Leo Gura

Kriya Yoga Mega-Thread

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Is it "ok" to focus on the third eye during regular mindfulness meditation as well? Meaning that you pick this as an object and focus on it? The thing is I have felt this area develop in sensitivity during years of Vipassana meditation and now when I have done Kriya Yoga a couple of weeks my focus naturally wants to go and rest there even during day to day activities. What are some opinions on this? Wouldn't it be worse to not allow my focus to go there when it is drawn to it I mean? Thanks.

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hei there :)

just started with the book and my practice yesterday. I'm excited!

what do you guys think about the author's tendency to kind of fall in the same trap as the schools and teachers he himself is criticizing? I get the impression he has fallen into the trap ''Kriya = the only Truth", disregarding all the rest. he is disregarding other meditation techniques as 'wandering thoughts', or in Leo's terms 'mental masturbation'

I will continue my Kriya practice, but I will also go on with regular meditation. I simply don't feel that as lost time, wasted hours like the author is kind of implementing. 

what are your thoughts about that?

I wish you all the best with your practice <3

whatever arises, love that

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2 hours ago, Esoteric said:

Is it "ok" to focus on the third eye during regular mindfulness meditation as well? Meaning that you pick this as an object and focus on it? The thing is I have felt this area develop in sensitivity during years of Vipassana meditation and now when I have done Kriya Yoga a couple of weeks my focus naturally wants to go and rest there even during day to day activities. What are some opinions on this? Wouldn't it be worse to not allow my focus to go there when it is drawn to it I mean? Thanks.

Yeah, you can pick any object for mindfulness meditation. If you are talking about mindfulness with labeling.

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@phoenix666 If you have results from other practices and don't feel like it's a wasted time then keep on doing them. The point is to cut the ineffective one's. BTW, your post is kind of mental masturbation. xD Go test Kriya and then compare if your previous techniques were really that effective.

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1 hour ago, phoenix666 said:

hei there :)

just started with the book and my practice yesterday. I'm excited!

what do you guys think about the author's tendency to kind of fall in the same trap as the schools and teachers he himself is criticizing? I get the impression he has fallen into the trap ''Kriya = the only Truth", disregarding all the rest. he is disregarding other meditation techniques as 'wandering thoughts', or in Leo's terms 'mental masturbation'

I will continue my Kriya practice, but I will also go on with regular meditation. I simply don't feel that as lost time, wasted hours like the author is kind of implementing. 

what are your thoughts about that?

I wish you all the best with your practice <3

Sweet. Yeah I am doing regular meditation as well as Kriya. I think what the author is meaning and what Leo even said in his video is that Kriya yoga is much more potent than traditional meditation. You will see faster results doing Kriya, rather than just doing traditional meditation. Doesn't mean that doing regular meditation is a waste of time. Continue doing both!

Edited by onacloudynight

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What about deviated septum?

My right nostril has around 60% efficency of the left nostril. I wonder, while doing Nadi Sodhana I should put more effort to match time of exhalation and inhalation on those two nostrils to say for example 8 seconds, or put the same amount of effort on both and inhale/exhale through left for 6 seconds and through right 10 seconds.

My intuition tells me the first option would be better, but I am not sure.

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@Girzo Yeah, first option seems better. You want the inhale/exhale on both nostrils to be relatively the same length.

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16 minutes ago, onacloudynight said:

Yeah, you can pick any object for mindfulness meditation. If you are talking about mindfulness with labeling.

Thanks for your response. I am not talking about labeling, I am talking about just focusing on the sensations appearing in the specific area. I was a little unclear.

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@Girzo you know I actually thought 'me thinking and writing about this is mental masturbation' when I wrote my post? everything is9_9 we're so lost in it.. but at least we keep noticing it more and more xD

@onacloudynight I will continue with both too, yeah. I guess my intuition will be strong enough to guide me one day. I'm really excited to give this kriya thing a go!

thank you!

whatever arises, love that

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@phoenix666  You're in for a wild ride. This stuff works! It blows my mind how potent it already is. I just finished a session and I feel very "high" It reminds me of the feeling of coming down from an acid trip. Everything is just so peaceful and beautiful. I wish I knew about this stuff earlier.

Edited by onacloudynight

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@onacloudynight wow, thanks, that motivates me a lot! congrats on your discipline, now enjoy its fruits! I will hopefully update with my progress as well in future. xD 

whatever arises, love that

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Lesson 7: Om Japa in the Chakras

The book on page 84 simply says to go up to the fifth chakra and medulla, then it says to pause twice, once for chakra duration and medulla, and then before chanting as you come back down for the 5th 4th 3rd 2nd and 1st. I don't understand what all this means. Can somebody clarify? It doesn't make sense. 


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1 hour ago, OBEler said:

Lesson 7: Om Japa in the Chakras

The book on page 84 simply says to go up to the fifth chakra and medulla, then it says to pause twice, once for chakra duration and medulla, and then before chanting as you come back down for the 5th 4th 3rd 2nd and 1st. I don't understand what all this means. Can somebody clarify? It doesn't make sense. 


Here's how to do it:

Eyes pointed to Bhrumadhya

Focus on each Chakra for 2 seconds while chanting OM, starting with muladhara, then 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Chakra. Once you get to Medulla though, you chant OM, but you extend the duration, so instead of focusing on it for 2 seconds, stay on it for 5 seconds, then pause for like 5 seconds. Then come back down and focus and chant OM for the remaining 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st chakras, making sure to focus on each one for just 2 seconds. 

That completes one round.

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On 3/23/2018 at 2:38 PM, herghly said:

How do you guys keep track of how many times you've completed an exercise , are you using beads or something else ? 

I have just been using my hands. I start with both my hands in a fix and every a completion of 1 round I will extend one finger out

You can use the joints on your fingers on the inner side of the hand. 

Use your thumb as a pointer. After each repetition move to the next joint. 

There are 3 joints per finger. 12 for all 4 fingers. 

I read this trick in a yoga book somewhere.


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If you have big calves like I do you can sit not on a yoga block so that your foot reaches mulhadara.

This can be very great with mahamudra because I wouldn't be able to press into my chakra properly without the block.

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Someone actually did a video series on the book covering the lessons 1-7





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Does anyone have experience doing Kriya yoga in a regular cross-legged sit?

I'm not yet flexible enough to do any of the 3 positions in the book... Lotus is nigh impossible, Half Lotus immediately causes a lot of tension and pain in the knee, and Perfect Pose isn't much better. I'm looking into stretches and other exercises to help loosen my hips and knees, but it will likely be months before I can comfortably sit in any of these positions for 20 minutes.

The book mentions sitting in a chair or laying down, but what about using a regular cross-legged position instead? I've not been able to find any info on how this would affect my practice. I don't want to sit cross legged if it will render all of the other practices ineffective, or if it can dangerously affect the energy work aspect of the practice. 

Edit: Just found the blog post about sitting posture... don't think even that easier posture is going to work, because I can't reach my heel to my perenium without knee pain, but I'll keep experimenting. I'm also overweight which may be adding to the problem... hopefully as I lose weight it will become easier.

Edited by Yarco

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Have any of you guys got to Lesson 12: Japa Yoga?

Do you think it is necessary to have a mantra?

Edited by onacloudynight

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