
Opinions On Teal Swan

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Teal Swan's videos got me out of the biggest rut in the beginning of my journey. I still watch her videos and appreciate her dedication and drive to help people, no matter how her personal life unfolds. 

There is perfectly valid help in her videos... but if you don't resonate with her teachings, just move on. :) 

I would not make a judgement about a person from what I read ABOUT them, but what they are bringing in my life. 

I also think, being smart, beautiful, successful and kind, she is the perfect example of the ones "we love to hate"





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21 hours ago, Elena said:

I think people should be a bit carefull with her. There is A LOT of stuff on the internet saying she is a fraud when I googled it I saw there is a website dedicated to exposing her.

Besides I dont see how contacting angels/aliens/the mother spaceship or whatever will be helpful in the long run. If you can do astral projections (if there is such a thing) but cant be nice to your neighbours or be a good parent you are really not all that self actualized.So I dont think radical open mindetness is needed about esoteric questions. There was an Sherlock Holmes story I read a long time ago where Watson was very surprised Sherlock didnt know about the existence of planets and the Solar system. And when Watson told him about that he said that he will try to forget it as fast as he can because the information didnt serve him any purpuse. I seriously doubt esoteric questions are important in the life of normal people.


Unless you are Alan Moore.

After some research I do know that her ego is not completely dissolved. But I have to add a point that she helps people increasing their awareness. She does teach people how to feel emotionally better. People think because they read the perspective from Jessica and Camaron that she is completely manipulative etc. Even if that is all true, here are just things to notice about Teal:

  • All those things happened a few years ago (if all actually objectively happened in that way), it may have changed;
  • Everyone who experienced such intense abuse from such a young age, is mostly dysfunctional and gets many dissorders. The fact that Teal can offer teachings and has helped many people with her art, is something that I respect.

My cousin works with people who had gone trough intense abuse from a young age (just as Teal, mostly less brutal). These people are around age of 15 I think. They manipulate people as they never had trust in their life, and constantly test every relationship in a cruel way to test if they would give them still love. There is simply no hope for their lives. They all have dissorders that will stick to them for the rest of their life.

If you imangined a person that is now 19 year old,  who has stand trough 15 years of abuse. This abused kid would some years later help humanity to awaken to their feelings, and pull people out of their abuse/depression for hundreds of thousands of people. Would you agree to stop that person so she would be unable to teach? It is spiritually immature to write 6+ hours of content how that person acts on their behaviour as a result of the intense abuse. And to say how crappy she is because of that. In the case of Camaron Klark and Jessica Swab.

If you read the text above, you will understand why most of humanity respects Teal. Even when her teachings 'would be all stolen from self-help books and Abraham Hicks', does 3-5 hours of work for the AskTeal series and still has some ego. That does not take away that she transformes people their lives.

Besides, Leo his ego is also not completely dissolved, yet he transformed my life and many others. I quit my game addiction as a result of Leo his videos. I installed many great habits. I started meditating because of him. He introduced me to enlightenment, where I got one experience of. I quitted pick-up. He reconnected me to my lifework, which I tried so hard to deny due to emotional pain connected to it.  I got so many insights and changed beliefs because of his videos. I have gone to depression to feeling fulfilled most of my day. Leo helped in it, Teal helped in it. 

Edited by A way to Actualize

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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I think that if you are even somewhat awake/aware, you won't fall into any potential 'traps' (for lack of a better word) Teal presents. You would simply dismiss the idea. 

If you are totally in the illusion, however, Teal Swan definitely would not be the worst spiritual 'leader' you could follow. 

She's definitely on the right path with many things. 

In my opinion, her worst crime is that she doesn't go far enough. She teaches too much about focusing on the positive, when really you need to dig through those positive emotions to find why they, too, are false. Then you get to real truth and real peace. 

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I haven't watched any of her videos until now. I will admit I avoided her because she seems very "new age". She did have some practical advice in the video. I will even be trying to apply the internal compass idea. The video I watched part of: How To Live A Life Worth Living - Teal Swan -

I agree with the people that say when you watch her stuff, filter. Use the practical stuff, leave other stuff alone - as in use your own internal compass she talks about, and if it sounds silly or outlandish to you, trust yourself.

Why I say this - I don't trust channeling one bit. (and several "new age" concepts) I used to listened to channeled stuff, years ago, and I realized a lot of it was BS, and you really don't know what this channeled entity is. I get a creepy vibe if I try to listen to it now,  I would MUCH rather listen to someone who is authentically coming from a place where they are working on the spiritual path and enlightenment on their own, such as Leo. 

One author I do like, and I am not sure if it is "channeled" or not, is Paul Ferrini. Most of his material is helpful to me, so I do read his books.

Edited by lilacwest

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I enjoy her work a lot. I watch her videos every Saturday, and I know I'd be in a much worse place psychologically, had I never seen them. But she has an energy that I'm put off by. So, I hold the things she says very loosely and only use what is useful to me. I think, ultimately, I'm put off by her because she is the closest thing to the human embodiment of my personal shadow. Thus, I get a lot of good information from her, as well as a strong aftertaste of emotional discomfort. That's when you know the medicine is strong. ;) 

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I think she is very down to earth in her vídeos... Ok, spiritual stuff, things from other dimentions, but if you look at a lot of her content, it has to do with a lot of our psycology. I resonate with a lot she says, though I filter some information. It takes some amount of openness to really understand her. 

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On 11/2/2016 at 4:26 AM, Erica said:

I’ve read both of Teal’s books and actually met her in person. She’s the real thing. She is also, staggeringly and unwaveringly the most authentic person I’ve ever encountered.

To take her seriously while she speaks about other planets, aliens, dimensions and astral projection requires radical open-mindedness.  RADICAL. Initially when I heard her talk about this stuff, I wondered why she would discredit herself by talking this way. Especially when so much of her other material is mainstream enough to help a wider audience. She would obviously put off all the skeptics and rational minded people. Then, I decided to actually consider what she was talking about as a possibility. Trusting her intelligence and intent, I realized, she is doing it for a reason. So, what if there were aliens? What if what she was saying was true? Instead of just writing it off as nonsense, I actually considered it. Try it. Why not? It’s radical. You wouldn’t believe the magic that’s possible in life. You just have to be open. Leo talks about this kind of open mindedness when he talks about how little we actually know about the world. And frankly, I’m not sure how one would reach enlightenment without finding this kind of openness, the kind that would be open to all possibilities, even the ones that seem outlandish. Have the answers ever been in the places you thought they would be? Everything must be considered before ruled out. It’s only through living this kind of openness that I’ve found peace and fulfillment. And magic. So much magic.

Screen Shot 2016-02-10 at 10.25.55 PM.png


Couldn't agree more. I wanna meet her myself.

To everyone not relating to the more mystical and spiritual stuff, it simply means you simply, or more precisly your ego is not openminded enough. I can relate to that one some level and it isn't mystical at all.

It's one of my inner chearleeders, along with Eckhart Tolle and RSD Tyler :D

Edited by Lynnel

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I watch her with the same interest that I watch infinite waters, and spirit science. The new age crystals and merkabah and atlantis are fun ideas that I get to play with in my mind, but I dont take it so seriously.  

The truth is she is another talking head on youtube with some information that is relevant to my life and some that isnt.  But dont you pass all the talking heads through a bs filter first?  I cant think of anything, but I am sure there is stuff that I dont agree with Leo on.

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I love Teal as well, but I don't consider her enlightened (as I stated in some other topic as well). She is very interesting personality and she has a lot of good things to say. She has great helpful insights into human psychology and spirituality and combining the psychological work with spiritual etc. I like that. 



To take her seriously while she speaks about other planets, aliens, dimensions and astral projection requires radical open-mindedness.  RADICAL. Initially when I heard her talk about this stuff, I wondered why she would discredit herself by talking this way. Especially when so much of her other material is mainstream enough to help a wider audience. She would obviously put off all the skeptics and rational minded people. Then, I decided to actually consider what she was talking about as a possibility. Trusting her intelligence and intent, I realized, she is doing it for a reason. So, what if there were aliens? What if what she was saying was true? Instead of just writing it off as nonsense, I actually considered it. Try it. Why not? It’s radical. 

However radical it may seem, it is even MORE radical that it does not matter if there are aliens or other dimensions as well because it is all a Thought, A Dream and it is all just another layer of the dream. Of course in a dream state there is multiple levels and you can dive as deep as you like in the dream world horizontally, vertically and all possible levels in whatever shape and form you like and gather endless amounts of interesting information and crazy things, however, it is ALL JUST A THOUGHT, a dream within a dream within a dream. :) So this is why I don't consider Teal to be ultimate teacher, but I do consider her to be great light within the dream.

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On 2/10/2016 at 6:32 AM, Leo Gura said:

As the Zen tradition or any seriously enlightened person will tell you: ignore all that shit and go straight for the Truth without any detours or power-trips. Then if you still want, you can come back and play wizard.


I love this train of thought. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the supernatural, because would wouldn't want to have different powers? It's just more adding or subtracting to this unit (body) to seek such things.  I also love how people that claim to have such powers can never give a direct process to getting them.

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I can imagine when you experience intense abuse for years you are permanently "damaged", the damaging simply becomes a part of you which you can't "fix". This damage doesn't make her suffer anymore, it just is what it is, a part of who she is. That probably makes her more drawn to this kooky stuff.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I definitely like Teal Swan better than I like Leo. His video on anger comes across as very judgmental and condescending, whereas she seems to be neutrally addressing the subject. He's alienated a lot of people with that video and he doesn't really address the root cause of the issue, and on top of that he expresses anger. His micro expressions in his face and his intonation suggest disgust before he even talks about the topic of anger. On top of that, he adds insult to injury by suggesting that if you don't like the video, you're a dick! Haha! For someone whose mission in life for people to be more spiritually enlightened and less judgmental, he needs to figure out how to be a bit more humble.

I can understand the qualms with Teal-- she is a bit egoistic, she has said that people listen to her because of her beauty, and she's a bit out there in terms of her beliefs and some of her approaches. But never once have I felt judged by her. I have felt validated.

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4 hours ago, turkeysub3000 said:

comes across as very judgmental and condescending

Is HE? :D 



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On 2/10/2016 at 1:32 PM, Leo Gura said:

There is a whole domain within spirituality which we might call the "powers realm". It's all the occult stuff like astral projection, healing, extra-sensory perception, channeling other entities, etc.

I don't have much experience with that domain other than to suspect that it's fun and interesting, but also infested with fantastical thinking and illusions. And that there is a deeper realm.

As the Zen tradition or any seriously enlightened person will tell you: ignore all that shit and go straight for the Truth without any detours or power-trips. Then if you still want, you can come back and play wizard.

I might be too closedminded about this though. I'd have to do more personal dabbling in wizardry to know for sure.

Yes,yes, a 100x yes

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I agree with most of the things she talks about. However, it is driving me absolutely nuts that she makes any 'supernatural' or 'extrasensory' claims. This is completely out of logic and reason. Fucking pseudo-scientific rats, thats what these people are. I can't help but stress out over the fact that she makes these pseudo-scientific claims. It is a big shame that she did that, considering that the subjects she talks about are logical and valid. But extrasensory? what the *ck?..

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6 hours ago, turkeysub3000 said:

I definitely like Teal Swan better than I like Leo. His video on anger comes across as very judgmental and condescending, whereas she seems to be neutrally addressing the subject. He's alienated a lot of people with that video and he doesn't really address the root cause of the issue, and on top of that he expresses anger. His micro expressions in his face and his intonation suggest disgust before he even talks about the topic of anger. On top of that, he adds insult to injury by suggesting that if you don't like the video, you're a dick! Haha! For someone whose mission in life for people to be more spiritually enlightened and less judgmental, he needs to figure out how to be a bit more humble.

I can understand the qualms with Teal-- she is a bit egoistic, she has said that people listen to her because of her beauty, and she's a bit out there in terms of her beliefs and some of her approaches. But never once have I felt judged by her. I have felt validated.

Leo is the way he is because he is a logical and a skeptical person. It is important to be skeptical and analytical about all subjects because most of the concepts and beliefs are just total crap. Needs some line of logic going on. Teal Swan, on the other hand claims that she has some super natural powers, which is complete BULLSH*T, and she is using that as an attention element. There are no "super natural" things in the universe. The universe  is governed by the laws of physics and mathematics. Some people don't understand that, because they're plain stupid. So they believe in pseudo-scientific ideas. 

Edited by asgard94

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On 2/15/2016 at 6:10 AM, Lynnel said:


To everyone not relating to the more mystical and spiritual stuff, it simply means you simply, or more precisly your ego is not openminded enough.

This is NOT about the way you 'feel'. This is about logic, reason and objective reasoning. facts. If you allow yourself to believe whatever you feel you're going to surround yourself with a lot of BS pseudo-science reality which is false. 

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1 minute ago, asgard94 said:

This is NOT about the way you 'feel'. This is about logic, reason and objective reasoning. facts. If you allow yourself to believe whatever you feel you're going to surround yourself with a lot of BS pseudo-science reality which is false. 

I invite you to read/watch on youtube Anita Moorjani's story for a bit of an update on your logic :P 



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3 minutes ago, Ayla said:

I invite you to read/watch on youtube Anita Moorjani's story for a bit of an update on your logic :P 

I'm checking it out!

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