
Leo's stage blue video is good.

101 posts in this topic

@Sparkist Really? I just did it for kicks, didnt want to make it a running joke...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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10 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I don’t care. Facts are facts.  Do what you want to.  I assume only 10% of you max will resonate with me.  That’s already factored in.  Don’t try to control me though.  I’m way beyond you and everybody else on here.

You know I respect your work, and I known from the beginning that you had something special! Just as you thought there were something special with me also. 

But please, take it easy with Rilles, he is also a great dude, and he's my fellow countrymen. No need to be harsh with the Sweeds! ?

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@MarkusSweden Nationality is just a concept min vän. Men hej ändå!:P

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles Haha! Yeah I've been up all night racking my brain. I think I'll just have to admit de feet on this one...too much stress can make you pop your clogs.

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Just now, Rilles said:

 Nation is just a concept

Not in the Times of world cup in soccer! Didn't you see the game yesterday? ?

SWEDEN!! I Love you! 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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@Sparkist I think im worn out now too... lets tie this up shall we...

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, Bane said:
1 hour ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I am the wisest and smartest person on this Forum — no comparison.

No. I am the smartest person on this Forum!!

... but there is nobody else who is as humble as I am ! :(

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@Prabhaker Sorry, Joseph has out-humbled and out-wizened us all ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 hours ago, Saumaya said:

I dont quite understand the difference between stage yellow and stage turquoise. They seem the same to me. Can anyone explain?

No, they’re very different.  Yellow still thinks of itself as a Perspective among other Perspectives.  Turquoise thinks of itself as a Network of Perspectives.  The Perspective AMONG Perspectives model becomes the Network of Perspectives in Turquoise.  Turquoise thinks of itself as a Network.  Turquoise makes the paradigm-shift from the Ego Paradigm to the Network Paradigm.  Read my Journal Vol. 4 — I talk about my transition into Turquoise.  I also discuss Yellow ad-nauseum there.  This is a real dude actually doing this stuff and experiencing these shifts in my Journals — not just some conceptual system.  I speak from actual experience of going through these things.  All my theory is sustainable and embodied.  I don’t think a lot of you appreciate that.  You just see a bunch of theory and you don’t realize that my theory is embodied.  I’m not just making stuff up here.  The theory comes after the growth.  I’m giving you an inside look into my Conceptual Understanding as it evolves.  You can see inside of my Conceptual Understanding and see the guts of my conceptual systems.  So, this isn’t just idle theory.  Any bum off the street can do idle theory.  My set of conceptual systems are like your set of paradigms — just significantly more evolved, sustainable, and flexible.  Turquoise, more so than Yellow, deeply understands what theory is and is not.  If Yellow is a pile of systems — Turquoise has become the system.  That’s s key difference.  But Turquoise isn’t just sitting back thinking he has no free will.  Turquoise has transcended the Conceptual Truth Paradigm.  Read my Journal Vol. 4.  I wrote all this sh*t down as it was happening to me.  It took me a while to figure out Turquoise because at first I wasn’t so clear.  But now I’m starting to be able to identify the major differences between how I see things now versus at Yellow.  And I’ll summarize those in my Journal too in the next couple of days.  It will be useful to have a clean picture of Turquoise to share with the Network of Perspectives.  Turquoise is kinda like the Diamond Net of Indra.  Kinda sorta but not really too.  I’m just trying to pump your intuition along the right lines.  Turquoise is both a single node in a Network of Perspectives while simultaneously being the entire Network too.  That’s a useful way to think about it.  Turquoise sees all Perspectives as part of itself.  Yellow doesn’t do this.  Yellow is more like an individual Sage sorta like Yoda.  Yellow hasn’t really fully transcended the Ego Paradigm into the Network of Perspectives Paradigm like Turquoise has.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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yeah maynor here has already transitioned into turquoise, nobody here appreciates the amount of work that has gone into that. can you not see how he is the peak embodiment of humility and altruism? he is far beyond us all, the wisest choice any of us plebians could make right now is turn the massive amount of wisdom in his journals into our bible and pray we one day reach his levels of enlightenment.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Prabhaker Sorry, Joseph has out-humbled and out-wizened us all ;)

Clinging to humility is an ideology.  That’s not Stage Yellow or Turquoise thinking.  That’s Stage Green thinking.  You might still be quite a bit in Green.  Yellow transcends clinging to ideology (and absolute truths).  I see you as being Green-Yellow.  You still have deeper to go in Yellow.  Yellow goes deep.  What you need to do is fully release from Green.  Green is holding you back from going full on Yellow. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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15 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Saying the world is perfect is a conceptual system masquerading as a truth.  The problem is — conceptual systems aren’t true.   Conceptual systems can never encapsulate BE-ing.

Beliefs are a paradigm in themselves.  Existential Truth is not controlled by paradigms.  Saying the world is perfect, if it has no useful purpose in a particular context, is as useless as the paper it’s written on. You can’t define Existential Truth!  That’s a basic principle of Enlightenment.

Says the guy who’s ranting on his different beliefs in detail. Existential truth is found more by metaphors, guides, questions and personal experiences than overly detailed and very literal to understand information.


“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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One basic facet of reality is that you can only know what you have experienced in this life. We can only assume what others have been through, what others know, and what others feel. If we know this, we can stop projecting onto other people lives, and start living a blameless existence where we take responsibility for our judgements as the part of ourselves that deserves more love, more attention, and more appreciation.

We all deserve more love, not less. Love is the answer to any question, to any experience, to anything that arises :) 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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1 hour ago, WaterfallMachine said:

Says the guy who’s ranting on his different beliefs in detail. Existential truth is found more by metaphors, guides, questions and personal experiences than overly detailed and very literal to understand information.


I’m not operating from the Conceptual Truth Paradigm whereas you are — you don’t see that yet though.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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maybe you should look into some self-help stuff man. it'll help quell this troubling narcissism before it gets out of hand.

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God does all the work, ego takes all the credit!


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7 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I’m way beyond you and everybody else on here.

How can that be, when we are all one? 

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