
How deeply can You awaken?

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1 hour ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

@Leo Gura Do you actually recommend this? (Month of 5meo)

Not unless you are extremely serious and well-grounded.

And even then, you will start to lose your mind by the end of it.

It is dangerous.

You don't really need a month of 5-MeO to realize the things I'm saying.

I'm just talking about what's possible at the extremes here.


Also, thoughts on this:

Since we literally rely on "external" things such as water, food, shelter etc - isn't not so much of a leap to suggest that we also rely on "external" factors such as psychedelics for our spiritual development?  What if, its actually impossible to get to where could get to without psychedelics?

Like yes maybe some people can get far without them, but psychedelics get you there quicker AND further than any human can without.

Personally I think that 99.99% of humans will never realize God without the proper brain chemistry.

Which is explains why 99.99% of humans are so clueless and spiritually lost.

And it also explains why even serious meditators do not have a good understanding of God or Love.


It seems to work with the external environment in all areas of life  (and not just our ego mind-body saying i'll do it all alone) is a TRUE coming one with all. What if we actually NEED psychedelics, like a frickin' Abraham Maslow hierarchy factor. 

I feel this to be true for me at least, thoughts?

You don't need psychedelics per se. But you do need a certain brain chemistry. All serious spiritual practices alter brain chemistry. Genetics also dictates brain chemistry. It's completely obvious to me that the most spiritual people have exceptional and abnormal brain chemistry.

Spirituality is 99% brain chemistry. The rest is games humans invented to make themselves feel like they have some control.

The only reason you're not fully awake right now is because your have the wrong brain chemistry. It's that stark and simple. How you go about changing your brain chemistry is up to you. There are many ways.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 minutes ago, Mosess said:

@Leo Gura what do you mean by brain chemistry

The right combination of neurotransmitters, brain health, and neuronal interconnectedness.

Perhaps also the right kind of brainwave patterns -- which is what meditation manipulates most directly.

Of course all these things are imaginary. But just because they are imaginary does not mean you can ignore them, just like you cannot ignore a brick wall or a bullet to the head.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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On 12/7/2021 at 9:05 PM, Leo Gura said:

Do a month of 5-MeO and you'll see how deep Infinity goes ;)

You'll never know it's depth from any sober state. Which is why all the sober teachings are so weak. Sober humans are not really awake, they are playing spiritual games.

Idk what @Inliytened1 would have to say about that one 

I acted like Cary Grant for so long, I became Cary Grant. – Cary Grant

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@Leo Gura
Interesting, is it not out of the question for a technology to be developed that can permanently change our brain chemistry but whilst maintaining the parts we need to function in life?

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9 minutes ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

@Leo Gura
Interesting, is it not out of the question for a technology to be developed that can permanently change our brain chemistry but whilst maintaining the parts we need to function in life?

I expect exactly that.

That's when mankind will truly become spiritual. None of the current methods will work at scale.

Spiritual technology will be mankind's most important and powerful technology.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Yes! Imagjne a world of 100% god realized beings, what would that be like lol? Like let’s say something was created that gave people the option  (when they turn 18) to have a God realized consciousness shift (via some sort of procedure). Woah, probably heaven on earth. 

Could microdosing pseudo achieve this in our current global situation?

(I’ll be directly researching this myself)

Edited by SelfHelpGuy

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1 minute ago, SelfHelpGuy said:

Could microdosing pseudo achieve this in our current global situation?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura  Fair enough. 
Some people suggest that our best bet is to transition from our biological body into more of a robotic system which retains consciousness. That way beings could exist forever and travel the galaxy much more effectively and we wouldn’t use up any resources at all. This is actually an idea I heard from Martin Ball, would it really be wise for mankind to go in this direction. Does a biological form trump robotic? 

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i'm still confused on your pov of "others", when i talk to a person is there a separate consciousness on the other end experiencing me? Hearing my words, having feelings, being affected?

Leo do you believe that you are the only person having an actual experience? And your bubble of reality is the only thing that exists?

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10 hours ago, Shin said:

Certainty of what ?

14 hours ago, Shin said:

Cause it's the truth xD

That being said it can be tricky cause you could only see one side of it and totally miss the other (like the neo advaita dudes and even Buddhists).

@Shin certainty of saying that "Truth is What remains when no thoughts exist."

As Leo says, no-self Awakening can be great But its NOT God-Realization.

If Truth is Love/God-Realization, a simply no-self/no-thoughts state is not Truth . 

Or in other words, sure Truth can be exactly What you are seeing right Now, no Matter if you are on DMT or just have taken a beer and are sleepy, But you Dont understand. 

Thank God Leo gives importance to understanding. Everyone else here just gashlight you saying "Dont be dumb Dont try to understand Truth is awareness, just Dont get It with the mind blabla". 

And Im not saying that Truth is an intelectual answer, the fact that we say It requieres understanding doest mean we say its a language understanding. 

You have sit in Truth all your Life But that doesnt mean shit if you are not Conscious What that means. Getting into a no self state with no thoughts, and then when you come back to the ego saying "that is truth" is BS. You actually Dont understand, as Leo IS saying you are just paying ganes thinking you are awake. 


Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@blessedlion1993 All others are your dream.

Hey Leo, any reason why you don't want to answer these, is there something wrong with them? :

1) If you believe what your saying, why are you talking to anyone

2) In your God realization video you say the ultimate goal is to merge with Leo in infinite love forever... why do any of us need to do anything, if you can do it? why dont you just merge with us via DMT

3) ~Why does your experience not effect me if we are all the same figment of imagination and not one? Clearly I can falsify this: when you smoke DMT and get supremely conscious, I don't meet you there, my experience isn't effected

4) Why do you need anyone else if you believe what your saying: we dont even exist, all you have to do is smoke enough DMT to merge into yourself forever and destroy the universe

5)  do you even believe anyone or anything exists outside your (Leo Gura) direct conscious bubble? Are you a hardcore solipsist such that Leo is the only conscious perspective to exist

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

@wildflower You are dreaming me.

You ignored my questions.

Are you dreaming me? OR am I just dreaming you? Or we both dreaming each other? can you clarify your position - I think my questions are wholly reasonable

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This is why psychedelics lead you nowhere. Instead of dancing with the mystery, the ego now claims it unraveled the mystery. This is a trap and the wise would be well advised to notice it in advance.

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@sir meowski Don't think I don't see you playing games. You are not awake.

Your BS is not gonna fly here.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@wildflower Wake up and see ;)


But I have had tons of crazy psychedelic experiences, and so have many other people, but they don't produce the same metaphysics you insinuate (insinuate being a key word, you don't make your position clear, which is a sign of dishonesty) there's plenty of people who have done DMT 100's of times that aren't hardcore first person solipsistic. Distributed solipsism is more likely, or cosmopsychism

I don't see why you'd infer that the universe was created when Leo perspective was first manifest, and all of sensate reality and objects - other humans - are completely imaginary, but your own body, thoughts feeling, and perspective to be the real God perspective.

It's more than reasonable to assume whatever experience this ego form is having, the other ego forms that appear in my conscious bubble are having a similar experience, and they are no more or less real than me.

It's quite obvious solipsism is impossible to falsify, but as a metaphysically position is senseless

Edited by wildflower

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