
Which video(s) by Leo are your favorite? Why? What does it mean to you?

14 posts in this topic

I was curious , because I have only watched like 15ish videos? There's so many!   

When I scan through the video list , I like the feeling of the good rich lessons I got from some of those videos there... Though it makes me sad that experience could feel so much richer if I had nuggets from all them...  

What's one video you have really liked , why was it cool to you? 



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Just sharing one that personally changed my life was the one about People Pleasing and I remember realizing that I always sending people cool content and it was just Validation Seeking... It's crazy how bad I was doing it...    I still remember the room I was in when I was trying to watch this video for the 3rd time in a week, lol

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Honestly hard to choose just one. It’s like asking a musician what song of theirs is their favorite. 

The shock thickens 

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They're all great, especially videos from past 2-3 years, but this one I come back to most often:



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What Is Actuality?

What is Gaslighting?

Self Love. 


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Posted (edited)


I watched nearly all of them 2-3 years ago. The one that I mentioned is utterly foundational and deep, which you'll recognize over time. It'll feel like wearing an advanced pair of glasses when you get what he is saying. It is superior to reading the holy scriptures and listening to others teach and/or brainwash you with spirituality if you consider yourself to be a spiritual person.

Edited by Understander

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The one that shocked me the most no doubt is:

The most helpful in my spiritual integration:

The most helpful in my personal life:

The deepest ones: 



Videos that I would like to see more:

1. Live Awakenings as they are happening

2. Blog videos for the people that are more into his work like he used to do.

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ... Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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^^ This is my favorite of his practical videos. Once you grasp that there are things that can only be gotten through deliberate consistent effort over a course of 10+ years, you'll radically shift much of your timewasting behaviors.

^^ This is my fav profound philosophical video of his. Weird that when I searched on youtube "The social matrix actualized" it didnt show up on the search results, only the clips of it.

I also like the video on exquisite balance along with the duality series and myth of science

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Posted (edited)

@KoryKat the practical videos. Where the exact steps were given to deal with a problem 

Edited by Elton

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Honestly, I can’t really choose haha

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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This was the first video I saw of Leo.
I watched it during an LSD comedown.
I was blown away by the creativity and depth of the video.
After that, I knew he would be the teacher I wanted to follow from then on.

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Probably the advice for young people because it’s what introduced me to him. Also the developing introspection one, I found it to be very wakeful 

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His videos on survival and his Spiral Dynamics series was his most illuminating content for me, but its like picking out a favorite child. I like most of his stuff.

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