
Marianne Williamson Is Running For President

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5 hours ago, martins name said:

Lots have been said and I'll just say this: Marianne unprecedented, the power of turquoise has never been tried in politics before. Bernie is very popular and Marianne will tap into that but she is also many times wiser and smarter than Bernie. She is able to appeal to the whole SD spectrum in a way Bernie couldn't. That's what I'm betting on. I'm also betting on her ability to persuade influential people, and by that, winning over their audiences. 

There is a lot of anti-establishment energy in America, which is what got Trump and Obama elected and I think she is very good at channeling that in a leftist direction.

This is exactly how I see it

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I'm shocked, France is even more retarded then I thought, here someone like her could barely appear on TV, now I'm learning she has a whole political history ! 

The idea of mainstream turquoise is so interesting, what the hell would humanity look like in 500 years 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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@martins name

9 hours ago, martins name said:

@Danioover9000 Leo thinks it's a stage of spiritual development when it's really about emotional and cognitive development. Ken thinks the third tier comes after the second tier but it really branches of from yellow and goes parallel with the second tier

   I think you could be misinterpreting @Leo Gura 's take of stage Turquoise. He never had stated explicitly that stage turquoise was spiritual development, but was a very high value system for a person and group to reach, and instead implied a very high spiritual development. I also don't think that's what Ken Wilbur meant.

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@Danioover9000 I disagree, almost none of the people Leo uses as examples of turquoise express much turquoise. I probably disagree with this whole forum on the nature of turquoise. What didn't Ken mean?

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6 hours ago, Emerald said:

Sorry about the putting my replies inside the box. I like to respond bit by bit. But it does get in the way of others responding to me.

But what you’re saying now in the post above contradicts what you said before about her being like Margaret Thatcher.

And Marianne does have a fiery spirit. If you were familiar with her, you would know that.

Also, Democrats will all vote for her if she makes it to the general, even the ones that prefer Biden in the primary… and she’d energize independents and non-voters to come out to the polls.

   Fair enough, I am not familiar with Mariam Webster, so I used an analogy that made sense to me to compare her to.

   If she can make it to the generals, maybe. I've learned my lesson with the political drama for the past 6 years, so I'm skeptical and remain centrist and not hoping for too much if she win or if Biden remains in office. Maybe Obama may make a return or not if Biden can't.

   Last resort, Donald Trump announces his run or president once again, maybe riles up all the political parties to get in gear too.

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@martins name

2 minutes ago, martins name said:

@Danioover9000 I disagree, almost none of the people Leo uses as examples of turquoise express much turquoise. I probably disagree with this whole forum on the nature of turquoise. What didn't Ken mean?

   Okay, name a few in Leo's list that doesn't embody stage turquoise. What Ken's meaning, is contained within integral theory, in the book. Do you have the book?

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@Danioover9000 Shinzen young, Osho, Sadhguru, Rupert Sheldrake to name a few. You're not turquoise because you're enlightened.
I wrote this some years ago about my understanding of turquoise:

The Anatomy of Turquoise

The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th chakra make up the inner workings of turquoise.

Everything I witnessed fell into an open heart(4th chakra). My open 6th chakra made the love indiscriminate, totally compassionate for even the darkest side of a being. That ability to see someone in their totality, without judging its ugly sides, is what gives turquoise it's famed holism. A 2nd chakra bond was then formed with being entered my awareness, could be a part of my subtle body, psyche or could be another living being. The indiscriminate love then worked through that bond to create the desire to heal the being. Healing means making happy, as happiness is the psyche's way of signaling health. It's then perceived that the being has bonds with other beings that in turn has more bonds. These bonds continue out to a whole network encompassing every being on this planet, aka, the web of life. The open 7th chakra made this cognition cosmic rather than personal, giving a 3rd person perspective required for the impersonal nature of the 2nd tier.


Ken's AQAL model is fundamentally flawed.

Edited by martins name

The road to God is paved with bliss.

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@martins name

3 hours ago, martins name said:

@Danioover9000 Shinzen young, Osho, Sadhguru, Rupert Sheldrake to name a few. You're not turquoise because you're enlightened.
I wrote this some years ago about my understanding of turquoise:

The Anatomy of Turquoise

The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th chakra make up the inner workings of turquoise.

Everything I witnessed fell into an open heart(4th chakra). My open 6th chakra made the love indiscriminate, totally compassionate for even the darkest side of a being. That ability to see someone in their totality, without judging its ugly sides, is what gives turquoise it's famed holism. A 2nd chakra bond was then formed with being entered my awareness, could be a part of my subtle body, psyche or could be another living being. The indiscriminate love then worked through that bond to create the desire to heal the being. Healing means making happy, as happiness is the psyche's way of signaling health. It's then perceived that the being has bonds with other beings that in turn has more bonds. These bonds continue out to a whole network encompassing every being on this planet, aka, the web of life. The open 7th chakra made this cognition cosmic rather than personal, giving a 3rd person perspective required for the impersonal nature of the 2nd tier.


Ken's AQAL model is fundamentally flawed.

   I don't think Marianne Williamson is stage Turquoise, I think she's a little bit of stage yellow, then good chunk of stage green and orange, some stage blue and very few values below. I think you mostly can't skip past stage yellow into stage turquoise man. I think you're conflating your chakra systems experiences with Spiral Dynamics stages of development. If you think Ken Wilbur is wrong, despite being majority stage yellow and green, with some spiritual development, why?

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@martins name

3 hours ago, martins name said:

@Danioover9000 Shinzen young, Osho, Sadhguru, Rupert Sheldrake to name a few. You're not turquoise because you're enlightened.
I wrote this some years ago about my understanding of turquoise:

The Anatomy of Turquoise

The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th chakra make up the inner workings of turquoise.

Everything I witnessed fell into an open heart(4th chakra). My open 6th chakra made the love indiscriminate, totally compassionate for even the darkest side of a being. That ability to see someone in their totality, without judging its ugly sides, is what gives turquoise it's famed holism. A 2nd chakra bond was then formed with being entered my awareness, could be a part of my subtle body, psyche or could be another living being. The indiscriminate love then worked through that bond to create the desire to heal the being. Healing means making happy, as happiness is the psyche's way of signaling health. It's then perceived that the being has bonds with other beings that in turn has more bonds. These bonds continue out to a whole network encompassing every being on this planet, aka, the web of life. The open 7th chakra made this cognition cosmic rather than personal, giving a 3rd person perspective required for the impersonal nature of the 2nd tier.


Ken's AQAL model is fundamentally flawed.

   If Marianne Williamson is stage Turquoise, why did she practice A Course In Miracles? What is she trying to forgive and confess in her past? Makes her look suspect and not like a saint or angel. Maybe she was naughty, and wants to confess and be free of her sins or something?

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@Danioover9000 You don't need to be a saint to be turquoise. I think aCiM is legit. Everyone has fallen short of perfection.

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On 3/6/2023 at 6:21 PM, Hardkill said:

I think a majority of Americans miss having Obama as president. I know I do. He was probably the best president we ever had since FDR.

Biden seems at least as effective as Obama, and actually moreso. So I don't see why you need Obama back other than appearances.

On 3/6/2023 at 7:38 PM, Emerald said:

But Americans also supported Barrack Obama because of his progressive messaging about hope.

And I think Marianne can drum up a similar type of support.

No way this lady can garner Obama levels of support.

Obama was a moderate, middle-of-the-road guy with a ton of charisma. She is not. I predict she will get the same level of support as Andrew Yang or less.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just a reminder, Jimmy Carter who was very unpopular and was defeated by Reagan 489 to 49 electoral votes, was challenged by Edward Kennedy in the primary. Carter crushed Kennedy in the primary. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@martins name

7 hours ago, martins name said:

@Danioover9000 You don't need to be a saint to be turquoise. I think aCiM is legit. Everyone has fallen short of perfection.

   But, at least for most, when they know you're practicing ACIM they think you got something to hide, or are guilty of something, or is a pervert needing forgiveness for some addiction, or something else. Of course, when some of those people look into ACIM and Marianne Williamson they'll be a bit more understanding but majority don't know ACIM and are operating from narratives told of her by their political media outlet which can be biased and distorts what actually is the truth.

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@How to be wise

1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

Just a reminder, Jimmy Carter who was very unpopular and was defeated by Reagan 489 to 49 electoral votes, was challenged by Edward Kennedy in the primary. Carter crushed Kennedy in the primary. 

   So true, if you're too left leaning you won't be popular in the mainstream.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Biden seems at least as effective as Obama, and actually moreso. So I don't see why you need Obama back other than appearances.

Oh yeah, I really think that he has been about as competent and successful of a liberal Democratic Obama as Biden. 

It's just that Obama has always that once in a generation charisma that I think most Americans miss and love him. 

Plus, even though Biden is smart and wise in his own right, Obama has always had a much more impressive level of intellect than Biden. Obama has been recognized by most people as a political genius and sophisticated intellectual.

It's just like how back in the mid 1900s, after FDR passed away, most Americans missed him because of how incredibly inspirational, heroic, and brilliant he was. Same thing with JFK after he assassinated in 1963. Same with Teddy Roosevelt after he left office in 1909. Bill Clinton to some extent was also missed by some majority of Americans for his own brilliance, charisma, and success.


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1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

Just a reminder, Jimmy Carter who was very unpopular and was defeated by Reagan 489 to 49 electoral votes, was challenged by Edward Kennedy in the primary. Carter crushed Kennedy in the primary. 

That's true. 

Btw, Professor Lichtman mentioned in his Keys to the White House book, which I just bought a few days ago, that Kennedy's challenge to Carter, actually cost Carter and the Democrats the 2nd key - No contest. That by itself significantly decreased the Democrat's chances of holding the White House.

The same thing happened in the 1968 Democratic Party presidential primaries.

Plus, primary challengers always lose whenever they try to contest the incumbent presidential candidate.

That's why the Democratic campaign strategists such as those on Pod Save America have been saying that Democrats leaders know that they all need to rally behind Biden if they want to defeat Trump or some other fascist Republican in 2024:


Edited by Hardkill

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

No way this lady can garner Obama levels of support.

Obama was a moderate, middle-of-the-road guy with a ton of charisma. She is not. I predict she will get the same level of support as Andrew Yang or less.

First off, Marianne Williamson is very charismatic herself. You just might not yet be familiar with her enough to know that because you only saw her in a primary where she ran against 20 other people.

And two of her competitors were Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are higher profile progressive candidates.

So, even people who would have liked to have voted Marianne in the 2020 primary (like myself), would have instead voted for Bernie because he was the best shot at getting a progressive to the White House.

But I’m super thrilled that I get to vote for her this time around without it cannibalizing the votes of another progressive in the primary. 

Also, Obama’s whole campaign was about hope and change. He didn’t run as a moderate middle of the road politician.

Many people saw the changes he would bring as very progressive, even though he is an establishment Democrat.

It seems laughable now, but in 2008 many people thought that Obama would be this watershed political moment that changed the fundamental nature of American politics. 

It wasn’t. But people were very moved by the promise of change.

And Marianne can drum up that same support base. The target audience of people clamoring for change is already there.

And Marianne Williamson will definitely get more support that Yang did because it’s only her versus Biden.

And unlike in 2020, she isn’t competing against Bernie for the progressive vote. So, most of the progressive base will vote for her in the primary.

And all she has to do is rile up the anti-establishment voters and the progressive base.

My prediction is that she’ll get at least 15-20% of the vote in the primary. And even more if she campaigns well.

Now, you may be right. But only time will tell.

Betcha $5 that she gets at least 20% of the vote in the primary. ?


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29 minutes ago, Emerald said:

My prediction is that she’ll get at least 15-20% of the vote in the primary.

No way! No one's even gonna know she's running. Voters are so ignorant.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

Not a chance!

She may not win, but I’m fairly confident that she’ll easily get 15-20%.

Mark my words and anticipate the eventual “I told you so.” ?

Do you really think the progressive base will vote Biden in the primary when they have a guilt-free choice to vote for Marianne?

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8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No way! No one's even gonna know she's running. Voters are so ignorant.

The progressive base will definitely know. They’re already aware. So, that’s your 15-20% right there.

And if the mainstream media actually covers the Democratic primary, then people will know in general.

But if the latter doesn’t happen, there are still waves to be made. And Marianne has quite a few powerful and famous connections that she can utilize.

And she can drum up even more anti-establishment support by publicly calling out the media’s establishment bias.

You underestimate how much appeal outsiders who challenge the system have in the eyes of many mainstream Americans.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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