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Posts posted by Alextvvv

  1. 2 hours ago, Chumbimba said:

    I have made so many mistakes in my life I dont want to keep fucking up and hurting myself.

    Even though you might see mistakes in your past, don't beat yourself because of it. Rest assured that everything that has ever happened to you happened for a reason. There are no mistakes in a way, you will understand this looking backwards. Learn from them/don't repeat them, and move forward. If life seems hard at the moment, it means you will experience the awesome contrast later.

  2. I believe the whole point is to establish a healthy relation to caffeine, if possible

    But how could caffeine be that harmful to us if it's found in so many sources (coffee, tea, yerba mate, kola nut, guarana, cacao..), each of which has lots of health benefits?

    Coffee for me can become very hard on the system by its acidity and the jitterness and anxiety it can induce if consumed for some days in a row. To counter acidity, I found cold-brew coffee to be effective, while keeping all the benefits.

    When consuming coffee, I exclusively brew organic & fair-trade beans that I ground myself at the time of making it. That way I get the fullest and rawest experience of what coffee is supposed to bring me. I never drink more than 1 cup a day.


    Dr Andrew Weil on stimulants :

    1. Limit your frequency use
    2. Use stimulants purposefully  
       (not to feel good, rather for a physical or mental task)
    3. Do not take stimulants to help perform ordinary functions
    4. Take stimulants by mouth
    5. Take dilute forms of stimulants rather than concentraded ones
    6. Maintain good habits of nutrition, rest and exercice
       (remember that stimulants forces your body to give up its stores of chemical energy. The healthier you are, the less you will feel that you need outside stimulation)
    7. Do not combine stimulants with depressant or other drugs
       (don't fall in a 'morning-stimulant followed by evening-depressant' pattern)
    8. Avoid look-alike drugs

  3. 21 hours ago, Tanz said:

    How many people can truly say they are living a life where they are certain they are not exploiting another human being, animal, or nature?

    That's it.

    It's about having the mindset to be as conscious as possible in as much areas as we can.

    The thing is we cannot be conscious of all the suffering our actions implies, so we shouldn't judge others who don't see what we see or know what we know. If we wanted to end all the suffering our actions implies, we should practically leave this realm. But that's not the way to go, as we can also spare a lot of suffering by doing good deeds. It's about finding one's own balance.

    There are so many areas which we ignore the suffering it implies, like the horrible conditions for metal's extractions in africa for our electronics, or the polution of the air and water of Equator by fuel compagnies like Texaco for example


    That being said, the modern food industry is a real concern as it chase profits at all costs : human, animal and ecological. We should all be conscious of it and try to buy as much local quality foods from sustainable sources rather than cheap big supermarket.

  4. @Spiral  Don't completely cut white rice off, but consider it a 'bad carb' for rarer occasions.

    Be carefull if you switch diet too radically, your body and mind may take some time to adapt. Especially if your diet isn't very well balanced. I'd rather focus on one or two areas at a time.

    I wouldn't recommend (too much) supplements before your diet is fixed. They're called 'supplements', not 'substitutes'

    Good quality omega 3's fats are essential for the brain/memory, as the body needs them from outside sources and can't make them

  5. @Natasha Interesting. I just read about the prefontal lobe which also creates an illusion of chronological time in humans past the age of three. So it explains the feeling of oneness and timelesness felt when the prefontal lobe shuts down through the methods you listed.

    @Dumuzzi 5-7 years for the whole process to take place ? So you're referring to a gradual awakening, without the sudden rush along the spine felt by some ?

  6. @FlowerNote  Well that would be inappropriate I guess

    Imaginary neurotransmitters maybe, but still moduling our experience


    @Nak Khid Mainly because of Sean Blackwell's work on Youtube. Partially because of intuition

    Not only bipolar in fact, also schizophrenia. Mental illness and spirituality are intertwined. Famous bipolar like Jim Carey, Russell Brand, Kanye West are very spiritualy driven.

    As I come to understand it, bipolar individuals have received to ability to 'bend' reality. They are able to have a look at the edge of reality, through psychosis or mania.


    @Meta-Man Yes, it makes sens. Anxiety, followed by feelings of lightness and peace.

    Did you experience kundalini ?

  7. Is it common to experience changes in the brain's chemistry while awakening from normal life ?

    I've read that Eckhart Tolle had (or must've had) a big shift in his neurotransmitters structure the night he lightened up.

    Considering that sudden enlightenment is very rare, gradual enlightenment should thus produce gradual modification in the brain - if there is such a modification of course.

    But knowing that bipolar and enlightenment seem to be closely related, it could also explain those mood shifts in certain people.

    Does anybody knows something about it ?