
What happens the moment after you die

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Will i see something? I know it’s possible since i can see in my dreams and not just throw my eyes. 
will i think and have thoughts? 
will i say ah I just died and be confused and remember that i was human form?

I know Leo did a video about death but i still don’t understand he says you will merge into infinity<< what does that even mean or feel like,can you dumb it down for me?

i know i know my ego is aching it wants to know if it will survive after death. But seriously what happens?


Edited by AlwaysJoggin

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Death isn't real. 

If you don't realize this in your own experience, you'll get lost in the kinds of questions that you've been asking.

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@VincentArogya how to realize that? I mean really realize that, FULLY, TOTALLY. Not just some aha moment than go back to sleep

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6 minutes ago, Frenk said:

@VincentArogya how to realize that? I mean really realize that, FULLY, TOTALLY. Not just some aha moment than go back to sleep

Understanding is never partial. It's always total. So, when you realize that death isn't real, it will be full and total. Unfortunately, there isn't a method to realize that you are eternal. 

But I can share an analogy with you and it would be up to you to put your mind to work and decipher it. 

What you are is not the body or mind. You are the one who knows the body and mind. You are like the space that is expansive and boundless and your body/mind is like a small house within the space. Now that you have this small house within this space, you experience this house by living in it. You live in this house so fully that you forget that you are actually the expansive space that includes the space within the house and outside the house. You look at the space outside through the windows of the house, and therefore never fully understand the totality of your infinity. Now when the time comes to destroy the house, what do you think happens to the space?


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30 minutes ago, Frenk said:

@VincentArogya And if i realize that boundless awareness, will i know that death doesn't exist?

Don't get caught up in words. Boundless awareness is just word that's acting like a sign post on the road. There's no boundless awareness. 

You assume that death exists. What makes you think that you were born?

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I don't really know.

But yeah words are meaningless..


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4 minutes ago, Frenk said:

I don't really know

When you feel this in your bones, you're on the right track. Begin from there.

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...And there's no in-between!

 I hope it's the second one.

Edited by Matt23

"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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Imagine for me what it would be like to go to sleep and never wake up again.

Really try to imagine that, and it may pose a next question to you.


What was it like to wake up after never having gone to sleep? That was when the idea of you was born.

So what do you think happens after death? The same thing that happened before you were born obviously.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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What will happen is a fragment of reality will wake up from the dream that it was acting as AlwaysJoggin and will join back into the infinite canvas of consciousness.

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@AlwaysJoggin Very good question. I know for sure that the moment of death, you will forget that you ever were a human, you will go back to source aka Infinity. That will be your salvation, this world is nothing but an illusion, its falshood. Nothing to worry about. Dont fear death embrace it. But the good thing is that you dont need to really die to go back, it is already here, the only thing is are you really consciouss of it. 

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Near-death research indicates that there are various stages after death.

The first is realising that you still exist even though the body has been dropped. You cannot be seen by other people and they cannot hear you. Often a sense of great tranquility. Sometimes the presence of one or more beings to offer guidance. Sometimes 360-degree visibility, and the ability to visit distant places instantly.

Then, there is usually a sense of travelling down a tunnel at incredible speed towards a bright light with a powerful sense of love. The light is brighter than the sun, yet can be viewed without discomfort. The level of love and happiness is far beyond anything on Earth.

There tends to be a 'life review', in which we experience our actions from the perspective of others who came into contact with us. Though we are not judged per se, there is a criterion of sorts whereby selfless love is the most important quality to have displayed.

Some experiencers went much further and experienced multiple different levels of 'heaven' and witnessed the beings therein. And sometimes unpleasant realms are witnessed also.

Kevin Williams has a great NDE website, while the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation is being updated with reports constantly. My best advice is to do your own research.

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Whatever you imagine.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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More perspectives, more experiences, more being. 

Is all that we see or seem

But a dream within a dream?

- Edgar Allen Poe 

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Your limited perspective of reality stops at death. No limits and no you afterward.

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What happens the moment after you die.

You become liberated from the trapping of the limited self.

 "But why wait till death is upon you?" --Nisargadatta

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5 hours ago, Natasha said:

@AlwaysJoggin What did it 'feel' like before 'your' conception? That's what it will 'feel' like after 'you' 'die'. 

Like that ?...

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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You wake up ;)


Let thy speech be better then silence, or be silent.

- Pseudo-dionysius 

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