
Leo why do you talk and post in such manners?

56 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, MarkKol said:

Legend goes that if you give dmt to a baby it's first words will be "these fucking Republicans man..." 

Nah. "these fucking Republicans mama." xD slight correction. 

Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I don't support Trump anymore but he's definitely not stupid. Posts like this are why I do hesitate to discuss politics on here because if you take the Right-Wing/Republican/Conservative side in any argument you're automatically wrong. I agree with the Left on many things, but I also agree with the Right on many things.

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i mean it is his blog. 

What do you expect him to do? Say something like

"Trump is acting quite unethical and with a high amount of ego wouldn't you say? hmm quite undoubtedly yes" 'adjusts pipe and beard'


No, obviously profanity was the best way to put emotion into his message. Children are not likely gonna be consuming his content and blog so it should be fine.

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On 9/10/2022 at 10:01 PM, Ulax said:

Comes across as rather ungrounded to me.

Seems like the dude is pretty triggered in these sorts of posts.

I'm not a fan of this manner of communication. Where's the tier 2ness in it?

   Yeah, I thought the blog posts were supposed to be insights? And not emotionally unhinged outbursts? Yeah, we somehow went on the wrong path of this visual novel...

On 9/10/2022 at 10:11 PM, thepixelmonk said:

I'm usually behind Leo on most things, but have to agree.


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@Recursoinominado @Recursoinominado

The less government interference the better.

The less government handouts, the better.

Beyond the minimum safety regulations (which are common sense), the government has no place to tell someone what they can and can't do with their business.

Local government is more effective at solving problems.

The government doesn't need to tax people higher, they need to use their money more wisely.

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2 hours ago, EternalForest said:

The less government interference the better.

The less government handouts, the better.

Beyond the minimum safety regulations (which are common sense), the government has no place to tell someone what they can and can't do with their business.

Yes, those are idiotic ideas.




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Just now, Recursoinominado said:

Yes, those are idiotic ideas.




So you just claim I have idiotic views, and post a gif, and that's your idea of intelligent discussion? Not sure I want to keep participating in this forum.

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9 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

So you just claim I have idiotic views, and post a gif, and that's your idea of intelligent discussion? Not sure I want to keep participating in this forum.

Sorry, i am lazy, maybe someone can explain this for you.

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17 minutes ago, EternalForest said:

So you just claim I have idiotic views, and post a gif, and that's your idea of intelligent discussion? Not sure I want to keep participating in this forum.

Those ideas would work if people were not like 5-year-olds. In the current world, those ideas are untenable. 

Osho will explain:


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I think some of us expect Leo to be some pope-like guru who sits on a throne with a robe on who wears goth-like sandals and carries a cane. He says the word "fuck" on his blog and all hell breaks loose.  For heaven's sake he goes to strip clubs and party it up in Vegas on the week-ends. How cool is that. Some of us say worse things than that to ourselves and don't bat an eye, but he says a word that's actually in the dictionary and we're shocked and flabbergasted. All the words he used are in the dictionary. Is it the way he said it? Well, perceive it another way and it won't be so offensive. Leo needs no defense from me and I'm just stating my stance on this. We criticize leo everytime he acts "human" whether on here or on his Instagram like he's some Pope. He's a genius that has a lot of knowledge and is sharing that with us, so take the part you can learn from and leave the rest. I bet you the Pope is saying "fuck" every other minute in his private chambers. As least Leo is being blatant and outright with his thoughts and feelings, atleast we know where he stands. That's my take.

One Love....

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12 hours ago, EternalForest said:

Local government is more effective at solving problems.

Local government is not powerful enough to counter-balance the corrupting forces of large selfish corporations which dwarf them.

The reason government has to be big is because it has to be bigger than all the players it governs.

In a game, the referee needs to have more power than any player.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I was checking your post thinking "wow, is he actually gonna address the issue ITT" but nope, you just wanna derail the thread ?

“We have two ears and one mouth so we can listen twice as much as we speak." -Epictetus

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22 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

wow, is he actually gonna address the issue

There is nothing to address :)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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They have a knife at the throat of democracy and ethics and morality, they're cowards like that of all heinous acts in history, there are times for civility for saving up the potency of vulgarity for when it is time for it. If you don't like the bluntness you wouldn't like the violence it's trying to prevent.

Edited by Devin

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17 hours ago, EternalForest said:

@Recursoinominado @Recursoinominado

The less government interference the better.

The less government handouts, the better.

Beyond the minimum safety regulations (which are common sense), the government has no place to tell someone what they can and can't do with their business.

Local government is more effective at solving problems.

The government doesn't need to tax people higher, they need to use their money more wisely.

there is an optimal amount of govt interference and handouts and it is neither too large nor zero

if you have too many safety regulations and procedures, you can actually undermine safety

having too large of a government might make it less efficient, effective, and more vulnerable to corruption

i am somewhat of a govt minimalist, certainly not a libertarian or anarchist, and believe that government should be made as small as possible but no smaller, and have built in mechanisms to prune natural overgrowth that will inevitably occur over time - like a self maintaining bonsai tree

Edited by Topspin715

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i think the OP's criticism is valid and i generally respect and admire leo's self awareness and commitment to continual improvement

while i am not at this point yet myself, i think as i progress along my journey, there may be a point where i am impartial to both the intelligent and stupid, the wise and the foolish, sinners and saints, and the conscious and unconscious

leo seems to have a preference for the former and his ability to assess the difference is far stronger than it is for the vast majority of humans, but the latter exist in an imperfect world

i am not at the point where i think the world or universe is 'perfect' bc there is so much that i don't like in it and would like to change, but i'm looking to very precisely figure out what i can and can't change and in what order it must be done

i also sense a bit of a recurring bias in favor of elites in leo's work which is a bit simplistic bc many elites are really fucking crooked while many poor ppl can be quite virtuous and noble and a true victim of their circumstances - really depends on a case by case basis, I'm not sure if i feel that one group tends to be better than the other 

Edited by Topspin715

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@LoneWonderer well, quite a tough thing to find a healthy stance in the whole politics thing. It seems to me, that most of us either don't even wanna look there, as it is 'too messy'; or we look and get very sucked in, involved emotionally, offended etc.

Right here is a Key to getting our politics straight, as a society. To approach them, yes - without avoidance and with a certain understanding of the seriousness of the situation; but once there, being deeply compassionate towards the human nature, and really... in love with every expression of it, whatever it is.

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What are you talking about guys? This is the right way to address stupid people like Trump and MAGA. Also, Leo teaches compassion and understanding others' POVs more than other teacher. He is just balancing his teachings with some MACHO energy I guess ^_^

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Do you really think compassion and understanding would work on them?

I think that's foolish to believe. Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood, burn em down

Edited by Devin

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