
What is the difference between yellow and turquoise?

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I know what yellow is, but turqouise is not clear to me.

Yes, turqouise is when yellow is ready to let the things loose, and now (in turqouise) he thinks less, he 'flows' more with the stream and co-oparate with people, he thinks that the world is one organism... he is more spontaneous... I read eckhart tolle book "power of the moment" and i understand and liked very much the book.

But only agreeing with all that the book says and loving the book doesnt make you turqouise... you have to really be in this stage.

But how?

it sounds too amorphic. Unmeasurable and unindicativable.

Right now i try to chalenge myself to think more and more like yellow.

But in the future, in couple of years, i want to have any indication to know if i started turqouise or not. How can i ever know?





Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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When you fill your life with compassion and love ? 

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@Nivsch Centered in yellow, the mind will try to figure it out from below. Turquoise is not an intellectual thing like Orange and Yellow is. It’s more like a beingness. You Be Turquoise and then are like “Oohh, so thats what its like. How can I possibly explain this?”. . . If you want a quick peek at Turquoise, take a psychedelic - a relatively strong dose will dissolve the yellow thinking mind and allow space. Yet the mind will try to contextualize it when it returns. That’s the challenge (referred to as “integration”). Yet one good look is golden. However it comes. It can be a game-changer because there is now a reference for grounding.

As well, there are many forms/expressions of Turquoise / similar to how there are many forms/expressions of Orange. 

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42 minutes ago, RichardY said:

Cult Leader.

You are not serious i hope haha

Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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@Nivsch turquoise is not nearly as mental as yellow. yellow is still very conceptual. for instance:

  • the spiral dynamics framework is within yellow mindset
  • a super advanced zen student is at yellow
  • an intellectual yogi is at yellow
  • someone who studies several spiritual traditions and religions is at yellow

but beyond all that there is Truth. turquoise is living while conscious that GOD is all there is.

unborn Truth

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Turquoise is about accepting all the other stages as they are.

It's even possible to have a stage Red mentality and be at Turquoise at the same time, because Turquoise is basically just the lack of judgement (from Blue and Green), and it's the letting go of control and manipulation (from Orange and Yellow), and allowing things to flow as they should.

Turquoise in a nutshell: IT IS WHAT IT IS, AND ALL IS PERFECT.

After that realisation, you will become liberated and you will able to do whatever you want.

Of course, I'm not there yet, not even close.

Edited by Truth Addict

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Enlightenment is the difference between those two stages imho




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22 hours ago, Truth Addict said:


Turquoise is about accepting all the other stages as they are.

It's even possible to have a stage Red mentality and be at Turquoise at the same time, because Turquoise is basically just the lack of judgement (from Blue and Green), and it's the letting go of control and manipulation (from Orange and Yellow), and allowing things to flow as they should.

Turquoise in a nutshell: IT IS WHAT IT IS, AND ALL IS PERFECT.

After that realisation, you will become liberated and you will able to do whatever you want.

Of course, I'm not there yet, not even close.

Why are you not there ?

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Turquoise has a characteristic metaphysical big-picture of view reality that they cling to that Yellow doesn't, among other things.  Turquoise believes something like everything is one and that all perspectives are me.  Yellow is generally still operating in what I call the set of Egos paradigm where they really don't see themselves as one with everything else metaphysically.  Turquoise sees themselves roughly as a network of perspectives including their own perspective, whereas Yellow generally thinks of themselves as a finite perspective among a sea of independent perspectives.  "Everything is one" from a metaphysical perspective makes perfect sense at Turquoise.  It's not just a neat idea for Turquoise, it's what they actually believe they are.  The idea that "everything is one" is embodied at Turquoise.  Now, this isn't the only characteristic of Stage Turquoise but it's a major one.  Turquoise is clinging to and embodying metaphysics and truth in a way that Yellow generally isn't. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 hour ago, Aeris said:

Why are you not there ?

Because I am here.

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13 hours ago, Good-boy said:

Enlightenment is the difference between those two stages imho

What about all the enlightened dudes that are blue/orange, green and yellow ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin they need to reach turquoise to get full enlightenment (the one that Leo talks about even after getting enlightened). Until then they are just good boys.

Edited by Good-boy




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@Joseph Maynor if i know that there are infinite causes and effects for every thing, and all the atoms make me think what i think (Determinism idea) and therefore we can't control anything, we all like moving on a rail road. and that is the prove that all society is one organism. 

This is not what turqouise understands?

Because It can be explained scientificly.


Edited by Nivsch

🌻Stage Yellow emerges when Green starts to have tolerance and respect to the variety of views within HIMSELF.

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8 hours ago, Nivsch said:

@Joseph Maynor if i know that there are infinite causes and effects for every thing, and all the atoms make me think what i think (Determinism idea) and therefore we can't control anything, we all like moving on a rail road. and that is the prove that all society is one organism. 

This is not what turqouise understands?

Because It can be explained scientificly.


Don't try so hard to be turquoise, it will only pat your ego.

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Was this not explained in the Turquoise video??

You won't really understand Turquoise unless you hang out with some Turquoise level people and have some mystical experiences while you are at Yellow.

It's not enough to just have mystical experiences, as you could have them at Purple, Blue, Orange, Green. Your cognitive development must already be at Yellow and then the mystical experiences will push you past Yellow in Turquoise.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Hi, I label myself as orange/green/yellow, and I am mountain biker.

When i bike for more than 2-3 hours i start reaching turquoise levels (I think).

It's some kind of samadhi or something. This happened to me last sunday: I go into some samadhi but then i am back to the normal me. And when i come back i am like: -''Well, that has to be what being turquoise is like''

The wind, the forest and the water talks to you, but without words. You can zoom in in any object and see God, Infinity, The Absolute whatever you wanna call it.

One day i had to bike for 15 hours: That day i knew what turquoise was ALL about.

Can't really explain it. It's a little bit like being AWOL.

On 5/20/2019 at 7:16 AM, Nivsch said:

it sounds too amorphic. Unmeasurable and unindicativable.



Edited by Arcangelo
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@Arcangelo That’s like eating an amazing Ceviche and saying “I now know what South America is ALL about”. There is much much more to explore, Be and learn in Turquoise. 

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I don't even know what yellow is. I told my girlfriend I liked her yellow pants and she said it was mustard so yeah...

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3 hours ago, SFRL said:

I don't even know what yellow is. I told my girlfriend I liked her yellow pants and she said it was mustard so yeah...

You are experiencing a classic yellow vs mustard duality delusion. Upon transcendence is the realization and embodiment of  absolute yellow. It can be uncomfortable at first, especially since one can no longer differentiate between their sports team and the opposing team. Yet the bright side is that it makes toads and dragonflies look really cool at night. And as an extra bonus, the song “Yellow” by Coldplay will take on whole new meaning. ? 

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