
Going Full Monk Mode (Wall Street Style)

21 posts in this topic

As we approach the final stretchĀ of the year, the advertising realmĀ ignites with fervor as companies set their sights on mapping out their marketing budgets for the impending year. Being a sales guy in saidĀ industry, Iā€™m not just a bystander; Iā€™m an active participant, embracing the exhilaration thatā€™s akin to the frenzy of a horde of hyperactive children on Christmas Eve.

This year is nothing short of pivotal for me, marking my debut in this domain. Consequently, Iā€™ve resolved to seize this tumultuous period by the horns. StartingĀ Monday, I embark on an intense three-month meditation journey. During this time, I will ruthlessly disconnect from the internet, stripping away social media, news, and music, while relentlessly eliminating all non-work-related chatter and thought from my life.

My approach wonā€™t be rooted in overworking myself (which Iā€™m sure most of my colleagues will inevitably do), as I firmly reject that notion. Instead, Monday through Saturday will be a symphony of fitness, work, and rest, with Sunday dedicated to fasting, deep meditation, and unwavering contemplation, all focused resolutely on work-related objectives.

In addition to these stringent lifestyle adjustments, Iā€™m undertaking a 90-day practice of semen retention, harnessing my sexual energy for one singular purpose: PROFIT. Ensuring a robust 9 hours of sleep each night and adhering unwaveringly to an animal-based keto diet will fortify my physical and mental vigor, sustaining a perpetual state of ketosis throughout the entire three-month period.

Although Iā€™ve flirted with similar challenges in the past, this audacious endeavor promises to transcend all previous attempts. Itā€™s a relentless, high-stakes experiment, driven by the singular desire for substantial profitability $$$ :DĀ 

ā€œWe are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.ā€ - Heraclitus

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Just now, Nilsi said:

As we approach the final stretchĀ of the year, the advertising realmĀ ignites with fervor as companies set their sights on mapping out their marketing budgets for the impending year. Being a sales guy in saidĀ industry, Iā€™m not just a bystander; Iā€™m an active participant, embracing the exhilaration thatā€™s akin to the frenzy of a horde of hyperactive children on Christmas Eve.

This year is nothing short of pivotal for me, marking my debut in this domain. Consequently, Iā€™ve resolved to seize this tumultuous period by the horns. StartingĀ Monday, I embark on an intense three-month meditation journey. During this time, I will ruthlessly disconnect from the internet, stripping away social media, news, and music, while relentlessly eliminating all non-work-related chatter and thought from my life.

My approach wonā€™t be rooted in overworking myself (which Iā€™m sure most of my colleagues will inevitably do), as I firmly reject that notion. Instead, Monday through Saturday will be a symphony of fitness, work, and rest, with Sunday dedicated to fasting, deep meditation, and unwavering contemplation, all focused resolutely on work-related objectives.

In addition to these stringent lifestyle adjustments, Iā€™m undertaking a 90-day practice of semen retention, harnessing my sexual energy for one singular purpose: PROFIT. Ensuring a robust 9 hours of sleep each night and adhering unwaveringly to an animal-based keto diet will fortify my physical and mental vigor, sustaining a perpetual state of ketosis throughout the entire three-month period.

Although Iā€™ve flirted with similar challenges in the past, this audacious endeavor promises to transcend all previous attempts. Itā€™s a relentless, high-stakes experiment, driven by the singular desire for substantial profitability $$$ :DĀ 

That being said,Ā see you guys come December!

ā€œWe are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.ā€ - Heraclitus

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Looking forward to your results

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present.Ā 

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@ZenSwiftĀ What a badass signature. I love it!

ā€œOur most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that oneā€™s passions, oneā€™s focus, oneā€™s curiosity, oneā€™s time, and oneā€™s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.ā€ - r0ckyreed

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If you keep a journal about it I'd greatly appreciate it.

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On 9/1/2023 at 9:54 PM, r0ckyreed said:

@ZenSwiftĀ What a badass signature. I love it!

Appreciate it @r0ckyreed

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present.Ā 

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Let us know the challenges you encountered when this period is over.

Edited by UnbornTao

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On 1/9/2023 at 10:17 PM, Nilsi said:

Iā€™m undertaking a 90-day practice of semen retention, harnessing my sexual energy for one singular purpose: PROFIT.

It's powerful but you need to have some knowledge and practices to work with sexual energy.Ā 

God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless you live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, you should know the requirements of your body. This is first duty. We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes mature and Conscious. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady lifeĀ God is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, ...Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Lovingly disciplineĀ Life & Realize Absolute Infinity

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As promised, Iā€™m going to share my experience with you. Although itā€™s obvious, I want to preface this by stressing how IMPOSSIBLE it is to convey to you the depth of emotions and experience I went through and how meaningful these last few months were to me. But here we go:

For anybody who's unfamiliar with the profession of sales and what an average day in a call center looks like: just imagine youā€™re sitting in a cubicle for 8+ hours straight, calling up strangers (I work in B2B, so the strangers are mostly managing directors and CEOs of medium to large companies), trying to convince them that they need whatever product youā€™re selling (weā€™re selling out-of-home advertisement, aka billboards) and that they need it from you. This is, of course, a big challenge, since advertisement is something that any company is actively researching and implementing already, so the only lever you have in this game is making such a strong personal impression on them that they are convinced that someone this competent and charismatic must have something thatā€™s different and more valuable than what they already have. Imagine someone like Barack Obama ringing up your phone to tell you about a metal fork and why you absolutely need one. You obviously already own a metal fork, and you know the concept of a fork, but since itā€™s the president and heā€™s taking the time of his day to call you and tell you about the metal fork he has, you would perhaps buy one from him. This is a bit like what my job is.

Now, the first two months of this experiment, this was literally what my life was about. Every single thought and action in my entire day somehow revolved around selling my product.

The thought of such a narrowly focused life probably makes you want to throw up in your mouth alreadyā€¦ but at least the money was rightā€¦ right?

Like an alchemist chasing fool's gold, I did all the goal optimization I could and jumped through all the hoops, only to make less money than I previously had (which is still good money, but definitely not worth sacrificing everything that makes life meaningful and valuable to it).

This was such a tormenting and humiliating experience for me because I knew how much I had to neglect and even hurt to live like this, and it didnā€™t even pay off.

All that pent-up frustration and stress eventually reached its climax in a kind of rude spiritual awakening that made me seriously question my motivations and life choices and shattered my childish idea of turning metal into gold by just zeroing in on that one narrow goal. This shift also drained me physically to the point of not being able to speak or eat and having the worst fever of my life.

Now that I was forced to take a break from work, I somehow had to reassemble my life and figure out where to take it from there. I basically just sat in my apartment and contemplated life for two weeks straight. What happened during that time is still a bit nebulous to me, but I re-emerged from my short hiatus with more clarity and sense of purpose than ever before. What became painfully obvious to me was that narrow goal optimization in the way I had done it will guarantee a miserable, shallow, and inhumane life and, in my case (thank god), wouldnā€™t even achieve the narrowly defined goal I had set out to optimize for. So, in a leap of faith, I decided to take the opposite approach and orient towards a life that would encompass all dimensions and facets of being and being human without trading them off against each other.

Far from embodying this holistic approach perfectly, I still gradually regained a sense of direction, and most notably, my relationships improved drastically.

All of a sudden, work felt like play again, and my colleagues became something I hadnā€™t known in a while: friends.

Even more shocking: I started to become really damn good at my profession. My conversations with customers became more authentic and noticeably enjoyable for both parties. The atmosphere in our office shifted from professional and reserved to friendly and familial. Even our team lead, who always loathed us and despised work, started inviting us to lunch and even organized a fancy Christmas party for us.

My entire experience of life shifted very dramatically very quickly, and I fell in love with reality to a degree that was absolutely shocking to me, even after 7+ years of serious contemplation and a ton of mystical and spiritual experiences.

As far as my once-cherished goal of making a lot of money goes: I made A LOT of money these last couple of weeks ā€” so much so that Iā€™m being hailed as THE new superstar in our company. And although this may sound shallow to some of you, Iā€™m very fucking proud of myself for finally getting the success and recognition I was so relentlessly fighting for this past year.

Just to put this into perspective: I became disillusioned with academia at the tail end of 2022, dropped out of college in January of this year, applied for a career in sales without any prior experience, and landed the perfect job for my uniqueĀ situation in March, to now having earned as much money in a couple of weeks as the majority of employees in my country earn in an entire year.

But thatā€™s not even the best part. The best part was finding love again.

I found love for life, reality, and myself to a degree that wouldā€™ve made me sick to my stomach before. But I also found love ā€” the human kind. The kind you feel for another person with whom hours in their company feel like seconds, whom you notice a shocking amount of your thoughts and dreams revolving around, who leaves a little void in your heart the moment they leave the door. Of course, I had heard that such a kind of love exists, but to actually have it happen to me is an absolute gift. And itā€™s not like I was running dry on love and gifts at that point.

I apologize for the overly sentimental and borderline cringe-inducing depictions of my experience, but Iā€™ve gone through a lot this year and am still a bit overwhelmed by how it somehow all turned out so perfectly.

If I had to share one key lesson from all of this, itā€™s that you cannot reduce the infinite depth and complexity of life to some finite metric and expect to find a meaningful life in the optimization of that narrowly defined goal. So letā€™s conclude this mess with the most overused, pretentious-sounding but profoundly wise quote from Lao Tzu: ā€žThe Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao.ā€œ


ā€œWe are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.ā€ - Heraclitus

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Thatā€™s fucking badass man, I usually do the same but with spiritual pursuits.Ā 

itā€™s cool to see that same mindset and context put into making some cash, so you can have more freedom in life. Plus just getting after it like that and saying fuck all the distractions is so satisfying.Ā 

Get after it šŸ”„

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Just want to share this beautiful artifact of human greatness and dignity again ā€” nowhere have I seen the spirit of what it means to be human expressed more gracefully as in this performance.

ā€œWe are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.ā€ - Heraclitus

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10 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

As promised, Iā€™m going to share my experience with you. Although itā€™s obvious, I want to preface this by stressing how IMPOSSIBLE it is to convey to you the depth of emotions and experience I went through and how meaningful these last few months were to me. But here we go:

For anybody who's unfamiliar with the profession of sales and what an average day in a call center looks like: just imagine youā€™re sitting in a cubicle for 8+ hours straight, calling up strangers (I work in B2B, so the strangers are mostly managing directors and CEOs of medium to large companies), trying to convince them that they need whatever product youā€™re selling (weā€™re selling out-of-home advertisement, aka billboards) and that they need it from you. This is, of course, a big challenge, since advertisement is something that any company is actively researching and implementing already, so the only lever you have in this game is making such a strong personal impression on them that they are convinced that someone this competent and charismatic must have something thatā€™s different and more valuable than what they already have. Imagine someone like Barack Obama ringing up your phone to tell you about a metal fork and why you absolutely need one. You obviously already own a metal fork, and you know the concept of a fork, but since itā€™s the president and heā€™s taking the time of his day to call you and tell you about the metal fork he has, you would perhaps buy one from him. This is a bit like what my job is.

Now, the first two months of this experiment, this was literally what my life was about. Every single thought and action in my entire day somehow revolved around selling my product.

The thought of such a narrowly focused life probably makes you want to throw up in your mouth alreadyā€¦ but at least the money was rightā€¦ right?

Like an alchemist chasing fool's gold, I did all the goal optimization I could and jumped through all the hoops, only to make less money than I previously had (which is still good money, but definitely not worth sacrificing everything that makes life meaningful and valuable to it).

This was such a tormenting and humiliating experience for me because I knew how much I had to neglect and even hurt to live like this, and it didnā€™t even pay off.

All that pent-up frustration and stress eventually reached its climax in a kind of rude spiritual awakening that made me seriously question my motivations and life choices and shattered my childish idea of turning metal into gold by just zeroing in on that one narrow goal. This shift also drained me physically to the point of not being able to speak or eat and having the worst fever of my life.

Now that I was forced to take a break from work, I somehow had to reassemble my life and figure out where to take it from there. I basically just sat in my apartment and contemplated life for two weeks straight. What happened during that time is still a bit nebulous to me, but I re-emerged from my short hiatus with more clarity and sense of purpose than ever before. What became painfully obvious to me was that narrow goal optimization in the way I had done it will guarantee a miserable, shallow, and inhumane life and, in my case (thank god), wouldnā€™t even achieve the narrowly defined goal I had set out to optimize for. So, in a leap of faith, I decided to take the opposite approach and orient towards a life that would encompass all dimensions and facets of being and being human without trading them off against each other.

Far from embodying this holistic approach perfectly, I still gradually regained a sense of direction, and most notably, my relationships improved drastically.

All of a sudden, work felt like play again, and my colleagues became something I hadnā€™t known in a while: friends.

Even more shocking: I started to become really damn good at my profession. My conversations with customers became more authentic and noticeably enjoyable for both parties. The atmosphere in our office shifted from professional and reserved to friendly and familial. Even our team lead, who always loathed us and despised work, started inviting us to lunch and even organized a fancy Christmas party for us.

My entire experience of life shifted very dramatically very quickly, and I fell in love with reality to a degree that was absolutely shocking to me, even after 7+ years of serious contemplation and a ton of mystical and spiritual experiences.

As far as my once-cherished goal of making a lot of money goes: I made A LOT of money these last couple of weeks ā€” so much so that Iā€™m being hailed as THE new superstar in our company. And although this may sound shallow to some of you, Iā€™m very fucking proud of myself for finally getting the success and recognition I was so relentlessly fighting for this past year.

Just to put this into perspective: I became disillusioned with academia at the tail end of 2022, dropped out of college in January of this year, applied for a career in sales without any prior experience, and landed the perfect job for my uniqueĀ situation in March, to now having earned as much money in a couple of weeks as the majority of employees in my country earn in an entire year.

But thatā€™s not even the best part. The best part was finding love again.

I found love for life, reality, and myself to a degree that wouldā€™ve made me sick to my stomach before. But I also found love ā€” the human kind. The kind you feel for another person with whom hours in their company feel like seconds, whom you notice a shocking amount of your thoughts and dreams revolving around, who leaves a little void in your heart the moment they leave the door. Of course, I had heard that such a kind of love exists, but to actually have it happen to me is an absolute gift. And itā€™s not like I was running dry on love and gifts at that point.

I apologize for the overly sentimental and borderline cringe-inducing depictions of my experience, but Iā€™ve gone through a lot this year and am still a bit overwhelmed by how it somehow all turned out so perfectly.

If I had to share one key lesson from all of this, itā€™s that you cannot reduce the infinite depth and complexity of life to some finite metric and expect to find a meaningful life in the optimization of that narrowly defined goal. So letā€™s conclude this mess with the most overused, pretentious-sounding but profoundly wise quote from Lao Tzu: ā€žThe Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao.ā€œ


Very profound sharing. Thank you. So beautiful and way to find this love for life in your unique wayĀ 

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@Nilsi Thanks for sharing, amazing.

It was aĀ necessary experiment to see what you could become on the way to the top.

You should live like a renaissance manĀ basking on deep creativity/love.

Edited by CARDOZZO

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wow this is inspiring, thank you for sharing. Bravo to you for actually taking action and doing what you set out to do Ā despite the challenges,. I hope to do something like this also, much respect to you :)

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To your update:

Beautiful. Just pure. Reminds me of a phase in learning pickup and dating I had years ago.

Now I'm focused on mastering money-making and I will most likely have phases like this again.

Edited by Miguel1

Connect with me on Instagram:Ā

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@Nilsi Damn, good job. I especially like the insight about holism šŸ˜‰šŸ˜š

Intrinsic joy is revealedĀ in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Yeah, I would have told you had I seen this thread.

A balanced life is the goal; the more you over-focus on one aspect of life, the more your life will turn to shit.Ā  The unconscious mind will simply rebel and make you sick and miserable.Ā  I'm glad you found this out for yourself, though; it was a valuable experiment to run.

Edited by SeaMonster

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3 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

I'm glad you found this out for yourself, though; it was a valuable experiment to run.

When you find it out for yourself, that's when it truly sticks.

Intrinsic joy is revealedĀ in the marriage of meaning and being.

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18 hours ago, SeaMonster said:

Yeah, I would have told you had I seen this thread.

A balanced life is the goal; the more you over-focus on one aspect of life, the more your life will turn to shit.Ā  The unconscious mind will simply rebel and make you sick and miserable.Ā  I'm glad you found this out for yourself, though; it was a valuable experiment to run.

I understood this concept very well on an intellectual level; yet, in my hubris, I convinced myself that it didn't apply to me and that I could brute-force my way to success.

I had thought that, even if my life turned to shit in some areas, at least I would achieve some material success. The most shocking revelation, however, was that this more holistic reorientation also led to business success.

I'm not certain how broadly this principle can be applied though.Ā In theory, narrow goal optimization should still be able to achieve its intended goal. By some divine chance, it didnā€™t work for me, giving me the opportunity to rethink my approach to life.

Edited by Nilsi

ā€œWe are most nearly ourselves when we achieve the seriousness of the child at play.ā€ - Heraclitus

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On 18.12.2023 at 2:10 AM, Miguel1 said:

To your update:

Beautiful. Just pure. Reminds me of a phase in learning pickup and dating I had years ago.

Now I'm focused on mastering money-making and I will most likely have phases like this again.


On 18.12.2023 at 2:10 AM, Miguel1 said:

To your update:

Beautiful. Just pure. Reminds me of a phase in learning pickup and dating I had years ago.

Now I'm focused on mastering money-making and I will most likely have phases like this again.


Edited by 28 cm unbuffed

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