Leo Gura

Who's Interested In Conscious Politics?

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On 9/6/2019 at 1:12 AM, Leo Gura said:
On 9/6/2019 at 1:10 AM, Shiva said:

I think at this point, this topic has demonstrated well enough that now is not the time to make videos on politics yet.

Yes, but then again, when will it ever be the time?

This thread also demonstrates how badly conscious politics is needed.

@Leo Gura  YES!

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10 hours ago, Shadowraix said:

@Leo Gura

Then I started thinking of capitalism vs communism which has this same individual vs collective idea. (What I mean is paper communism if humans weren't so corrupt.)

This duality between individual and collective seems to be a huge source of conflict between people who can't find balance between the two. Do you think this is a big part of it?

Of course, this is a key issue which so many people get wrong. Most people are unconsciously acting out either an individualist dogma or a collectivist dogma without realizing that these are two mutually-interdependent forces which must be carefully balanced. See video: Aztec Nonduality, where I discuss the central importance of balance.

A big part of conscious politics is recognizing that delicate balances must be struck between capitalism & socialism, individualism vs collectivism, freedom & limitation, and status quo & progress. None of these can be taken as absolute goods. Any philosophy or ideology which takes an absolutist position on any one of these is misguided, Tier 1, and will ultimately fail. Yin and yang must be balanced. But not necessarily down the middle. Balance is a complex and dynamic process, not the mid-point between any two positions.

8 hours ago, InfinitePotential said:

Removing incentives to buy yachts!! 


LOL, that was such a great episode!

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There was a somewhat recent thread about politics which seemed to get unnesesarily spicy (can't remember the tittle). Although I totally agreed with what Emerald & Leo were saying, I also felt a lot of connection with the anarchistitic style of the topic starter's posts. I felt the topic starter was gang bullied by a number of members on this forum... but I didnt mention it there, simply to avoid further bullying.

Leo, I would love for you to cover this topic, great idea... that said, ( on behalf of myself, and likely the rest of the stage green crowd) I do not want to deal with more individuals being ostracized as a result. I hope you can find a way to make it work (like a mango lasse, after an intense curry). Excited for it ???

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@Epiphany_Inspired When it comes to politics, ego is always distorting the discussion since it's such a big survival issue. So it's necessarily tricky and contentious.

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@Leo Gura I believe I understand the vastness of what you said... yes, it is all very distorted, tricky and contentious; so true. 

That said, I just saw that another thread re: politics vs unconditional love was shut down, and you haven't even made this video yet! Although there may (or may not) be issues with that topic starter engaging in troll type behaviours... I have concerns (for everyone's sake) that trying to put a lid back on this particular can of worms could be too suppressive for any radical notions (likely coming from from anarchist-type folks) which may, or may not open our minds ... Plus, the worms could crawl too far out of this particular pandora's box and take over the place! I've always felt that the forum has so much freedom for almost every other topic (Hitler, sex, etc). When it comes to politics, does the freedom end? Does it need to, (so that politics vs anarchy does not fully take over the forum)? Leo, I remember all of your warnings when the Trump crap began, so I will attempt to embrace this paradox, and hope we can all potentially handle a shit-storm of worms when the video comes out... 


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On 6/6/2019 at 6:59 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'm planning some videos on a new topic I'm calling "Conscious Politics". It's a Tier 2 approach to politics and government which aims to go beyond the left/right divide.

Well, interested or not, it's coming, so brace yourselves! ;) Some of it will be controversial & radical, but also inspiring. If you lean conservative some of the things which will be said you will probably deny and react against. But there will also be critiques of liberal ideologies too.

It's a tricky topic to discuss because it tends to polarize and distract people from doing the inner work. And yet it must be discussed. So we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

I may be a little late for this, but I'm so so so so so excited for this topic! In the end, politics is also about truth and deception. The more truth among elected politicians, the more decisions made for the common good.

Also: at this point we can either make a transition into conscious global governance soon, or all else won't even matter, cause we'll all be gone :D. Looking forward to your videos Leo!

Edited by Mondsee

"Es gibt die Wahrheit, mein Lieber! Aber die ,Lehre', die du begehrst [...], die gibt es nicht. Du sollst dich auch gar nicht nach einer vollkommenen Lehre sehnen, Freund, sondern nach Vervollkommnung deiner selbst."

- Herman Hesse, Das Glasperlenspiel

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On 9.6.2019 at 1:47 AM, Leo Gura said:

If America was truly libertarian we would all be dead or enslaved. In fact, you would never have been born.

That is what you don't understand.

There is a very good reason why no nation in human history has ever been libertarian. Because it would be pure hell. In fact, it simply could not be suatained for more than a few decades before it collapsed.

If you want a libertarian lifestyle the closest thing would be moving to Somalia. You're welcome to move there.

Can you explain why?

It can be a very powerful tool to wake up people if i will be able to explain WHY their capitalist ideology is dangerous (and help them move to green).

2. When you will upload this topic (conscious politics) to youtube? I am very curious about this topic.

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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Could this be a topic for a long video series?  Maybe with a ton of mini-topics...  I could see it attracting a lot of new viewers, plus endorse Sanders, anything less would be criminal...

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38 minutes ago, SerpaeTetra said:

Could this be a topic for a long video series?  Maybe with a ton of mini-topics...  I could see it attracting a lot of new viewers, plus endorse Sanders, anything less would be criminal...

I have already endorsed Sanders on my blog.

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On 6/6/2019 at 3:59 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'm planning some videos on a new topic I'm calling "Conscious Politics". It's a Tier 2 approach to politics and government which aims to go beyond the left/right divide.

Well, interested or not, it's coming, so brace yourselves! ;) Some of it will be controversial & radical, but also inspiring. If you lean conservative some of the things which will be said you will probably deny and react against. But there will also be critiques of liberal ideologies too.

It's a tricky topic to discuss because it tends to polarize and distract people from doing the inner work. And yet it must be discussed. So we're damned if we do and damned if we don't.

Looking forward to these videos Leo, this is a crucial topic!

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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@Leo Gura sure you can try talking about politics but I don't think it would ever change one thing about society 

those majority of people who will be voting will keep on watching those conservative talks and keep voting for the wrong person 

your ideas could be perhaps a possibility way long into the future if humans haven't already killed themselves 

with all these defense mechanisms put in place, there's really not that much hope 

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22 minutes ago, sarapr said:

@Leo Gura sure you can try talking about politics but I don't think it would ever change one thing about society 

those majority of people who will be voting will keep on watching those conservative talks and keep voting for the wrong person 

your ideas could be perhaps a possibility way long into the future if humans haven't already killed themselves 

with all these defense mechanisms put in place, there's really not that much hope 

Even if you help one person grow, that is progress. You gotta account for the big long term picture. Society has gotten more conscious and will continue to. This content will provide access to high conscious material for those who discover it. 

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@sarapr May I interject with a comment I posted yesterday about this actualise thing not being successful. Me personally being the ego I am wanting to change everything myself. This is my reason for giving up since I can’t change everything in my lifetime and see it aswell

but it’s as shadqwraix said change starts one person at a time and nothing more. Every action has a reaction and the more conscious ones actions are the more progress it will reap towards the overall goal of society becoming more conscious about their actions.


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14 hours ago, sarapr said:

@Leo Gura sure you can try talking about politics but I don't think it would ever change one thing about society 

those majority of people who will be voting will keep on watching those conservative talks and keep voting for the wrong person 

your ideas could be perhaps a possibility way long into the future if humans haven't already killed themselves 

with all these defense mechanisms put in place, there's really not that much hope 

That's just not true. All democratic governmental reforms and innovations had to start somewhere. They start in the minds of a few people and then spread to the millions.

Take a look at the ideas of Karl Marx as just one example. Granted, they spread problematically in many cases, but spread they did to billions of people and they have reshaped politics and societies all over the world in the last 100 years.

So ideas matter. The pen is mightier than the sword.

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@winterknight FYI, Elizabeth Warren will take corporate PAC money and big donor money in the General Election.

This is an important point which differentiates her from Bernie, who will not do that.

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Maybe some thoughtfood:


[O]ur experience of democracy is thin, and mostly get-
ting thinner.
[In theory:] At its best, democracy is about a disinterested
and ongoing participation in the public good by a discerning
population of critical thinkers, informed by a free press. In
the classic text Democracy in America, Alexis De Tocqueville
even spoke about the moralising power of participation- the
sense that democratic processes created better human be-
In practice, democracy is often a competition among power-
ful corporate interests for regulatory influence, with a disen-
gaged population becoming citizens only periodically at elec-
tions, and even then often voting on a poorly informed and
superficial basis.
The Canadian philosopher John Ralston Saul makes a strong
case for the notion of disinterest being a critical feature of a
healthy democracy. This feels odd at first blush, but
‘disinterest’ does not mean ‘lack of interest’ at all – it means
the capacity to engage in a way that is not trying to advance
any particular interest.
Disinterested democracy is the very opposite of a transac-
tional view of democracy
, giving rise to ‘retail politics’ – you
(demographic, group, constituency) vote for me, and I’ll give
you this public service or that tax break. Disinterested poli-
tics is about placing the public interest ahead of any particu-
lar interest – about trying to view the system as a whole and
thinking about what it needs to function best.
The challenge for democracy is at least partly a challenge to
change human consciousness so that we stop imagining we
either care about everybody or just care about ourselves, and
recognise that this is a false dichotomy
. A healthy democracy
should be a place where individuals feel they have a duty to
promote the public good
, not just narrowly protect of advance
their own interests at the cost of others.

(Source: https://media.wix.com/ugd/3ff9b4_14fbdf06f5af4359a80dc13d8278fdca.pdf; Page 24 and following)


Miracle:    Impossible from an old understanding of reality, but possible from a new one.

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On 21.6.2019 at 8:55 AM, Leo Gura said:

@winterknight FYI, Elizabeth Warren will take corporate PAC money and big donor money in the General Election.

This is an important point which differentiates her from Bernie, who will not do that.

When consious politics will be published? 

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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On 6/21/2019 at 2:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

So ideas matter. The pen is mightier than the sword.

In the final episode of game of thrones, tyrion lannister said there is nothing more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. Nothing can defeat it.

Communism is a delusion but a good story. Muslim terrorists have a good story.

Edited by CreamCat

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