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Posts posted by GabeN

  1. My hands are shaking while I'm typing this... but I have been contemplating my existence for quite a while now,

    I just became conscious how alone I am in the universe, it's way way deeper than I thought, I'm talking to me while I'm 

    writing this, but I still have feeling of love for all of my creation as God, yet there's a feeling of tragedy that I can't share this with something other than my creation but that's all there is, infinite void, I don't know what to feel about this? it makes me feel immortal, but also lonely. did God subdivided himself to infinite forms to use his infinite intelligence for infinite consciousness, does he give a shit about being alone?

    Ps: I had a glimpse of this aspect of awakening when I became conscious how we are essentially all one with reality, but there are levels of consciousness beyond what I've imagined.

  2. 14 hours ago, pluto said:

    Rend covered it pretty nicely. However there is an episode that basically explains a DMT trip in a nutshell. When Rick puts that machine on Morty's head and he lives his whole life until he dies as an old man in a library falling off the ladder then GAME-OVER appears in the field of view and he wakes up from the dream-physical reality :D

    @pluto oh man that life machine scene was deep!

    i also liked the episode "Total Rickall" it gives you the idea that you have no idea if your memories are true, you're imagining all of it, in the episode's case their memories were overridden :)


  3. @Arhattobe 

    2 hours ago, Arhattobe said:

    Lucid dreams are overrated. Dreams are like a pixelated 240p reality. Greatly overrated. Learn to accept life and grow from it instead.

    Not sure if I agree with that, having over a 150 lucid dreams, most of them were so damn realistic that it snaps you back to thinking it's the real world when it isn't, smells , tastes, feelings can extremely realistic too.

  4. I personally tried both and found being by myself to be much more superior, the shaman for me might have been a slight distraction, or maybe the method of smoking the substance isn't really for everyone, I haven't had a bad trip with the shaman so to speak, and I would definitely not discourage (or encourage) anyone to try it, but I couldn't get solid insights from the trip, unlike rectal administration where I had mind blowing mind fucks ?


    Perhaps the most dangerous thing about smoking 5 meo is how breath-takenly fast it slams you out of your self..

  5. 40 minutes ago, Shiva said:

    Probably lack of vision. If the destination is unclear why be disciplined? For what?

    @Shiva  Good point, I need a stronger vision and plan



    38 minutes ago, Anton_Pierre said:

    @GabeN You need to embrace the spiritual/self-actualising journey and not rush behaviour change.

    @Anton_Pierre yeah, but there's a voice in my back that keeps saying "stop wasting time"

    @seeking_brilliance yeah, maybe the notion that "I'm God and I'm free to do whatever I want" is abused for me. lol



    26 minutes ago, ajasatya said:

    True discomfort is so annoying that it makes the process of changing require no discipline.


    That's powerful, indeed I think I need a stronger reason and vision to why have discipline in the first place




    Our culture these days does not teach discipline. Life has become too easy. You are addicted to sucking on society's tits.


    @Leo Gura true... tits everywhere, in infinite forms....






  6. 4 hours ago, Anton_Pierre said:

    @arlin It can show you your lower self if you're conscious enough. It also blunts the intellect which can be extremely bad for self-actualising. There's also risks of addiction, and even schizophrenia. If you are adamant on doing it make sure your brain is fully developed and also drink coffee so you can be aware enough of your behaviours. Don't fall into the traps of ego backlash.

    Blunts, I see what you did there ?

  7. 4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

    @Pouya  Pouya doesn't exist, so pouya can't be reborn.  Being reborn would imply that pouya is in a new body and remembers being pouya plus this new body. Bodies will continue being born without pouya, just like the body which was born which is mistaken as pouya. Bodies will continue being born and continue being mistaken as a person. In the end though, its all a dream and not really happening. However, the unmanifested will continue to be manifested in infinite ways. 

    What is meant with "it's not happening"? 


  8. I find some interesting theories in it. 


    Biocentrism (theory of everything) from Greek: βίος, bios, “life”; and κέντρον, kentron, “center” — also known as the biocentric universe — is a theory proposed in 2007 by American scientist Robert Lanza, which sees biology as the central driving science in the universe, and an understanding of the other sciences as reliant on a deeper understanding of biology. Lanza believes that life and biology are central to being, reality, and the cosmos—consciousness creates the universe rather than the other way around. While physics is considered fundamental to the study of the universe, and chemistry fundamental to the study of life, Lanza claims that scientists will need to place biology before the other sciences to produce a "theory of everything".




    What stage of thinking is this in spiral dynamics do you think? 

  9. What does a weak trip on rectal administered 5 meo feel like? I tried last weak and I felt strong effects that made me extremely sleepy, I ended up having an awesome nap, but was disappointed.. 

    This has been my 3rd try btw, but I'm getting better at it. ?