories with Wim Hof's breathing method and cold showers/ice baths (he himself takes it a little extreme) and am curious what do you think of its use for long COVID?

    it is an extreme protocol to a condition that (in my opinion) requires an extreme approach - almost like a reset. Alongside everything else I described, it may work (but results not guaranteed, the LC can be a bitch to treat) 

  9. @undeather fabulous response ↑ - few probing questions for you 

    9 minutes ago, undeather said:

    Lower salt intake to ~2g a day (Go for salt replacements like potassium-chloride-salts)

    are you talking about salt (NaCl) or Sodium? Would the above be realistic for salt only? What's the gold standard for CVD risk mitigation at the moment in terms of optimal sodium intake per day - this is one I'm still not clear on. Also, when assessing the evidence, do you solely look for lab studies with 24-hour urine collection? 

    9 minutes ago, undeather said:

    Only use highest quality vegetable/see oils - especially extra virgin olive oil - generally avoid butter/ghee

    What do you think about some of the evidence pointing to safflower and rapeseed potentially scoring even better than olive oil where LDL reduction is concerned? I am less and less convinced that veg & seed oils (with the exception of coconut & palm) are that different from each other when it comes to human outcome data. 

  10. 6 hours ago, SQAAD said:

    When you nervous system is very active, first all why does this happen and what can you do to calm it down?

    i'll spare you the complex explanation - you can probably get that from chat GPT. In a summary? You are probably stressed as f**k and need to figure out how to relax (basically what this entire forum is about) 

    So do whatever it takes to calm yourself down - meditation, hot baths & showers, cuddling with a pet, watching some silly movies. But I think, ultimately, you need to process whatever the hell happened to you. Maybe you should work with a good therapist to guide you through that process. I don't know if @Emerald comes around often but you could reach out to her via https://www.thediamondnet.org/

    Here are some DONT's for you if you struggle with panic attacks

    • caffeine
    • stimulants of any kind 
    • more trips
    • cold showers
    • fasting and meal skipping 
    • loud music, scary movies and noisy environment 
    • arguments with people (even online) 

    If it is very bad, some meds for a short term can help too 


  11. 13 hours ago, Migue Lonas said:

    So I will actually throw the question back at you. What do you consider clean eating to you?

    :D nice one 

    Ok, couple questions then 

    1. Do you consider ethics and sustainability in your approach, or are you solely looking to maximise health potential? 
    2. What are your goals? - Are they more short-term? (muscle hypertrophy, strength) or more long-term (longevity, chronic disease avoidance)
    3. Any eliminations? 
    4. Any existing health comorbidities? 
    5. Do you have a food budget? 
    13 hours ago, Migue Lonas said:

    would consider junk food anything that is not very nutritious food. Basically any food that has low nutritional value.

    A lot of what would commonly be considered "junk food" actually has an exceptional nutritional value which is why they would sometimes be used alongside chemotherapy, for example, because they delay chemo-induced cachexia. And considering a lot of it is getting enriched with vitamins through fortification, by that definition some of these products would match the definition of a superfood :D 

    You could say that leafy greens given the price per calorie are (by your definition) junk food. Rice probably too. Maybe even lean meats like chicken or turkey  which besides protein have a poor nutritional content and exceptionally high ethical tax. 

    My definition of junk food would probably be something along the lines of: "a food or a food component that  has been linked to unfavourable outcomes in human health independent of energy excess and independent of existing health comorbidities if consumed on a regular basis ("regular basis" is a poor definition of duration, I know).  And I would also add - or where a minimal harmful dose has already been established with relatively strong accuracy and where zero consumption would offer the highest risk mitigation

    - by that definition, I would go with processed meat, butter and probably even red meat because those harmful doses have clearly been established with relatively decent accuracy and the less of those you consume, the better - all things being equal. 

    Everything else is dose dependant or context dependant 

    So here is a complicated answer to a simple question :D 





    Btw I'm just teasing ya  because I don't love to answer these sorts of questions without having a rigorous assessment of someone's diet and understanding their goals which is why I usually spend up to 4 hrs talking to folks before giving any advice.

     Sounds to me like you're on the right track and the closer you can get to a somewhat personalised variation of a Mediterranean diet the better. You are likely going to benefit from addition of healthy processed food like tofu, dark chocolate, cocoa -  you know the good stuff. While limiting the above. 

    Everything else comes down to personal ethics and ecological preferences as well as budget and local grocery availability 

    Hope that helps! 

  12. @Migue Lonas hey , thanks for the tag. 

    1 hour ago, Migue Lonas said:

    Is clean eating for you absolutely 100% clean eating?

    "clean eating" is a pretty barbed wire term. What does it even mean. Ella Woodrow in UK got a pretty big backlash for advertising this couple years ago. I'm sure if you asked 10 folks on this forum what the term means you'd get 10 different diets. 

    So let's start there - what does "clean" mean to you? And what do you consider junk food?

  13. On 22/07/2023 at 0:39 AM, SQAAD said:

    Besides introspection what else would you suggest me to do? Just wait for this situation to pass on its own? 

    Practical steps. Think macro right now. What do you need to be putting your energy in. I see you indicated Life Purpose above - probably the way to go. 

    Is you career / finances / living situation stable? Could holes in there start interfering with the LP work at some point? (e.g. running out of money, getting too much sas from parents etc)