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About Harikrishnan

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  • Birthday 12/29/1990

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  1. https://www.freepressjournal.in/bhopal/madhya-pradesh-man-tortures-cow-with-iron-rod-inserts-it-in-private-parts-horrific-visuals-surface
  2. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/02698811231225609 I came across a article that I thought I will share here.
  3. Worth it! I was fed up with poverty ads during watching videos. And it only cost less than two dollars in India.
  4. Western or Indian?
  5. Having a good body gives you more confidence. After working out and gaining some muscle in last few months I can see shift in myself, I feel good about myself. Maybe this confidence in my body will help me get laid. But I have got laid even without a well build body in past.
  6. I am starting to save money!
  7. I tried to imagine walking through walls, ha thought of getting trapped inside the wall forever made me don't want it anymore 😂
  8. Ever since leo told me to visualize my dream reality, I was searching for many success story and all and came to some post about remote seduction. There are books on it and its simply visualizing another person sexually aroused by your touch. There have been many success stories of it. But is it really possible, if so it would be really cool to imagine sex and boom you are having it. I think this can help before going pick up also. What are the possibilities of mind!!!!
  9. Vipassana will help you my friend.
  10. Great post @koops I also have a doubt, so when one person having base in blue and due to meditation and psychedelics have some quality of green, yellow and turquoise. How does that person fully go orange from blue base state
  11. Thank you I will contemplate on those questions.
  12. Thank you I will incoporate that. @Leo Gura. I cannot imagine how bad and lost my life would have been without actualized.org, and I am sure its like that for 1000's of others. Thank you Leo, your teachings helped me gain clarity, strength, and a renewed sense of purpose. You have taught me to navigate life’s challenges with grace and to find joy in the journey. I am forever greatfull. ❤️
  13. All strong points thank you.
  14. I am noticing lately that to many times my mind first creates a negative story or images before something happens! To explain it further today I got a call from bank, they want to see my property before giving loan. Since Its raining here we haven't started construction work. They said they will come in 10 min and my mind started cooking up negative stories of how they will reject our application etc etc coz we havent started work. Finally They came and it went ok. Things like this happen everytime, my mind automatically comes up negative stories. This is hard when you have a long term goals, I keep on going back n forth on my goal. How to change this? How to change mind from cooking negative stories automatically.
  15. In south of India(kerala) Osho is really influential. I know minimum 25 of followers who follow him. Even aethist here likes him coz of his talks against religion.