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About WonderSeeker

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  • Birthday 02/14/1998

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    Scottsdale, AZ
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  1. My respect to you for developing yourself wherever you are. Coming into the expert stage, from what i can remember from my earlier years, involved knowing and practicing something to a tee. For me, I learned how to solve the Rubik's cube and became obsessed. I also watched lots of Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and became hyper interested in math. Rational, nerdy, technical stuff. None of my friends did these things. I think experts take pride in differentiating themselves from their peer group. My personal examples aren't perfectly consistent with the model but they should give you a basic idea.
  2. @quantumspiral @BlessedLion I was considering a TEFL in Korea but on the women front you make me think twice
  3. Lol. Brother, you don't even need squat to move. I moved from New York to Arizona by car with only like 600 USD in the bank. Then I slept on someone's couch and became an Uber driver to make some money. They kicked me out 3 months later but it didn't matter because by then I had enough to rent. You have more money, plus the investments. But yes, you're a sophomore(?) in college and it would be potentially unwise to ditch the work you've put in so far. Maybe, idk. You're pragmatic, but clearly you don't have a passion for what you're doing and the people you're surrounded by. Have you thought about transferring colleges and cities at the same time? Also dude, you're 19. You don't need to be unnecessarily stressing to this degree. Take one bite at a time. Biggest lesson I've learned in year 26.
  4. @hyruga Choose one or the other or oscillate between the two. As lion man said it depends on you. I peraonally sprint 3-6 months at a time then rejuvenate 1-2 months in between sprints.
  5. I skimmed your post and I have 3 thoughts. 1. Dude, you're 26, I'm 26. You're fine, we're babies. 2. You still live with your parents. Ok, is this helping you or is it holding you back? Personally the best thing I ever did was drive 38 hours away from my hometown and live in a new city. 3. On the addiction thing: ya it can be a bitch getting over your attachments. I used to smoke weed every day and wank it to adult vids every other day. Its taken like 3-4 years to taper down and I haven't done either of those, nor alcohol in 6 months now. And the last time I did weed/alcohol were around toxic family/friends, so watch who you're surrounded by. At first stopping will be hard, but over time you'll develop momentum and change for the better. Best part is if you reintroduce it after enough time since your last use, you'll see how retarded those vices actually are. They're all the devil but they feel good when you're enmeshed with them Be realistic and gentle with yourself. You sound like you're hard on yourself. I wouldn't wanna be your child, lol. You're a smart, introspective, action taker. Clearly. Thats what i see. Tell yourself that and quit slamming yourself over the head my man
  6. @k-ahmadzadeh Brother let me tell you, it's not just you. A lot of people go thru this. Me, I'm in door to door sales right now. And as someone who is not a natural at it (which is the case for most who do it), it will make you feel deeply unoptimistic about your goals, whether you'll make enough money to make it through, and change your life. Similar to what you're feeling. What to do about this? I stay optimistic by saying all positive thoughts OUT LOUD, and let the negative thoughts come and go like rainstorms. They say that a negative thought that gets emotionally energized (usually said aloud) has 10x the negative effect on you. So no negative shit out loud. Next, I always do the work whether I want to or not. No paralysis by analysis and no waiting for the world to dictate whether my future will be favorable or not. And I do this knowing I may get in a car crash tomorrow, get bit by a dog, go bankrupt, get an STD, a world war starts, whatever. Lol. Both sides are true, the Tier 2 approach is about using what works to anneal to your target reality. And then let the chips fall where they may. Be a realistic optimist.
  7. Best video I've come across on mental illness awareness. Rewatch a few times. Notice all of the subtle body language cues. Warning: If you're like me you will be washed over with intense emotions and bawl your eyes out for over an hour after watching. The actors did an incredible job in making it real.
  8. Just trust yourself. Forgive yourself. Study study study, but then break away and build your own thing. Honor your uniqueness and don't get sullied down the wrong corridor by a persuasive fellow. Have fun and laugh at life. Then get serious and drag your elbows thru the mud to create something beautiful. Etc. You've got this-
  9. Take the last hour to reflect on paper: Top 3 major moves you made and how they've changed the trajectory of your life, What new seeds did you plant and how'd you grow, Top 3 moves for the next year and how you'll grow the seeds you planted from the previous year, Then get into the bod: do pushups, jump in the air, and physically feel into 2024, Then jerk off to christen the new year
  10. Spiral wizardry. Telling the truth. Being patient with yourself. Awareness of one's devilry and self-deception. Willingness to lose old friends [as you change] and go periods of loneliness before gaining new friends. Seeing all sides to a problem, but choosing a solution that's the best-fit for the long-term health of the thing. Humbleness and paying mentors to hold your ass to the fire as you're facing deep fears. Pioneering something new even if it's not popular. Being yourself even if it's not popular. Having a strong sense of reality. Systems thinking. - - - A couple leaders I look up to are Owen Cook and Bernie Sanders. I've met both of them each a few times. You can feel what they're about. I don't agree with everything they say, but they sure as hell lead. For each of these examples if you look up old footage of them (1970s Bernie, 2000s Owen), you see them passionately talking about unpopular causes they truly believed in, way before they were on anyone's radar. Great leaders are grown, not born.
  11. Been there before. Have a friend who says –40ºF winters are normal. IMAGINE! This is modern Mongolia. Imagine being Chinghis Khan, in 1200A.D., unifying tribes across the steppe to build a trans-continental empire. Ridiculous.
  12. I'm part Armenian! Hope to visit one day. Looks beautiful. P.S. if your there now be save, the conflict with Azerbaijan sounds awfully hairy.
  13. Ya typical rejections mean nothing to me anymore. In fact some of them make me genuinely lol The only times it hurts is when chode guy friends jump in and talk shit or if I realize I said/did something super cringe even tho I knew it was wrong. 95% of people just go out with the same social circle so when they see a guy with balls approach their female friend, they shit talk him; what's really going on there is they're triggered cuz they would never have the balls to do it and so they feel that hurling insults will make them superior. Anyway... @kamill Stud.
  14. Actually, you're right! I conveniently left out some moderate successes. last year in Mongolia I dated 5 women off Tinder and took 2 of them back to my hotel (made a really strong connection with this sweet, intelligent Japanese girl and we got down on all 4 dates) I've had like 3 or 4 insta-dates from daygame I pulled these 2 girls from nighttime in Miami but we didn't fuck, we just shared the bed (long story, don't wanna get into it lol) Ya, to people reading this who want to get into seduction but are wondering if it will produce any fruits , PLEASE DO NOT THINK THAT THIS IS ME SAYING THIS SHIT DOES NOT WORK. IT ABSOLUTELY DOES. It's just that it will 99.9% likely not be a linear progression of pure failure to pure success. It's a hero's journey, perhaps the most challenging one you'll ever have to embark like it is for me. Good point. But for people who don't have any requisite skill, you have to start somewhere to bust through early limitations. Then you can go more off intuition and stop conceptualizing attraction. Again, for some people this is a non-issue. Different people require different styles and levels of solution. How the fuck SHOULD this feel "light and natural" for men who were socially/sexually traumatized early in life? Logically it makes perfect sense, but the emotional midbrain hasn't caught up yet. People who just "get it" will never understand. And that's fine, they don't need this advice.
  15. Feedback. I don't need a coach to tell me to approach, I want to know what my blindspots are then course-correct. Thank you. That's a helpful point. @StarStruck I rarely watch porn. 1. Currently in the gym working on it. 2. Also working on that. 3. Yes and no. 4. That's actually a good idea. I just moved cities so will look into that. 5. Yep, the No Quit attitude is my foundation. 6. Have you ever received coaching? 7. Ya, it's a progression. Part of it is social acuity and vibing, also dumping trauma energy. I am doing pickup first and foremost to become a great leader and to develop deep inner peace and love for people and life. When I was younger I became massively jaded and distrustful of people and numbed myself to it all. To me, spirituality is laughably easy compared to this. If I can handle dating and attraction to a T then 80% of life will be solved for me. I guess that's why it's so challenging HAHAH. I actually miss park daytime. As you know I'm now in Arizona where it's too hot for that kind of thing haha. Fall will be epic tho. Ya, shadow work is definitely a LARGE KEY in this. Let's do it. @ValiantSalvatore Cool man, ya I'm getting much more into physical escalation. I actually eskimo kissed a girl then pulled her out of the club, full compliance, less than 2 mins into the interaction. I'm far from being shy about making moves. It's just a matter of more reps and better calibration, reading the play, and being smooth. I also have a high school friend who's a natural. I tell him "Dude you're fuckin hilarious, you have zero filter" and he's just like ya I guess. Does whatever he wants at the club, gets laid every other night. Some men are just born with it or had a good older brother that taught them. I had zero teaching combined with negative emotional programming regarding my sexuality as I grew up. So a lot of this is reversing a ton of bullshit. @Jacob Morres Facts. It's about who you become in the face of adversity. For sure. The times where I had the most fun I got the best results. My sticking point is drawing state up from within. Takes time I guess. I'm just putting together my life in a new city so yes and no. I moved to a place with no friends so kinda working from scratch. I do Uber so I meet some people and network thru that. Ya I used to do loads of meditation right before getting into seduction. I actually would meditate 30-60 min daily. Gonna bring that back as it did make me more relaxed in general. Thanks. When I first started I was nervous as fuck. Then I became chill and even enjoyed it late 2022 into early 2023. Now I've come full circle back to fear and anxiety. I think what's happening is I'm about to jump up another couple levels in the next few months. I'm breaking down old thought patterns and habits to jump into a new paradigm as I organize my energy and life. ___________________ Thanks for the insights y'all !