
Most Transformative Video, On Your Life Personally, From Leo from Actualized.org?

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First of all, wanted to honor the 10 year anniversary of actualized.org

Mini-story: I remember smoking that good stuff with a college friend, when I was 19 years old, contemplating life deeply. This was 8 years ago. I'm 27 now. And we both were in a car at night (parked) ... 

And out of nowhere I gave it some thought and I said, "If I had to make one statement before I die, it would be to watch actualized.org". It wasn't a joke. I really meant it. And to this day I stand by that statement. 

Actualized.org will be a pivotal place to turn for people in society over the many decades imo. Great job on Leo's part. 

Anyways, in particular I guess sorta connected to this anniversary thing, thought we can all reflect on the most transformative video of Leo's from the past 10 years that you have personally gone back to over and over again, taken notes, reflected on, contemplated, taken massive action on, embodied and/or love the most?

Why I'm making this post is because a) the power of a single video taken to the nth degree is a world of difference. And I've felt that with this video below. If we can share the ones that transformed us the most, I feel like we'll have a nice set of perspectives on what we are not seeing. Sometimes it's easy to paradigm lock yourself in a perspective because you love it so much.  But if we each share the power of our individual favorite video, we can open ourselves to new perspectives EVEN if we've seen the video before. Like I've seen 85%+ of Leo's videos, but Im sure there are many videos that Ive seen that Im not seeing the TRUE VALUE of. Im sure it will be like that for all of us.

I've seen this video over 10 times, start to finish.

I've committed to watching this video, at least 10 to 25 mins 3x per week for the decades to come. 

I've taken tons of notes on this, as a starting point for a lot of my life structuring. 

I've shared it, I love it a lot, and I'm always learning something new every time I come back to this. 

So what has been the most transformative video from actualized.org for you that has made a big impact on you? The one core one. And why was it that impactful? How did it impact you? What potential do you see from that video? 

Also curious on the most transformative book you've read in your life? I'm hoping we can keep it minimal, so that we clearly see the small efforts that give the biggest results. 

Curious on your answers 

Also curious if anyone had a "fuck you Leo" phase over the past 10 years. Like overall, in the past 10 years, I feel like Leo not only saved my life, but opened so many fucking doors for me. But I recall having a 6 month or so phase of being really angry with Leo. Dont remember why, but i felt like i got screwed over by Leo. Wondering if anyone had something similar loll


Edited by zunnyman

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It’s gotta be 10 important things that you don’t know you want. 


No other video, here or elsewhere, manages to so concretely map out the fundamental values. Don’t know what to contemplate? That list should act as the starting point. Draw out those ten things and then start making arrows and sub items and begin to work towards a complete hierarchical map, laying out the groundwork for how to reach those 10 goals. 

Edited by anaj

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It is really difficult to choose one video out of all the classics. But I think, for me, This one stands out as the most transformative:


The way Leo elaborated each of the principles resonates with me deeply. It's like I already intuitively knew what he was saying. But the way he was able to articulate them helped me make everything I had in my mind explicit. So, whenever I start losing track of what truly matters to me I come back to this video and realign myself. 

Also, all of the 

2 hours ago, zunnyman said:

the most transformative book

The laws of human nature

2 hours ago, zunnyman said:

Also curious if anyone had a "fuck you Leo" phase over the past 10 years

Oh yes. I thought I was the only one hahah. But then I went through some of the comment sections and explored the internet and found there were plenty of these types lmao. But yeah, It lasted about two months or so. 

Edited by HMD

"The wise seek wisdom, a fool has found it."

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"Advice for high-school and college students" 

watched that video at 15, made a checklist of everything and slowly applied everything, been 2 years now. 

I believe in the religion of Love
Whatever direction its caravans may take,
For love is my religion and my faith.

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1 hour ago, Ayham said:

"Advice for high-school and college students" 

watched that video at 15, made a checklist of everything and slowly applied everything, been 2 years now. 

You must be a champion student right now!

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Mine is probably power of asking questions 

I like it bc questions can help guide you to any result. I find it very useful 


Edited by Jacob Morres

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"Life is A Dream"

Totally flipped my world upside-down. This video single-handedly began my spiritual journey.

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Forum tidbits, getting laid series, and overall attitude towards life.

I rewatched the Integrity video the most, Integrity is a very honorable thing to seek, even though it might not be descriptive of you. 

Edited by MarkKol

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 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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And why was it that impactful? How did it impact you? What potential do you see from that video? 

It put a mirror up to my face and of course it pushes you into action when you realize all of a sudden that you have horns and a forked tongue.

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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About 2.5 years ago before my first trip ever I researched how to best use psychedelics for personal development and this video popped up

which took me down this rabbit hole. After that I binge watched all his practical life advice like life advice for young people and 65 core principles of the good life, but this is the one that really started it all.

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This video inspired me to pursue spirituality and love for the rest of my life. When I watched this I just knew there was no going back. I feel so grateful I found Leo and Actualized.org it's crazy.

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Probably ' a vision for the self-actualized life' and ' and 'how to get started with self-actualization'


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Do what works

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