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About Snader

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  1. Very interested to see how that goes! He will be much much harder on you than Curt.
  2. Don't worry about that. University is generally quite different from high school and you kinda get a fresh start once you start. If you get in, you will have roughly the same basis and from there it will be your attitude and motivation that will determine your competitiveness.
  3. What's dangerous about testing and seeing if some specific thing is for you or not, is that you tend to give up and decide it's not for you when things get hard, especially if you are not very conscientious and diligent. Of course it's important to know that your future job will somewhat suit your personality and preferences, but those will usually sort themselves out if your motivation is strong enough. Developing life purpose is great, but even just getting your values clear and using them as a reference point will make a huge difference. Sure, sometimes we do need jump into unknown and hope for the best, but having some direction makes a huge difference. Making your parents happy might motivate enough to get you started and even into med school, but when things get nasty and you realize your parents' approval isn't everything, then you might be in trouble. It's really hard to get up in the morning with no reason. I wouldn't go to med school if I really didn't want it. It's an occupation that requires purpose for you to be good at it AND also happy. As a patient I've had experience from doctors who don't really care and it's not good for either of us. An extra year might be a valid option as it also gives you more time to find out what you really want and value. When I first applied to uni I didn't even know of all the different options and possibilities there are. Everyone in my circle was going to engineering or economics (due to ignorance or pressure from parents), so that was kinda everything I knew of. Only later after getting out of the bubble, I realized how many interesting options and subjects there are.
  4. I wouldn't say I'm glad to pay for it, more like sad that I have to. For me it's mostly just for having an ad-free experience, but if you're planning to use the other features as well, then maybe it's a fair deal.
  5. The way of the programming specifically could be mind-blowingly unique.
  6. Over the past years I’ve learned to appreciate how hard it is to REALLY embody wisdom and even basic self-help concepts consistently. What’s even more baffling to me is how shallow and black-and-white even ”more advanced” self-help material seems to be. Creating self-help material to a relatively more conscious audience is a challenge, but has potential for sure. I’m expecting the new course to be something new. Something out of the ordinary. Something that really puts stuff together in a unique way.
  7. I have this wake-up light alarm clock that can be tuned to play a certain radio channel when the alarm goes off. I use this one channel that plays chill music in the mornings with very little ads. Sometimes in between songs it plays few short lines of some random songs, as sort of self-advertising. One night while setting an alarm I had accidentally tuned up the volume, and in the morning when the alarm went off, the chorus of this song down below started playing as loud as fuck, exactly from the 1:20 mark. So if you ever need to make sure you get up in the morning, use this and put it as loud as you can. It will make you shit your pants but you will STAND UP, I promise. You will start the day with brutal masculine aggression ready to tackle the day like a fucking David Goggins! Nothing can ruin your day - anymore.
  8. I think governments must move to some form of basic income sooner or later, unless they manage to properly restrict AI and technology development. That puts huge pressure to at least more developed welfare states, where population is aging fast and the working class pays the bill.
  9. You've probably gone on with the issue already, but I'll leave a reply anyway because the topic is personal and I've kinda gone through that. Considering how low job satisfaction can affect your life quality in general and through that even to your possibilities to maintain a secure job, I would almost always advice towards an option that has potential to increase your job satisfaction - especially if your situation is crucial. Even if you have a family, it might be worth a shot, as low satisfaction can greatly impact you in how you relate to your family as well. Although I don't know if startup is the best solution for you as it can lead to similar negative outcomes, such as burnout and also financial crisis, or if you have a family that depends on your income. It also requires tons of time, which can lead to burnout, although the propensity for that is vastly reduced if you really like what you're doing. Even if the startup fails, it can take you to new interesting places workwise and lifewise, which you've never even thought of, and so can be taken as an adventure. It gives you valuable experience and possibility to learn more about life and yourself. It all depends on your personal preferences and personality. Maybe finding another job could brighten your work life, as you clearly have a speciality you like and could put in use.
  10. I feel you. I've been (and in a way still am) in same kind of situation, where building my life demands detachment from my family, while my sense of morality and responsibility makes me feel bad about it. Even though I can see the situation as it is, it still doesn't stop me feeling sad and shit from time to time. I'm really short on advices here. One way is to do as your psychiatrist told you to and leave. You can focus on doing personal development to increase your ability to understand the situation and accept the emotional suffering that comes with it. For me that decision was a double-edged sword emotion wise, as while I became more understanding, I also became more sensitive to my feelings. Anyway, that has been really transformative and I don't regret it. Another option is to stay until your grandmother passes away and the situation settles. Considering her age, it wouldn't break your life to stay there for few more years. At least you would have less guilt to deal with and cleaner conscience. Also it might give you more energy to know that you've decided to stay for a while longer, knowing that you soon get to live your life with no regret. I know it can be really hard, especially if you are attached and strongly bonded to your family, especially in your situation where there might be no half way option, only all in or all out. Anyway, it will get better eventually, don't let the desperation eat you alive!
  11. The most effective way to cure the loneliness and hopelessness in general is to engage yourself with a purpose or a project. It's like magic. According to my own life and people I've observed, it tends to lead to other great things as well, including relationships. 1) It's not the loneliness that makes you feel inadequate, its the aimlessness. 2) Those instagram updates are only facades. It's not as you imagine it to be in your mind. They also have problems no matter how deeply in love and happy they seem to be. 3) Trust me, having all those relationships in itself doesn't make your friends' lives great. It's not about what you eliminate in your life, but more about what you build. I know it's hard to build a purpose and find direction to stick to, but it's definitely the best way. No relationships will work or last anyway until you get your own inner game together. It's all worth it.
  12. I feel you. I enjoy staying up late but often need to fix my schedule by force. I mainly just make a strict schedule for my next day and wake up early no matter how bad I slept. The first day is usually pretty shit, but the tiredness gets me to sleep earlier that night. Sometimes I'm just too restless to sleep at 10 or 11 PM no matter how little I slept last nigh, so I might power that routine change phase with some melatonin. If you want to optimize your biological wiring for a new sleeping routine, this video from Huberman might come in handy:
  13. That's a great point! For many people their childhood home has a very special place in their heart
  14. Congrats man! I don't know which reference rates your banks are basing their interests on, but for example in Finland you pay so much interest at the moment that many of my friends have decided to rent instead of buying. It doesn't seem to be a good investment at the moment and people tend to prefer putting money monthly into stocks and other investments instead, to be able to invest into housing later, when economy is more stable. Of course there are stuff like interest rate cap you could be able to negotiate to your loan, but I wouldn't count on that. In terms of investment you could also think about the area/(s) in which you are planning to buy. If the area has potential to grow in the future, then it might tip the scale towards buying, as the house will rise in value. Also if you are handy or you have friends or relatives that are, you might consider buying a house in a bit worse condition, so you could slowly renovate it and increase the value in a long run. I would be more concerned about the area; Is it safe, is there possibilities for hobbies, good schools and other important services? The form of living doesn't affect a child per se, unless there are some status indicators at play. For example if there is an area that only has rental houses, then it might be labeled as something like ''the place where the poor people live'', as an exaggerated example. At least in Scandinavia there is this mixing housing policy used where urban areas and housing is being planned in a way to mix people from different social classes and different living forms into same buildings and areas to decrease segregation, so there is very little status difference between owning and renting. In Finland at least, many rich people are starting to rent more, instead of owning, which seems to be losing its place as a status symbol. It's also really handy to be able to move without too much of a hassle, if you feel like it for one reason to another. It all depends on where you live, what values are shared in your living area and social circles, what do you value yourself, what's the housing policy and urban development in the area like, etc.? What are your thoughts on the matter, do you have some specific (for example personal) insecurities around the subject of renting vs owning? Getting a child is huge, as well as buying your first own apartment. If there are no hard reasons, then maybe it wouldn't hurt to first go through the first phases of parenting to see how it feels in terms of housing, and after that make the next possible move to considering buying an own house.
  15. At the end every explanation is made up. Sure. But yeah, the question of what makes someone more conscious than others in the first place is a tough one with plenty of possibliities.