
Spiritual Video Games

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Are there any video games that have deep, real spiritual/consciousness message to them?

Isn't it the ideal medium (because of the element of choice you can implement)  for showing and teaching the masses, especially the young about it?

If there are no such games, why not create one? I think that may be my life purpose :D 

What should I study If would like to make such a project?  all I have is a passion for spirituality, video games and a degree in physics :)


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4 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

Are there any video games that have deep, real spiritual/consciousness message to them?

Isn't it the ideal medium (because of the element of choice you can implement)  for showing and teaching the masses, especially the young about it?

If there are no such games, why not create one? I think that may be my life purpose :D 

What should I study If would like to make such a project?  all I have is a passion for spirituality, video games and a degree in physics :)


Well I know there are a couple but I mean only a few. At least only a few mainstream ones anyway. It's the same with movies as I mentioned in a topic I made but even less so with video games but there are few exceptions.

Personally the only high consciousness game I've ever played is "Journey" which you should check out as it's extremely unique also. It's definitely heavily influenced by spirituality and can be interpreted in various ways.

I have also heard about "the Stanley parable" which is about breaking free from the system of society. I heard it's very ambiguous and can also be viewed in different interpretations. I haven't played it though. I don't even have a TV never mind a game console or high-end PC to do that but I used to. 

I'm sure there are a few more but like I said they aren't mainstream. Its all about mind numbing shooters and open world crime games for most people.

I think it's a great idea and if it's your purpose you should definitely pursue it. The gaming industry NEEDS you as it's seriously lacking quality.

I wish you the best in your endeavors.



Edited by Live Life Liam

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@Live Life Liam Thanks a lot, I'll check out Journey and "the Stanley parable".
to be honest I too do not own now any gaming equipment and the height of my gaming career was 10 years ago, but many of my best memories were during those days (games like the Gothic series ;D ), and I still feel a huge excitement thinking of being involved in quality games.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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Games like "Inside" and "The Talos Principle" are also very deep and thought provoking. 

The Talos Principle is a very philosophical game, tackling questions about the self and reality. Inside on the other hand can be interpreted in multiple ways but is in general about mind control and free will.

Good luck as a Videogame Designer ;)


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@Vibivub thanks, sounds interesting :)  right now I'm just a hopefully  Videogame Designer  ;)

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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Not sure how I didn't come across this thread before! I've been thinking a lot about the combination of these two for a while now, in regards to my own life purpose.

It's definitely a tricky line to walk, as games have the capacity to engross and consume people entirely, but I like to think they can be a positive force. They are after all, a medium which can combine many other media and create powerful experiences.

Like Liam and Vibivub mentioned, those games come to mind for me too. The company that made Journey have a few other games, that break the mold too - notably "Flower" - they're definitely pushing the medium forward from an artistic point of view.

For me Shadow of the Colossus probably counts as a spiritual experience, or at least very emotionally stirring. The music plays a big part. 
Another favourite of mine in recent times has been "Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons". It's a shorter game, that plays like a very-moving fairytale :')

If you're still interested in making games, (and haven't done so already) some game engines to start looking at would be maybe GameMaker Studio or Unity, especially if you wanted to incorporate your own physics knowledge.

Actually deep, practical understanding of physics is quite rare in the games industry (i've been working as a games developer / engineer for the past 5 or so years).  If you could transfer that knowledge into some programming or practical applications, it might be your ticket in the door at a studio somewhere, where you could learn more about the whole industry and process of making games.

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One of the deepest games I've seen is this:

The Void / Tension / Тургор


The player takes on the role of a lost soul that accidentally lingers in a place called "the Void" before meeting its absolute death. The Void is a purgatory-like place, in which the most valuable thing is Color, a liquid that represents lifeforce. Color is scarce, and the void's inhabitants are plagued by famine...


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Chrono Cross was great, the main character Serge arrives in a parallel reality, seemingly identical but in this reality he died as a young child.  Things are different in the two timelines you play in, the focal point of both having the character exist in one reality, and doesn't exist in the other.  The absence of self in the other world is eerie to say the least, but here you are, trying to convince yourself and everyone else that you are real!  The whole game is a mind fuck, it tackles questions about reality and how we seemingly create it with the mind.  Time is another big theme in the game, and is questioned whether or not time even exists.  The art and music is beautiful, I'd check it out if you've never played it, it's an older game though.


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@Vercingetorix Starcraft 2


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I love video games so here is my list:

  1. The swapper (you can clone your body and move your consciousness around to solve puzzle, The story is very simple and deep)
  2. Inside (Mind control)
  3. The Witness (non-dual philosophy and epistomelogy )
  4. Silent Hill 2 (Alter ego delusion)
  5. Xenogears (Religion, spirituality, and God in an alternative context)
  6. Soma (Awareness)
  7. Journey (Hero's journey and spirituality)

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Ori and the Blind Forest




God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Shadow of the Colossus

10/10 game and probably the most perfect and apt metaphor for the path to enlightenment there is in a video game.  

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Bloodborne, one of my favorite games since i used to play a lot.

It is very open to interpretation but follows a general theme of ignorance, greed, survivalism, fear of the uknown , dreams, illusion, multiple realities and "transcending the dream". 

Its also pretty fun i guess :D

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I am really passionate about video games and in my opinion they can actually be your life purpose in a way.
Many people say you do not achieve anything and just waste your life while gaming, I believe this to be entirely wrong.
Not only are games potentially the most boundaryless art form there is but they also improve brain functions and many other things as studies nowadays show.
Also do not forget video games are not any less of a reality or illusion for that matter than our physical world is!
What i noticed in the past mindful years of mine that i really have a hard time to not get completely absorbed into the games while playing them which makes for a great kind of challange meditation.
The game which was the easiest to stay mindfull with for me was actually dark souls 3. I can recommend it wholeheartedly the game has no real story  it is more a kind of riddle which is open for interpretation, although this is just half true but find out for yourself. it is also unique in the way it actually is slow paced while still very demading in skill.
I think slow paced games are the easiest to stay mindfull with obviously but beware of the really addicting games if you do not know how to handle them or do not actually have the life environment to be able to fully commit without consequences.

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the best spiritual video game is called Life.

an addictive simulation where you can even pretend to suffer, die, reborn, be Enlightened.

Soo cool!

I can't stop playing it

Edited by orroz

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Zenyatta from Overwatch has the following lines; 

"True self is without form."
"Adversity is an opportunity for change."
"Life is more than a series of ones and zeroes."
"Do not be discouraged, we all begin in ignorance."
"Repetition is the path to mastery."
"Overconfidence is a flimsy shield."


And here is an awesome video I found during my browsing for Zenyatta.


Edited by Dodo


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Final Fantasy 6

I've played that game a couple of times in my adolescence, and at the time it was more than just a game. I was IN that world and the story was so engrossing. It don't think I was the same kid after playing that game.

I replayed the game during a very depressed period of my life in my mid twenties. Still had the same vibe. 

If you never play any other RPG or Final Fantasy game, play this one. 

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@Vercingetorix warframe. It is online game and the most amazing one I've ever played. It is about awakening from the dream. It is in the distant future. Graphics are amazing and gameplay incomparable.


Edited by egoless

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