Harlen Kelly

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Posts posted by Harlen Kelly

  1. 38 minutes ago, lmfao said:

    Feels like this sub-forum has become the same people trying to convince each other (cough cough) 

    Indeed. The Pragmatists vs the inhabitants of Fantasyland.

    5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    A real man is clear about what he wants and is very proactive about it. Women find this highly attractive. Because this is how shit gets done in the world. This is how success is made. This is how wars are won. This is how empires are built. This is how rockets are launched. This is how fires are put out. This is how lives are saved.


  2. @Runtz If it is of any help, attracting women becomes increasingly easier the more you do it. Being able to consistently evoke attraction, and close has a steep learning curve (like most worthwhile endeavors) it might seem difficult now, but eventually you will look back completely puzzled at how difficult it seemed to be when you sucked, and you will realize how relatively simple it is once you become good at it.

    It's crucial that you understand this. None of that will happen obviously if you decide to desist at such a newbie stage. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Have you ever come across incel-kind comments ? No ?

    I meant here on the forum. 

    Tag a comment of a man alleging women owe men sex on this forum, let me see it.

    13 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    If I'm entitled to affection from a man of my choice, that's me being selfish ?

    Is this a joke? Of course it is selfish to state you are ''entitled'' to affection from a man, you are as entitled as the men who state they are ''entitled'' to sex from women, this is painfully easy to understand.

    Men (or anybody for that matter) don't owe you affection. There is no rule in the universe that asserts that, it's an artificially made up rule that you created. 

  4. 6 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    However since i do self actualization work i do not want my worth as a human being to be reduced to my appearance. Therefore i tend to not to do it for girls either, i find it quite cruel.

    The attraction you feel for a woman and her worth as a person, those two components are orthogonal. You not being physically attracted to a woman has nothing to do with her worth as a human being, it simply means you are not attracted to her. 

    Something else, regardless of how much self actualization work you do, if you are heterosexual you will find attractive women appealing. Being conscious does not mean you won't feel attraction for beautiful women. 

    Last thing, you don't need ''0 insecurities'' to attract beautiful women. You are artificially creating an unattainable ideal you need to reach before becoming good with women which will only slow you down. Just go out regularly and get on the habit of pulling, you will get better over time.

  5. 5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    Is this a massive cope

    Most likely. 

    5 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

    It's purpose is basically to make me give 0 shits about my appearance

    You will not care about your appearance if you start pulling attractive women with relative consistency because you will realize that you don't have to be that good-looking to reliably attract women. 

    The solution is very simple: If you want to internalize the belief that your appearance is not an impediment for attracting women, become good at attracting them and you will subconsciously and naturally adopt that belief system. 

    By the way, a good personality and psychological developement is not mutually exclusive with a high level of attractiveness. In other words, there are below average, average and above average women in terms of looks that have a good personality and are relatively self-actualized. 

  6. 13 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

    I'm not blaming or something. I'm trying to understand these bitches.

    Lol, the thing is dude, that these chicks are getting dozens upon dozens upon dozens of dicks thrown at them 24/7. Put yourself in that situation for a minute. 

    Attractive women simply have too many options. But it is not difficult to stand out because most guys don't have the qualities that would attract those women. 

  7. @StarStruck Women, particularly attractive women, have a certain disdain for weak guys. Most women are not even aware of this dynamic, they unconsciously mistreat the stereotypical nice guy and reward the scumbag with unlimited sex with no strings attached. 

    However, getting angry at that behavioral pattern is as unproductive as getting angry at a cat for meowing, the cat will meow because that's what cats do. 

    What really is incredibly comical is that those same highly attractive women will proceed to complain about how guys are a-holes, when in reality most guys are too nice.