
Powerful Quotes Post Here

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To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.


To heal a wound you need to stop touching it,



  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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You are your own child

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 5/16/2016 at 2:03 PM, Saarah said:

I honestly thoroughly applied that quote. I found that, like worry, hate and love are like realizing something a second time. Because worry does nothing more than remind you of what you already know. Rather than to dwell on anything, I keep moving via contemplating, reestablishing focus (overall focus), and meditating. It is then that I don't look like a child staring at what they already have rather then to invite new experiences. As Christ said, "The old wine is better, they say."

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I wrote this one, it is in terms of the mind and non-mind.

"Surrender if resistance costs more than it benefits. Resist if surrender costs more than it benefits."

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3 hours ago, Maorice said:

Me is not looking.jpg

"Me" is a combination together forming "Me", therefore the case is "We". The eyes which see are not the ears which hear, and the connection between them, too, isn't "Me" it is "We". It would also be erroneous to say that "I" represent "Them", rather than to merely say "We" sometimes work together. Because sometimes I sit on my leg and can't move it, so that "We" are smaller in number. But that leg may soon join "Us" again.

Therefore, because all of my components are elements which may not compose a creature... the universe is like a complete creature, whereas humans are an increment... a limb. 

There is no such thing as "My Life" there is only "Life". Existence actually only is. There is no belonging. Giving is only movement. Recieving is only movement. Small is only size. Tall is only size. A lake is a large puddle and a small ocean. If you stop considering belonging, you can notice IS-ness. Existence actually rather than inaccute perspectives. Inaccurate perspectives are formed much like imaginations, except with words. A unicorn is perhaps a combination of a horn, a horse, and the colors of the rainbow. Everything belongs where it is, if you are not it... it doesn't belong to you. Because nothing impossible has ever happened, it is logical that the thing is where it is. But since I am actually "We", We belong where we are rather than to anything else.

Edited by Gabriel David

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40 minutes ago, Gabriel David said:

I honestly thoroughly applied that quote. I found that, like worry, hate and love are like realizing something a second time. Because worry does nothing more than remind you of what you already know. Rather than to dwell on anything, I keep moving via contemplating, reestablishing focus (overall focus), and meditating. It is then that I don't look like a child staring at what they already have rather then to invite new experiences. As Christ said, "The old wine is better, they say."

Lol I don't know why there's question marks in my post, I meant I loved the quote :) 

I see what you mean, worry is like the conditioned thoughts that keep us stuck in our usual way of seeing things, and meditation helps to let go of those and only focus on right now, beyond the thoughts 

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Lol I don't know why there's question marks in my post, I meant I loved the quote :) 

I see what you mean, worry is like the conditioned thoughts that keep us stuck in our usual way of seeing things, and meditation helps to let go of those and only focus on right now, beyond the thoughts 

Oh then I don't think I misunderstood you, I thought you might think that. Looks like you understand a bit of what I meant though. As for whether or not worry is conditioned, check this out. I was focusing on what I exactly I "know". What I noticed is that I only "know" what I'm currently thinking. That is the extent of my knowledge. Whether or not i respond with what I memorized depends on whether I can make enough connections and be close enough to grasp it from where my current thought is.

But seriously look at my other comment. I just had a brain fart and some of the things I've been contemplating have been making sense. I revised the response to Maorice's comment.

Edited by Gabriel David

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The ego is not who you really are.

The ego is your self-image; it is your social mask; it is the role you are playing.

Your social mask thrives on approval.

It wants control, an it is sustained by power,

Because it lives in fear.


Deepak Chopra

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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On 5/20/2016 at 2:44 PM, Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj said:

“Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.” 
― Ramana Maharshi

“It is always the false that makes you suffer, the false desires and fears, the false values and ideas, the false relationships between people. Abandon the false and you are free of pain; truth makes happy, truth liberates.” 
― Nisargadatta Maharaj

“All you want is to be happy. All your desires, whatever they may be, are longing for happiness. Basically, you wish yourself well...desire by itself is not wrong. It is life itself, the urge to grow in knowledge and experience. It is choices you make that are wrong. To imagine that some little thing-food, sex, power, fame-will make you happy is to decieve oneself. Only something as vast and deep as your real self can make you truly and lastingly happy.” 
― Nisargadatta Maharaj

“You may die a hundred deaths without a break in the mental turmoil. Or, you may keep your body and die only in the mind. The death of the mind is the birth of wisdom.” 
― Nisargadatta Maharaj, I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

I realized a portion of the, "Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside.” 

Happiness is your nature. Upon thinking it is wrong to desire it it will be a wall around you until you seek it outside though it is inside. Relax in it. Upon seeking it where it isn't found it omits you. (notice this process in action during meditation/introspection)

Please offer an explanation of the rest of the quotes. I understand fairly, but I wish to be more detailed.

Edited by OKO

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The only way out is in

Leonard Jackson




It's only when you stop searching for the truth outside of yourself,

That you will find it ... in you


No fucking clue





People spend their lives trying to learn everything that exists beyond them, in the hope of finding

The truth that already lies within.


Bryant Mcgill




It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness,

That God can fill you with Himself


Mother Theresa




Seek the path, do not seek attainement, seek for the path within yourself.

Do not expect to hear the truth from others, nor to see it, nor to read it in books.

Look for the truth within yourself, not without yourself.





Buddha was asked,

"What have you gained from meditation ?"

He replied "NOTHING !

However, let me tell you what I've lost:

Anger, anxiety, depression, insecurity, fear of old age and death."


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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In your awareness there is no perception of the perceiver, any perception of a perceiver is a perception, not the perceiver.




Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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"When you start seeing your worth, you'll find it harder to stay around people who don't."

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“The sadness will last forever.”

― Vincent Van Gogh

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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Now be silent. Let the One who creates the words speak. He made the door. He made the lock. He also made the key. ~ Rumi

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