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Leo Gura

5-MeO-DMT Malpractice

5 posts in this topic

I found this interesting website:

Which documents some problems with how certain shaman's provide 5-MeO-DMT.

I'm not sure if it's true, but it was concerning to me so I thought you guys should be aware of various dangers that might be involved when doing 5-MeO-DMT with a shaman. Be careful.

To be clear: I am not taking any definitive stance on the allegations made. They could be phony for all I know. This is just something to keep in the back of your mind if you plan on working with a shaman.

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I personally tried both and found being by myself to be much more superior, the shaman for me might have been a slight distraction, or maybe the method of smoking the substance isn't really for everyone, I haven't had a bad trip with the shaman so to speak, and I would definitely not discourage (or encourage) anyone to try it, but I couldn't get solid insights from the trip, unlike rectal administration where I had mind blowing mind fucks ?


Perhaps the most dangerous thing about smoking 5 meo is how breath-takenly fast it slams you out of your self..

Edited by GabeN

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@GabeN I prefer solo as well. Other people tend to become distractions.

Rectal will certainly be much better for insight retention given how much longer it is.

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Thanks Leo, I was considering taking the substance with some kind of guidance.

I don't get why they give people such high doses of the substance in these ceremonies that they can't even control their bodies, sometimes they just go unconscious.

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Remember, it is not necessary to retain any insights in order to get something out of the trip. Regardless if you retain insights or not, you will feel way different (in an amazing way) for days to come. 5-MEO continues to work with you well after the trip is over.

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