Samuel Garcia

How to Fast without Losing Weight

21 posts in this topic

I would love to try do 10 days or even 40 days of water fasting for the mental and spiritual effects but I do not want to lose weight as I am really skinny as it is. I have always struggled to put on weight -- even when I tried to put on weight when I was a teenager and eat over 3000 kcal per day. So is there anyway to preserve my weight if I do these prolonged water fasts?  I don't think I can do to much, but if anyone has any suggestions please share.

I'd also like to try keto, so is there a way to retain weight on keto?

Thanks in advance.

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I also gain weight with difficulty. 24 hours of fasting lost me 1kg. Still it was worth it and i will continue doing it every 2 weeks or so. Just do 24 hours it's still very beneficial. 

I should add that i quickly gained the weight back plus some more possibly because of working out. Maybe fasting actually helps with gaining weight for those that have problem gaining weight. Just a possibility idk. 

Edited by BlackMaze

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When you fast for that long your body will start using body fat as fuel, since you won't even have dietary fat. So, I don't think so.

3 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

I'd also like to try keto, so is there a way to retain weight on keto?

Yes. Simply consume enough dietary fat. Assuming it's not water weight, if you're losing a lot of weight on keto that means your body is using stored fat in your body as fuel because there is not sufficient dietary fat. I personally haven't had much problem keeping weight on keto, even when I've been combining it with intermittent fasting.

Describe a thought.

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You can do a grape fast, fruit fast, juice fast or lemonade fast. Check out the detox miracle sourcebook.


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@Osaid I saw someone on YouTube who did a 40 day water fast and he carried on lifting weights and was able to maintain muscle mass on his arms from what I saw. Not sure if this would help though.


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12 minutes ago, Samuel Garcia said:

@Osaid I saw someone on YouTube who did a 40 day water fast and he carried on lifting weights and was able to maintain muscle mass on his arms from what I saw. Not sure if this would help though.


Don't do this, it will weaken you muscles further. The reason fasting works is because the body doesn't need to spend energy of digestion and can instead use muscle and fat as easier sources of energy. This frees up the body to heal itself, but this requires rest.

Check out Loren Lockman on youtube he runs a fasting retreat. He know his stuff.

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48 minutes ago, martins name said:

Don't do this, it will weaken you muscles further. The reason fasting works is because the body doesn't need to spend energy of digestion and can instead use muscle and fat as easier sources of energy. This frees up the body to heal itself, but this requires rest.

Check out Loren Lockman on youtube he runs a fasting retreat. He know his stuff.

It wouldn't weaken them further if one uses low volume and high intensity, it would send a signal to your body: "don't be so quick to eat the muscle, we're going to need it to prevent injury lifting these heavy weights." Of course there won't be growth if there's no protein, and there will almost certainly be a weakening, but lifting would at least slow down the weakening and muscle loss.

Edited by The0Self

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@Samuel Garcia I struggled to put on weight too until I realized how laughable it was. It's because you're unwilling to consume loads of peanut butter and whole milk -- no one, and I mean no one, struggles to put on weight while consuming unlimited whole milk and peanut butter. Although, putting on weight is pointless without a complete lifting routine with heavy weights / barbell training, otherwise it will be mostly fat. Even with the lifting it'll be mostly fat unless you know what you're doing and really explode under the bar to hit the fast twitch muscle fibers.

Edited by The0Self

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Lol. You might as well be asking: " how to get rich by sitting around." Or "how to jerk off without touching your cock."

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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2 hours ago, diamondpenguin said:

Lol. You might as well be asking: " how to get rich by sitting around." Or "how to jerk off without touching your cock."

I'm sure that both are very possible. 

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20 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

@Osaid I saw someone on YouTube who did a 40 day water fast and he carried on lifting weights and was able to maintain muscle mass on his arms from what I saw. Not sure if this would help though.

I call BS on that. No way. By day 10 you will be so weak you can barely stand up.

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On 3/27/2021 at 7:46 PM, BlackMaze said:

I also gain weight with difficulty. 24 hours of fasting lost me 1kg. Still it was worth it and i will continue doing it every 2 weeks or so. Just do 24 hours it's still very beneficial. 

I should add that i quickly gained the weight back plus some more possibly because of working out. Maybe fasting actually helps with gaining weight for those that have problem gaining weight. Just a possibility idk. 

That's water weight

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Whatever you lose fast, you can gain back fast

Muscle memory / homeostasis / baseline

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23 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

@Osaid I saw someone on YouTube who did a 40 day water fast and he carried on lifting weights and was able to maintain muscle mass on his arms from what I saw. Not sure if this would help though.


You mean Connor Murphy? He didn't train after about a week in due to the weakness

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23 hours ago, Samuel Garcia said:

@Osaid I saw someone on YouTube who did a 40 day water fast and he carried on lifting weights and was able to maintain muscle mass on his arms from what I saw. Not sure if this would help though.


If you're talking about Connor Murphy - he lost a shit ton of muscle.

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For medical reasons, I did a 5 weeks all-liquid fast. I wasn’t allowed to eat anything solid or I will potentially die during surgery. So I had I huge reason not to break my liquid fast and that’s the only reason why I was able to complete such an intense task. 

i didn’t find it spiritual at all. I thought I was going to die. My mind was going crazy. I was extremely upset and annoyed for the whole 5 weeks. 
Maybe if I would have prayed and meditated 24/7 it would have make a difference, I don’t know.... But a fast is mentally exhausting because if your not eating your not socializing, you’re not learning, you’re not on top of your game at work, etc. 
IMO a fast for spiritual reasons can only work if you can dedicate all those days just to spiritually alone. If you have to dedicate your mental energy to something else you’re going to feel like shit.

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