
Is vaping hurting me?

18 posts in this topic

Maybe, your lungs are important for your overall baseline consciousness. In Qigong we say they are the commanders in Qi, so keep them healthy!

Personally think smoking or vaping is not healthy, and if to be done should be done sparingly.

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I cut it out (thank God) a couple of years ago. I advise you to do the same. The cravings vanish completely after three months. Go cold turkey. You got this. Remember that the key to achieving anything in life is the power of your desire.

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Healthy lungs can take occasional vape without long term problems.  Chronic smoking of anything is probably a bad idea.  The lungs are the most efficient way of getting something into the blood short of IV injection.  No digestion required.  But be nice to your lungs because their real purpose to to exchange O2 and CO2, not introduce drugs into the blood. 

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There are risks associated with vaping.

1) The vape itself could be of bad quality and could be releasing toxic heavy metals such as nickel, lead, tin etc. into your lungs because it uses cheap materials not designed to be heat resistant, and it can leak various fumes over time. This is obviously extremely undesirable. Cheap knockoff vapes tend to be like this so avoid those - always get the highest rated vape and make sure you read every review online before you decide on one and be especially cautious about this in general. Note that high grade vapes will also cost a lot more, but there's a good reason. You do not want cheap vapes leaking toxic fumes into your body.

2) Vapes that use liquid vape juice are dangerous especially if you use unverified or bad quality e-juices. Some of them are extremely dangerous and cause a disease known as EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping use-associated lung injury). This is serious shit that you do not want to get. So if you're doing liquid vaping make sure you buy both the highest grade e-juice and the highest grade vape.

3) Same types of risk as smoking apply. You're putting fine particulate matter into your body, not unlike walking through a polluted area.

If you vape nicotine, there's obvious psychological and mental effects, namely addiction to a particularly nasty substance with next to no benefits. If you're asking if this affects your mind, the answer is yes.

And vaping is obviously vastly better than smoking (assuming it is done right and with proper high quality equipment), however I would recommend just skipping on these nasty habits altogether, there is no benefit to doing it. As far as dry herb vaporizers go (typically used for cannabis), I would recommend oral or topical use instead as they are healthier and much more efficient methods. Same for most other substances. As a long-time smoker who struggled pretty hard to finally quit, I can tell you there's no reason whatsoever to pollute your lungs with anything. The only thing that should be going into your lungs is air.

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It's certainly hurting your lungs.

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3 hours ago, Thought Art said:

Maybe, your lungs are important for your overall baseline consciousness. In Qigong we say they are the commanders in Qi, so keep them healthy!

Personally think smoking or vaping is not healthy, and if to be done should be done sparingly.

Is Qigong helpful for tension in the body related to stress?


(sorry for offtopic)

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It's probably not too bad physically, but as a habit it can certainly hide the purity of the seeking impulse (your clearest truth).

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@KennedyCarter I'm vaping and smoking.

Don't convince yourself that this is preventing you from spirituality.

It's only a mild inconvenience.

It's like you can still build muscle if you vape. But stopping vaping will not build muscles.

You need to work out first. If you want to optimise it 5%, you need to stop vaping.


But the 5% (let's say) from stopping vaping can only be gained if you do the basics right.

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It’s not the worst thing you could do by any means. Nicotine can be a powerful tool. What about it makes you think it could negatively impact your consciousness other than physical health effects? 

“Any kind of consciousness whatever, whether past, future, or present, internal or external, gross or subtle, inferior or superior, far or near — a disciple of mine sees all consciousness as it actually is with proper wisdom thus: ‘This is not mine, this I am not, this is not my self.’” - the Tathāgata

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yesterday you were telling us that eating meat was unhealthy and you caused a verbal conflict. 

but you yourself are exposing your little lungs to the smokes. duh, such a confusing girl! ?

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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5 hours ago, hamedsf said:

yesterday you were telling us that eating meat was unhealthy and you caused a verbal conflict. 

but you yourself are exposing your little lungs to the smokes. duh, such a confusing girl! ?

While I don't assume meat to be unhealthy, she isn't necessarily being irrational. It's perfectly conceivable that vaping has no negative health effects. If you disagree, that's to be expected, but you don't know enough about the subject, because it you did, you'd know it's totally inconclusive whether some vapes are harmful. The liquid they use is also the delivery method for patients who need to vape their COPD medication, etc. And nicotine doesn't necessarily have negative effects. Nicotine isn't even the primary addictive component of cigarettes -- something hardly anyone is aware of, including doctors.

I don't vape, so this is not meant to be defensive in that way.

Edited by The0Self

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@BipolarGrowth If you know it affects your physical health, it’s not too much of a jump to see how it can affect your consciousness.

Edited by mw711

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@The0Self well, this reminded me of a guy who was overly proud of being vegan and he still drank soda with alcohol. 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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@KennedyCarter why the self doubt fool? If you vape, vape with pride. 


I've personally found a few things to be of detriment to light shining forth, but those things may only be of biographical significance to my life story.

Porn and music. Music is an intoxicant, I am certain of this now. Music envelops you quickly. It envelopes the facet of you that can recognise you're enveloped. 

I've used music to interface and seep into deep parts of my psyche, that must be why it has such a karmic sway. 

If you're in observant to the shifts in perception that occur from even picking up your phone or laptop, let your imagination run wild, and it's as though there's a psychic umbilical chord tethering your forehead to your phone. 

Cut the chord; I have to remind myself. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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it's obviously not good for your health, so neither it's good for your consciousness

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