
Your Relationships Are A Mirror of You

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Bullshit, when i was a 4-5 year old child. Pure and loving , but was still being abused and beaten by my mother. By talking like this you're putting a limit on god, relationships don't have to be a reflection of you... people act are what is within god just like in your sleeping dream. So don't feed people bs please.

Edited by Jowblob


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1 hour ago, tuku747 said:




the most natural way of relations between humans is war. the miraculous balance in which we live now, the result of tens of thousands of years of horror, is just that, miraculous. forgetting where we came from is stupid. Right now you are wearing clothes made by slaves that if they get sick, they will not have medical attention. If their children have cancer, bad luck. These people are prohibited from entering your country, and if they try, there will be an armed response. you instead, you can go to his country. those are the human relationships in which you live

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On 6/29/2023 at 8:24 PM, Princess Arabia said:

You created that narcissist by calling them a narcissist. Now your world has to prove to you that they are a narcissist, and they'll keep being a narcissist until you let go of the idea of them being a narcissist. That's how powerful you are. You are the operant power. 

I did not. I only started calling him that the last year or so. He was exactly the same before I even knew how to label things, let alone a person. I can’t get myself to accept that “I’m the operant power” because that would mean I tortured myself all my life, decades, for no reason at all. I need to believe my “real” self is not that unforgivingly cruel. That maybe it was just a matter of luck, that I was at my own mercy or something. I can’t wrap my head around how you create a perfectly sane, sensitive and sensible person and turn it into a degenerate with tons of traumas just to say “hey, kidding, you’re actually the creator and fully in control” all of a sudden.  Makes 0 sense, it’s retarded and unnecessary, and gives me super strong urges to inflict violence and be the worst version of myself.

@Inliytened1 there are some things I’m not capable of, this is one of them. And so suffering is what I’m left with. If I wanna finally get close to God, then I’ll just end it.

Edited by michaelcycle00

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31 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

I did not. I only started calling him that the least year or so. He was exactly the same before I even knew how to label things, let alone a person. I can’t get myself to accept that “I’m the operant power” because that would mean I tortured myself all my life, decades, for no reason at all. I need to believe my “real” self is not that unforgivingly cruel. That maybe it was just a matter of luck, that I was at my own mercy or something. I can’t wrap my head around how you create a perfectly sane, sensitive and sensible person and turn it into a degenerate with tons of traumas just to say “hey, kidding, you’re actually the creator and fully in control” all of a sudden.  Makes 0 sense, it’s retarded and unnecessary, and gives me super strong urges to inflict violence and be the worse version of myself.

@Inliytened1 there are some things I’m not capable of, this is one of them. And so suffering is what I’m left with. If I wanna finally get close to God, then I’ll just end it.

It's very hard to see certain things when you're not open to seeing them. It took me awhile to start to understand somethings about life and the things that are happening in the world, about myself and the people around me. It all started with questions. The right kind of questions. I was persistent, but not aggressive, in my quest for knowledge. I kept being curious until things started to be revealed to me. I didn't have to go anywhere, it found me. Now I'm starting to understand some things; and because I didn't accept what people were telling me and refused to believe this world could be so viscous and cruel for no reason other than just being viscous and cruel (which I no longer believe), it changed my way of seeing the world. It took me going within and stopping the victim mentality for me to be receptive to seeing things from a different perspective and to not following societal norms. Things started to become clearer; and instead of rebutting everyone's views and defending my victimhood mentality, I started to apply some of the things I was being taught and realized for myself how I was creating my world. It is a bit complex, but if you open your mind enough it will become simpler because there are certain ground rules that apply; and once these ground rules are understood, the puzzle gets easier to solve. I'm still in the learning stages but I know it's a life-long journey and my mind is a little more at peace now where I am able to receive the guidance I need to help me in my journey...whatever that journey is. When I see people like you suffering mentally and have succumbed to the imprisonment of the mind it breaks my heart, but I'm also learning that everyone is on their own individual path, and I have no right to try to intervene and change anything if I'm being met with resistance. So, I'm going to leave this right here and can only suggest to you that it doesn't have to be that way, and it is your choice to stay in that place of suffering instead of trying to understand why things are the way they are in order for you to break free from those chains. I wish you the best and hope you can leave your mind alone so your true self can come to the forefront and guide you where you need to go.

One Love....

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1 hour ago, michaelcycle00 said:

I did not. I only started calling him that the least year or so. He was exactly the same before I even knew how to label things, let alone a person. I can’t get myself to accept that “I’m the operant power” because that would mean I tortured myself all my life, decades, for no reason at all. I need to believe my “real” self is not that unforgivingly cruel. That maybe it was just a matter of luck, that I was at my own mercy or something. I can’t wrap my head around how you create a perfectly sane, sensitive and sensible person and turn it into a degenerate with tons of traumas just to say “hey, kidding, you’re actually the creator and fully in control” all of a sudden.  Makes 0 sense, it’s retarded and unnecessary, and gives me super strong urges to inflict violence and be the worse version of myself.

@Inliytened1 there are some things I’m not capable of, this is one of them. And so suffering is what I’m left with. If I wanna finally get close to God, then I’ll just end it.

It's a bunch of bs that non awake people love to believe in, as long as there are others and you're in a physical body you're not god, you have a tiny fraction of what god is.

Others are a slight mirror of your consciousness because you chose yourself how to interact with your other selves based on your beliefs and so on and you chose who to have in your life based on your own consciousness.  Peoples personalities and behaviour is what is within god, you're not responsible for that so on a bigger scale and understanding they're not a reflection of you but a reflection what god has within. 

Stop with this nonsense and stop feeding people bs, being a snowflake or selfless isn't gonna get mirrored back to you or change god (others). 


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power corrupts ... if someone can treat you shabbily and get away with it they likely will ... even if family especially if family ... cause where do you turn to if you can't turn to your own flesh and blood

the above relationships are mirrors theory is fine when there isn't power imbalance else people will keep doing you however they can

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@Princess Arabia I understand that I can change the way I see things, to open my mind further. What I'm saying is I am simply unable to go through with it, for 2 reasons. First off, if I sense I'm deluding myself in the name of positivity it will never work out. I prefer the ugly truth over the pretty delusion. And second, as I said, what is done is done. I've been left severely hurt and traumatized, and for what? FOR WHAT? Even if I could heal entirely it'll always be in the back of my mind that my God-self created this. That it didn't HAVE to, because it's the only thing that exists and so the only will that can do anything, but it still did. It is no mistake. IT IS VICIOUS AND CRUEL. The evidence is right in front of me and ignoring it in the name of positivity is a delusion. Do you not get it? If there's only you, then you hurt yourself. If you get your limbs cut off by terrorists you're doing it to yourself. It is no random event because there is ultimately only God's will, regardless of how it manifests itself. EVEN IF YOU TURN THE PAGE INTO WONDERLAND, you're basically saving yourself from your real self. That doesn't negate what happened to you when you were unaware (which is an illusion, everything is deliberate). Existence is evil and making it better is a defensive move. Then you'll die and incarnate into another dream where you'll suffer again, and this time you may not become so aware so as to save yourself. I don't wanna find out I tortured myself for fun because that would mean I'll always be at my own devilish mercy unless I manage to do something about it... and that's about the only ugly truth I'm unable to accept. It's all meaningless too, I'll be fine for a while and then back to viciousness and cruelty… it makes no difference to me anymore.

@Jowblob I don't think others are even slight mirrors of myself. So many people are unlike me in nearly everything. Not everyone treats me the same either. It doesn't make sense. It's just part of God's consciousness like you say and that's it.

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On 6/29/2023 at 7:09 PM, Hojo said:

Is this why you never have sex then get a girlfriend and all of a sudden other women start trying to have sex with you

That's called Murphy's Law, haha.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Directly realize that the dirtiest of mirrors can be seen clearly as the beauty that You are :)

Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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On 30.06.2023 at 5:09 AM, Hojo said:

Is this why you never have sex then get a girlfriend and all of a sudden other women start trying to have sex with you

I think it is because when you have a girlfriend, you stop radiating an energy of lack on that subject, and your new energy of "i'm already fulfilled" becomes what you radiate. 


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@tuku747 Your post actually made me realize some deep things after my last trip on mdma, thank you for that. I swear it's like me (god) creating these things like your post for waking me up.


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Judgement goes two ways. It is like talking to yourself in the mirror without noticing that and giving the other a hard time. 

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On 1/7/2023 at 9:47 AM, michaelcycle00 said:
On 1/7/2023 at 9:47 AM, michaelcycle00 said:

I've been left severely hurt and traumatized, and for what? FOR WHAT? Even if I could heal entirely it'll always be in the back of my mind that my God-self created this


Evolution. reality sets up obstacles and by overcoming them it evolves. the zebras may also be thinking how god is such a son of a bitch to put lions there. that's not fun, isn't it? but it is like it is, just play the game. And be proud of that you are playing a difficult game. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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6 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Evolution. reality sets up obstacles and by overcoming them it evolves. the zebras may also be thinking how god is such a son of a bitch to put lions there. that's not fun, isn't it? but it is like it is, just play the game. 


Why did the snake need glasses? Because it had a reptile dysfunction!

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