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Posts posted by Raptorsin7

  1. I am a few days into this journey with the dream board. I do feel different since beginning. I am focusing on doing things that make me FEEL good. I am listening to upbeat music. I'm trying to practice love as much as possible whenever the feeling hits me. I have switched my meditation to the mornings in the hopes that it will have a positive effect on the rest of my day. I have begun listening to Abraham Hicks, and although I face resistance in listening to her I think she has value in her talks.

    I have to build momentum. I have understood the concept of momentum for a few years now, but hearing it form Abraham Hicks is refreshing to know it's a REAL phenomena. I feel like i'm building momentum. I can keep it up. I've done it before.

  2. What can i do to feel better in each moment. Right now I find upbeat music, binaural beats, and push ups can make me feel better. Do you peeps do anything else to improve your mood? And how can i utilize music and exercise to their utmost feel good potential?

    Why do good things FEEL good? Why are there songs that can change mood so fast? Why do some songs suck? What is FEELING good??

  3. Great question! Everyone always sais we don't control thoughts, and we don't control anything. I don't know how any of that stuff works. But i can you tell from personal experience, that the greatest growth i've ever experienced came as a result of ME consciously directing my thoughts and deciding what I wanted and saying it to myself. So while I don't understand this stuff, I'm pretty sure its bad to think I can't control my thoughts. Because you might think one day, I'm a loser and I can't improve. And in reality you are not a loser, and you can improve. So maybe its that we can't control our thoughts, but we can choose how we relate to them, and we can choose to think better after we are aware of them. But I have no good idea, and i'm kinda rambling lol. Hopefully someone else knows more (: 

  4. November 10th 2019

    First Meal: Large Coffee 2 cream 2 sugar + Banana Pecan Muffin

    Second Meal: 2 Baja Fish Tacos- Take out

    Third Meal: White spot double double burger + fries- Takeout

    Fourth Meal: Bacon and Cheese Whopper + 2 Pieces of Cake- Burger King

  5. I have begun to use a dream board, or a holon, after reading an excellent forum post by my man @Nahm. I am going to use this thread to track my progress since i put my wants and desires on my board in the center in my living room. My life has been stagnant for a while, and I am really hoping for some genuine growth. I have felt like I was close to a major change for a while now, and this may be the spark I needed. 

    I will be posting here infrequently. But if I notice a major change in my life, or if things from my dream board start manifesting in amazing ways, then I will update it as I go. Part of me is skeptical, but another part of me knows I need to let go of resistant thoughts and just FEEL like everyone keeps saying. I want this to work. I am very excited. 

  6. @Nak Khid I've been ordering hello fresh recently, I'm going to continue ordering that. I've been meditating for a while now, but I haven't had any insights into selflessness, or any awakening experiences so I still consider myself kind of a newbie. I'm going to start using a dream board, and eventually I'm going to use it focus hard on my diet. 

  7. @Nak Khid I meditate consistently an hour a day, and i do ashtanga yoga 5 to 6 days a week. My diet is my biggest weakness, but im just too lazy to cook. Its too easy to just come home and order food, compared to taking the time to make stuff. I've experienced transformative change in my life, all the while eating a terrible diet, so i think mentally i dont actually believe that much in the importance of diet because i know growth is possible without it. But im defintely aware of how bad my diet is, i just dont have the will to change it.

  8. November 8th 2019

    First Meal: Large Coffee 1 cream 1 sugar + Banana Pecan Muffin- Tim Horton's

    Second Meal: 2 Baja Fish Tacos + Sour Cream Sauce+ Coke Zero- Takeout

    Third Meal: Kale + Spinach + Banana + Peanut Butter + Almond Milk Smoothie - Homemade

    Lots of Alcohol. Beers, Vodka Cranberry's, etc