Do You Love Women With ALL Your Heart?

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I'm reading a book called "The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion". (Thanks @WonderSeeker)

There is a section of the book that is making me think about all my dating journey.

I want you all guys to think deeply about that and feel your body.

Do you love women with ALL your HEART?


Edited by CARDOZZO

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@The Redeemer Develop your passions.

It’s only a burden when you’re relating to women in a weak way.

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It's an interesting perspective.

But here's another:

Don't pander to women. Focus on your life purpose.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This is not only with women but also with money or with anything else. 

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Brat, I praise you for your posts cuz you share worthwhile stuff. 

Let's talk about specifics. The biggest learning for me is to let women be how they are. To not want to change / improve them. They will grow on their own with love. Also, a woman may has different goals and viewpoints than the man in a romantic relationship. This is not wrong, it has to be that way. Why fight against reality? I found even if I succeeded in making her improve I drove her away, and rightfully so, I'm so happy I finally learned the lesson.

11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

It's an interesting perspective.

But here's another:

Don't pander to women. Focus on your life purpose.

An important corolary rule. Without boundaries the whole relations would not work.

A woman wants EVERYTHING of a man. Time, Attention - but the man has to have an Agenda so the woman feel valued if she get's some of it. If the woman get's everything very easily, you drive her away and it's right cuz she needs someone with a purpose, not a slave pet human.

3 minutes ago, StarStruck said:

This is not only with women but also with money or with anything else. 

Law of attraction?

Edited by supremeyingyang

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This is so true.

Women feel misogyny very easily.

And respond to geniune love very easily. I'm sure that men do respond to geniune love as well, this is universal.

That's may be the reason that the men who grew up with women around them (sisters, female childhood friends) tend to be on average more successful with women, what some men call 'naturals'. They know women, they love them because they know them well, this energy is very bold and magnetic. 

There are lots of patriarchal beliefs that ruin this beautiful and natural connection between men and women, that create unecessary separation and suffering.

A recommend video to watch whether you are a man or woman:


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Somethins really missing inside this chapter, loving woman with all your heart is bad idea ,you should put that love into building yourself there is no time to love a woman...if it works for you go for it..its not in me...

@The Redeemer its all about the man but nobody is talking about it...


Who teaches us whats real and how to laugh at lies? Who decides why we live and what we'll die to defend?Who chain us? And who holds the Key that can set us free? 

It's you.

You have all the weapons you need 

Now fight.

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Loving women has nothing to do with attracting them. If women feel misogyny very easily, how do they end up with abusers, murderers, all round terrible men so frequently. Actually the more amoral a man, the less likely he is to have trouble attracting women. If incels were as bad as people make them out to be ironically they would have no trouble attracting women, the truth is that unattractive men are vilified to justify the instinctual repulsion towards them.

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@NoSelfSelf I agree love between a man and woman is possible but you shouldn't seek or yearn for it as a man. Dedicate yourself to a cause, craft or ideal. If love appears great, if not even better but loving women beyond having the basic respect for another human being is another trap and red herring for men. I would go as far as saying the obsession with loving and possessing women actually causes more misogyny than a respectful indifference. If you build up the feminine to be this thing which must be cherished and adored it will trigger anger in you if does not respond in the way you wish. Young men don't need to love women more, they need to let go of women, let go of any expectations of them, give them space.....

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I love women. Have you seen one? Talked to one? 

“Wow” ^_^

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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14 minutes ago, Lila9 said:

This is so true.

Women feel misogyny very easily.

And respond to geniune love very easily. I'm sure that men do respond to geniune love as well, this is universal.

That's may be the reason that the men who grew up with women around them (sisters, female childhood friends) tend to be on average more successful with women, what some men call 'naturals'. They know women, they love them because they know them well, this energy is very bold and magnetic. 

There are lots of patriarchal beliefs that ruin this beautiful and natural connection between men and women, that create unecessary separation and suffering.

A recommend video to watch whether you are a man or woman:


I had to smile at the part with the Patriarchy. Ahaha

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This Perrion guy is great.

Young guys should read his stuff/interviews before going into the 'game tactics', otherwise they'll become robotic, mechanical, and probably resentful of women when they get rejected or get their heart broken.



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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Focus on your life purpose.

He also talks about that: Men need a lifelong passion beyond her, beyond him and the whole world.

Develop an infectious passion that radiates through yourself.


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@StarStruck Agree.

We need to begin with some aspects of reality.

Then you can expand that love to the whole.

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@supremeyingyang Thanks bro, I’m trying to do my best for the community.

The book is a gem, literally.

It’s just shaking my personal operational system to look at women and life.

Just go for it.

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Man who grew with woman can easily see that they are not Aliens.

It helps a lot.

But one thing that is common between men:

Men shame themselves because they love and like women.

It’s shameful to like and love a girl when you’re young.

We start to repress our love for women and this causes a lot of trouble.

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