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Posts posted by reves

  1. Some Background

    I have been doing Kriya Yoga since the beginning of 2019 and also started working with psychedelics last year, and a steady-daily meditation practice for more than two years now. I also like to do some other practices like Hatha and Yin Yoga.

    I had some powerful awakenings in previous trips, but this one is the biggest/deepest one yet I have experienced. For a couple of months now, I incorporated Yoga Fire technique to my Kriya Yoga practice. Since then I also started to notice an increase in energy I feel, I also started listening the sound of Om and the Chakras more intensively and feel as if some energy is building-up at the top of the head.

    The Trip

    Medicine: 200 ug of 1P-LSD


    • What is God?
    • What is Death?
    • Why am I so afraid of tripping?

    I made all the preparations and took the medicine around 7:30 on an empty stomach. Normally I have to wait about an hour to start feeling the effects of LSD, but this time I started to feel the come-up after 30 minutes.

    During the first moments it felt as if a lot of energy was moving through body sort of rewiring it. After some trips I can start to realize how this process is rewiring, like upgrading my body.

    I then started to get in sort of a mystical state. With almost no effort, the illusion of being a separate being from the world would rapidly fade, everything would start to become Luminous Emptiness, the white energy of Absolute Love. For a moment it was as if I could see outside the bubble of reality of my small-self, only the things that where around my field of view where in existence and everything outside this bubble was just nothing, just pure white energy. It was a state of consciousness I have never reached before, I felt infinite, total, loved, there was no time.

    And suddenly I had this very powerful mystical experience, as I was laying down concentrated looking at my finger tips. It was the first time that I could intentionally let go of the illusion of self. Little by little the sensations experienced by my body started to fade away, as I started getting dissolved in the great sea of Nothingness, as this was happening I felt complete, surrounded by unconditional Love. At one moment I was no more, I don't have the words to describe this experience.

    It felt as if I was returning home, a sensation of Completeness, Absolute Love, Compassion, Infinity, Total Serenity. And then little by little, just as it started the illusion of my small self started to form again in front of my eyes, as I was being reborn.

    I already had these sort of Samadhi experiences in the past, but this was the first time I could stay so long and so conscious in this state, being able to contemplate so deep as never before. It has never been so easy for me to tear the illusion of Maya. After every awakening, I also realized how I am getting more conscious, is like the field of awareness keeps expanding. I got some powerful visions, but deep inside I knew that it was all an illusion.

    After a couple of hours on this God-mode I got some ego-backslash, I felt a strong need to get grounded on the illusion of reality I am normally used to be. It can be very shocking and frightening when the reality starts to melt in front of you and when you realize that the idea you have of the world and yourself is false and then you awaken to your real Self. It was as I suddenly wanted to forget everything I just had seen but, that what has been seen cannot be unseen.

    This made me realize why I always find it so hard to do the work, the ego finds always excuses to postpone tripping. It is because with every trip the illusion of what I think I am has to die in order to awaken to the true Self. Its like a sacrifice where we offer the illusion of oneself. But it also feels great, awesome to awaken to the true Self. It feels more real, is just Being Truth.

    It was also the first time I stopped being afraid of dying. I have never felt like this on psychedelics before, it was as if some line of code would suddenly be erased in the mind and I became fearless.

    The psychedelic also showed me for the first time with so much clarity some of my shadows. At that moment I realized that they are just false ideas projected on to something/someone.

    Conclusions and Questions

    • With every trip I feel as if I am getting aligned with a higher consciousness.
    • I understood and felt the dangers of this work, as I suddenly became so fearless.
    • With every trip I feel more and more committed to this work. I love getting mind-fucked, I love remembering my true Identity. I love all the insights I get.
    • It also makes me appreciate everything more deeply, every moment of life.

    Does anybody can also hear/feel the Om and the Chakras? Is this like some sort of Kundalini awakening? I would be very grateful if you can point me in the right direction where I can find more information about this.

    As always, thanks you so much for reading this post. Thanks to @Leo Gura for his amazing teachings and to all the great community of!


  2. I have scoliosis and slipped disks on the lower back, got this problem about two years ago. It was so painful I had to take very powerful analgesics for a month or so. I started meditating and making different exercise to get stronger muscles to better support my back. I then started with Kriya Yoga last year and slowly increased my sitting times. So far I can do one hour sessions or maybe longer if I change sitting positions in between.

    Sometimes I which I could stay seated for longer periods, but my back starts to ache, but so far I feel stronger and I can see that the Kriya Yoga is helping me heal the slipped disks.

    Of course you will have to find out for yourself. You could try to to do the exercises slowly and not force yourself  to much and stop doing them in case you get pain.

  3. I had some similar experiences with higher doses of 4-AcO-DMT, which for me is very confusing as the dose increases. Usually after these very confusing trips I would get one or two difficult nights with nightmares or not being able to sleep. But I did not knew this at the beginning when I was testing the psychedelic and increasing the dosage very fast and too much.

    So after reducing the dose and trying other psychedelics I found out that not yet ready for higher doses of 4-AcO-DMT. I also have had these hard trips when I did took the time to prepare for the trip, or when I had a rough week before tripping. And after these hard trips, during later trips I had also a lot of per-anxiety, but I have managed to come through these phases.

    I reduced the dose and increased the time between trips, also increased other activities like Kriya Yoga, meditation and journaling, which helped me integrate the hard trips slowly but steady. I am really happy that I did not quit psychedelics, as now my trips are much less neurotic and more profound with lower doses of any kind of psychedelic.

    If I were you, I would try the same dose again, but I would prepare for the trip more consciously, contemplate fears and do other activities like meditation more often.

  4. Medicine: 25 mg of 4-HO-MET (Metocin) dissolved in water.

    I have been done some trips with metocin during the previous months, as you can see in a journal I have. So far, I find this psychedelic to be very mild (at least at low to medium doses). I am not really sure if it is because of the development stage where I am currently, but the trips are very centered on my persona and allow me to release a lot of pain and trauma much easier than with LSD or 4-AcO-DMT. I also have been doing Kriya Yoga for one year now, at least once a day but mostly twice a day, around 42-60 KPs per session.

    I have always been very anxious, I started with psychotherapy around 2009 and have been doing it with some pauses in between. This has helped me so far, but it is also a very slow process.

    It is not since about a year ago that I started tripping that I have seen overall faster gains and improvement in my development.


    • I went with the intention to heal some personal and family wounds.
    • Continue the exploration about God, Death and Consciousness through direct experience.

    The Trip

    I made all the preparations and took the medicine around 12:30 on an empty stomach. The come-up was very smooth and took around 30 minutes, my body started vibrating as the energy expanded. This time I contemplated doing some Yin Yoga positions alternated with sitting and laying on the back. I found Yin Yoga to be a great activity during longer contemplation periods, specially because I suffer from low-back pain.

    • I realized that even though I practice everyday Kriya Yoga and meditation, I still find it very hard to stay quite, even if just for a couple of hours.
    • I had a powerful realization on how the healing process works on a meta-level. It was as if I could suddenly understand how the process of letting go of pain works and how the death/birth cycle goes around in full circle.
    • I realized that when I am tripping I get access to Absolute Intelligence, and all my questions are answered. But somehow, I am only able to retain some of these insights.
    • I had a very strong sense of communion with family members that have already passed away, some for several years. I even felt comforted by some of them.
    • I have already got some realizations of Oness during other trips, but this connection with family members that I may not had the chance to know in this lifetime was new.
    • I realized I am a tangled mess of feelings and emotions, which my mind is constantly trying to rationalize, but that I actually don't really know why and how they happen.
    • I was able to release a lot of pain, which I later felt as an overall soreness all over the body.
    • The more I trip, the more I get to understand that I am pure formless consciousness.

    Later when the effect of the psychedelic decreased I went for a walk in the forest. With mushrooms or its analogs I always feel a deep connection to nature, which is just awesome. As I was laying on my back I started to look at my hands. There was a moment where I could not identify with them, it was as if I was everything and everywhere. And then, all of the sudden my hand turned into a tree. Later, I went for a walk in the forest and I saw a tree very similar to what my hand had turned into.

    I can see that by surrendering to the trip and letting go, has helped me reduce my fear of death. As I get a better and deeper understanding of what death means, this fear starts to fade away. And with, that other minor fears become irrelevant.


    I have also been able to combine normal psychotherapy and tripping. The therapist had no inconvenience when I mentioned that I was also tripping for personal development and self realization. I have been able to deal with personal stuff and issues that arise during the trips. I also like the  synergy between conventional psychotherapy, Kriya Yoga, meditation and psychedelic tripping. I can feel how I am able to integrate better the psychedelic trips with the other daily practices, which in conclusion allow me to get bigger gains in my personal development.

    I also really really like 4-HO-MET, it may not generate a lot of head-space like 4-AcO-DMT or LSD, but it has showed me how to improve my meditation and helped me release a lot pain, integrate deeper trips and get a deeper sense of communion with nature.

    Thank you for reading and for your comments!

  5. On Dreaming

    Before the trip with metocin on Saturday 15 of 2020, I had a very interesting experience while dreaming. I kept dreaming I just had woken-up from bed and was roaming around the house, just to realize that I was still dreaming. The very last memory of the dream before coming to this dream called life, was very vivid and lucid, I could feel no difference between that dream and the "normal" awaken state during the day.

    I may have been anxious to start the preparations for the trip I was going to have the next day, but it also made me realize I cannot fully realize the difference between dreams and this dream called life. It may be very consistent, but life is still a dream.

  6. 4-HO-MET (Metocin) - Good for Healing?

    Last Saturday I had a great trip with 4-HO-MET (metocin), I have found that this psychedelic is very easy to handle at light/medium doses, with lots of potential for healing, at least for me. I will try to post a trip report in a separate thread soon, but it basically showed me how does the healing process works and I got a deeper understanding of the death and rebirth process.

    It does not generates such a high headspace as LSD or psilocin (or its analogues), that is why I do not find it the best choice to contemplate on deep/epistemological themes as I have managed to get with 4-AcO-DMT or 1P-LSD. Not so confusing, mind fucking and easier to handle as psilocin, (maybe therefore it has been badly misused and misunderstood as a party drug?) It may be similar to AL-LAD (which I have not yet had the opportunity to try) in regard to LSD.

    However, it has helped me:

    • Understand and solve some personal issues.
    • I have been able to tap in my personal/familiar history and understand these issues at different levels.
    • It has sort of guided me and showed me how to release the pain accumulated in the body.
    • I have also learnt how to meditate better, how to just be.
    • It has opened my hearth-chakra and made me aware and compassionate of every living being, after a huge awakening I had with LSD.
    • After a trip with metocin I feel specially drawn to be more social, and interact with people, listen to them, give and get love through physical contact.
    • At low doses, or after the peak has passed after three or four hours, I find it great to go out for a walk in nature.

  7. Doing Kriya Yoga has been by far the most helpful practice I can do every day, in preparation for a a trip. Helps me reduce monkey mind and keep the "flame" alive and slowly but surely increase my conscious state. Besides some of the books in Leos book-list here are some I have found useful:

    • Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender by David R. Hawkins.

    It has help me learn how to let go of things, thoughts, emotions, everything, -specially during psychedelic trips.- I felt drawn to read the book after an awakening I had during one trip.

    • The Miracle Of Mindfulness: by Thich Nhat Hanh

    It has helped me improve meditation and how to be more aware/conscious regardless of what I am doing, not only when I sit on the cushion. This practice then becomes of great importance to remain calmed and very aware during a trip.

    • Yin Yoga

    Learning how to do Yin Yoga, which a slow-paced style of yoga and works more on the level of the articulations. I find it great to contemplate/meditate, since I suffer from low-back problems and I cannot stay seated for longer periods of time. There are lots of great videos on the Internet, I also like this book: The Complete Guide to Yin Yoga by Bernie Clark.

  8. Woha!, the highest I have done are 200 µg and I get very profound trips. I found best 150 µg, but everyone has different tolerance levels. I would definitely wait at least a month before my next trip, 7 days for LSD  is to soon. I also get a lot of headspace with LSD, and very sharp focus. For me the most confusing one yet is 4-AcO-DMT, literally a mind fuck every time I try to go over 30 mg.

  9. I like lions mane mushrooms (Hericium Erinaceus), I started using them on November of 2019. The first impressions I got where very similar effects to armodafinil, being able to concentrate better, more awareness, a boost in productivity among other things. The effect was so similar that I reduced my consumption of armodafinil and replaced it with these mushrooms. I now only take armodafinil when I slept few hours and I need to stay awake for a longer period during the day.

    I got capsules from Vit4ever, each capsule contains 650 mg of Hericium, however they claim that about 30% are polysaccharides, so in one capsule you get some 450 mg of mushrooms. They recommend to take two capsules as a normal dose, however I quickly realized that it was to much for me. I also do Kriya yoga everyday and psychedelic trips about every two months.

    I started consuming these mushrooms about a week after a trip with 4-HO-MET and after two days or three of taking 1300 mg I was feeling to much energy, a bit anxious, and I wasn't able to sleep well at night. So I reduced the dose to only one capsule a day and I find it better, I take them like two days in a row and one day off. Only when I really have a very demanding day I will take two capsules, and so far everything is going well.

    I also have stopped taking them for about three weeks, maybe more, and I did not noticed any drawbacks.

    I haven't had the chance yet to try them during a trip with 4-HO-MET or 4-AcO-DMT, but it is something I plan to do in the future.

    I really like them and would highly recommend others to try them!

  10. I have also experienced getting cold in some of my deepest trips. It is like energy would concentrate or something, it has became some sort of signal to know that the trip is moving in an interesting direction.

    If I were you, I would wait longer ( at least a month ) and try a smaller dose on my next trip, max 150 ug. Slowly increasing the dose is safer, you can always trip on higher doses later, but a difficult trip with a high dose can scare the shit out of you and even hurt you. The intensity of the trip will increase exponentially not linearly.

    It sounds like you are going too fast and you are missing the integration part of the trip, which is very important.

    Trip safe and have fun!

  11. This is something I have also been looking for, unfortunately I have only find expensive stuff:

    - The Remarkable (~$450 refurbished)

    - ONYX BOOX MAX 2 (~$650 new)  there is a new version coming, MAX 3

    - Sony Digital Paper (~$450 new) this is the one I want to get, but for some reason it is not sold in Europe and it can only be found in the gray market for $1000+, however it is available in the US.

    I hope it helps! You should be able to find them used/refurbished on the internet. I personally have not got anyone yet, but I am also very interested  on something similar, so please let us what you end up buying.

  12. Trip-Report - Beingness
    Medicine: 25 mg of 4-HO-MET (metocin) dissolved in water.

    As always, I made all the preparations and had a banana for breakfast. I then drank the metocin. I did not find to taste so disgusting as 4-AcO-DMT (at least the batch I have). I started listening to some music, but I quickly changed to Tibetan signing bowls and found that more suitable and the trip started to feel like a meditation session.

    After 30 minutes I started to feel the effects. I found the come-up very soft and in general I found this psychedelic very gentle. This made me think that it could be a nice psychedelic for beginners. But then again, this maybe just my experience, so be very careful if you want to try it, this is the second time I take 4-HO-MET, the first one I did 12 mg, and it was a similar experience.

    Perhaps the only thing that I did not like was that I got a huge headache during the come-down phase, about eight to nine hours after I took the psychedelic. I drank multiple cups of ginger tea during the trip, but apparently it was not enough. Next time I will try to drink more water and see how it goes.

    I also found funny that with this psychedelic I found it easier to talk as to write, so I ended up recording notes instead of writing them.

    After the come-up I realized that I wanted to get distracted with my mobile phone, so I put it away and also wore some earplugs. This allowed me to contemplate better and do not get so distracted.

    I was in the living room where I have some plants and felt a deep connection with them. Later I felt so drawn to nature, so I went out for a hike in the forest and had a very delightful experience.

    There was a moment when I felt drawn to just sit and meditate, so I did this and I started to feel very joyful and peaceful, in a higher state of Beingness. It was as if the higher Self/God was showing me how to Be. I had a lot of realizations about Being, how primordial it is, how with every new generation we forget more and more just how to Be.

    I realized that I am always in this planning-mode, trying to define what am I going to do next, like in a short time-horizon that goes from minutes to a couple of years and because of this cannot Be. It is as if we are going from human beings to human doings. And something told me that it is not just because of our technological development, but that there are also deeper forces driving us in this direction.

    This was like the main theme of the trip, remember how to let go and just Be, pure Isness.

    Later, as I was laying on contemplating this higher order Beingess, I had this sort of Samadhi experience. This is something that I have been experiencing during some trips and also once while doing Kriya Yoga. It is like if the boundaries of my body would collapse and I feel I would merge with the Absolute, it also feels as if I would elevate out just a few centimeters out of the body.

    The first time I experienced this I was very shocked and perplexed by the experience, but this time it was by far the most lasting and clear I have ever felt. They also happen by surprise. Also, during these experiences it is as I get glimpses of the Truth, but it fades away very quickly. The moment I realized I was aware of something of higher order it just disappeared, very slippery. To my surprise, the next day @Leo Gura published the video "How To Discover What's True - A Deep Inquiry" and his metaphor of the long corridor and the tail, brought the memory of these experiences.

    This was a great trip, I will definitively try this psychedelics more times, so far I found it very interesting.


  13.     Hi there! In this journal I share some my experiences as I go through the self-actualization process, like psychedelic experiences, nootropics, meditation, kriya yoga and in general, experiences that I may want to share as I go in my journey through the Self.

        Please feel free to comment.

        Here are the trip-reports I have written until now:


  14. On 10/5/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:
    • How do I overcome fear of failure when starting a business?
    • What is required to succeed in business?


    On 10/5/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:
    • What is the role of technology in self-actualization?

    This one ++++1

    On 10/5/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:

    Should I become a monk? Is this a viable life path?

    This, the more I do the work, the more I ask myself if I should drop everything and become some sort of monk.

    On 10/5/2019 at 0:41 AM, Leo Gura said:
    • How do I balance between pursuing a career vs pursuing enlightenment?
    • How important is money for self-actualization? What is the proper role of money?

    Maybe the same in different words:

    • How to deal with survival when pursuing the Truth?
    • How to achieve a balance between basic survival stuff (making money, sustaining a career) and spiritual / enlightenment work?

    And some more:

    • How to integrate deep mystical experiences into daily life?
    • How to share the profound knowledge we get as we are doing the work (meditation, psychedelic tripping, contemplation etc..) with family and friends?
    • How do we deal with family and friends as we get deeper in the self-actualization path? One way may be to cut al relationships, but are there other possibilities to integrate them?
    • I invested a lot in my current career and it has help me to achieve great things in life, but I seem to feel more and more stuck and lose interest on it the more I self-actualize. Shall I change my career? Or shall I drop it and start something new? (I see that this can be related to the life purpose course, but who knows, I found it worth asking)


  15. Hi there! When I do LSD (usually 100 to 200 ug) I prepare some food and my house and take some magnesium to reduce the body load I get with LSD. I try to start as early as I can, I take the psychedelic on an empty stomach and then do Kriya Yoga usually for 45 minutes or so, until I start to feel the effects of the medicine. I then drink a meal supplement drink and lay down on the ground or bed, depending on the weather. I will stay like that, until I have to pee or the body load is to strong that I have to move around, maybe I will do some Hatha Yoga to reduce the soreness.

    I also like to drink ginger tea during the trip. If I get some deep realization, I try to write it down or record myself, sometimes just a sentence or a just word will do the trick, so I can remember later and try to describe in more detail. I will do this during the first six hours or so, which are the most intense for me during the trip.

    After that my ego-self will start to reassemble, and I will get hungry, so I try to eat some of the food I prepared. I also love to listen to music later during the trip, specially when I do LSD, so I have a playlist that I have been curating with time specially for this occasions. Sometimes I get the need to share the experience with others and find it great to talk with my girlfriend, or maybe I will call family or friends. 

    I also feel specially drawn to nature when I do psychedelics, and as I live very close to the forest, I usually finish my trip with a long walk. Later I try to write the realizations in more detail, do Kriya Yoga again and sit down to meditate before I go to bed.

  16. Hi there! Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like you are try to go to fast.

    Going from 100 to 225 ug in my experience is a lot! I haven't tried 5-MeO-DMT yet, but from what I have read, it will also increase the potency of all the psychedelics you use after.

    I had some similar very hard trips on 4-AcO-DMT, and I learnt that the dose was to high for me. I also had this feeling that I was really going to  physically die. But after working on integrating these trips I have managed to trip again and go deeper in the process.

    So, yes it would be wise to work on integrating this hard experience before you plan to trip again!