
Neurosurgeon says brain does not create consciousness

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Edited by Godhead

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"you are deeply loved and cherished forever"

Edited by Thought Art

"Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver

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Nothing creates consciousness. Is has always existed.

If anything, it's the other way around. The Consciousness is The Prime Creator.


"I believe you are more afraid of condemning me to the stake than for me to receive your cruel and disproportionate punishment."

- Giordano Bruno, Campo de' Fiori, Rome, Italy. February 17th, 1600.

Cosmic pluralist, mathematician and poet.

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@Godhead Thank you! :D

Sadhguru is my personal favorite guru!



Edited by Inva

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Well finally a scientist who's not a total idiot.

This dude has been taking his psychedelics during recess.

You are God. You are Love. You are Infinity. You are Leo.

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We need more people who serve as a bridge between the current paradigm and the new paradigm. People will listen to scientists because in this day and age: science = authority

So a new branch of science will emerge. There will be pioneers and further down the road and unknown to mainstream culture, there will fringe explorers who are still much too radical to permeate popular epistemology. Leo is one of them, the only problem is that he doesn't wear a lab coat and so people don't consider him an authority And although this work has only one authority, people will have to create authority outside themselves.

But those who have one foot in science and the other foot in mysticism will lead this paradigm shift.

My prediction is that within the next few decades, new hybrid disciplines will emerge in science and even the non-scientific departments of universities, like "Theoneurology" or "Biochemistry of Consciousness" or "Neo-Epistemology" or something like that. The dualism between matter and spirit will collapse. 

I could also imagine that more and more stage Green/Yellow institutes like Esalen will emerge, which can offer intellectual harborage for the undisturbed and somewhat less restricted development of the ideas concerned.

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Great guy and the book he speaks about which he wrote is equally as good!


The materialists paradigm pisses me off, how can the cult of bumbing particles be so idiotic is something i cant comprehend at all.

They assume mother nature is a cracked up whore with a bag of magical particles lol ?

Or that mother nature has thick glasses like a mathematician calculating things ?... 

They are nothing better then the extreme christians who where the high priests prior to scientism. 

Now it is scientism, history repeats itself more or less. 

Society is extremely ignorant imo and cant investigate for themselves. 

They create dualitys where there is none!!

Nature is not dualistic, its non dual.

Wave particle duality.

It is scientist who loves creating duality to explain their fucked up theories.

A little bit of a rant here ?

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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@Adamq8 There's nothing wrong with the materialist paradigm per se, it's great for creating technology and a comfortable and prosperous life, it just doesn't hold up for explaining reality? 

"Everything is consciousness" can't build a quantum computer or develop effective medicine. Everything has its merit, if properly used. 

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@Tim R Yes ofcourse, science per say is an awesome thing, it is just the metaphysical claims of materialism that is not valid or good imo and it is what creates the seperation in culture, atleast in my view.



Edited by Adamq8

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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Finally a scientist who is able to think epistimologically. Although there is a somewhat positive correlation between brain size and degree consciousness, I would be interested to hear how he motivates that considering he is saying that the brain limits consciousness rather than creates is.

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Psychedelics is the most powerful tool to help a scientist transcend science.

Below is one of my favorite videos showing a scientist (medical doctor) get rocketed up conscious levels in an Ayahuasca retreat. We can watch his sensemaking and transition in real time.

A few things of note:

1) Prior to the retreat, he had a vague sense that he was contracted within science and there was more he was missing. 

2) He genuinely wanted to explore 

3) He had a window of intuition and trusted that. As soon as he saw a video of the Temple of Way of Life, he intuitively knew "That's it". His intuition was able to sense transcendence even though he didn't know what it was. He knew immediately and never questioned it. Without hesitation, he registered for a 12 day Aya retreat in Peru. That knowing that "this is it" can provide grounding and stability.

4) After the ceremonies he is reflecting and sense-making in the video, he repeatedly says he was exposed to something true beyond his understanding, yet can't put it into words - yet there is something true he can't quite grasp. This is a very humble, fluid mindset. Also notice how comfortable he is with not knowing and curious to learn more. This indicates he is transcending his scientific paradigm. If he retracted to his scientific paradigm and contextualized within that paradigm he would be talking about how the Aya trips weren't 'real'. They were dreams, hallucinations, altered neurotransmitters in his brain etc. That has some truth to it, yet is contracted within a traditional paradigm of science, logic and reasoning which would not be transcendence for Seth.



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14 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Well finally a scientist who's not a total idiot.

This dude has been taking his psychedelics during recess.


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9 hours ago, Value said:

Finally a scientist who is able to think epistimologically. Although there is a somewhat positive correlation between brain size and degree consciousness, I would be interested to hear how he motivates that considering he is saying that the brain limits consciousness rather than creates is.

Whats the source of that?

Psychedelics btw reduces the brain activity producing effects like NDE's, people who had zero brain activity reports extremely intense experiences.

The filter hypothetis is what he is kinda subscribing to

Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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