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Posts posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. 22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Bodhi123 Just as long as you acknowledge that YOU create all your suffering, and that you could stop creating it, then fine.

    You ARE creating all your suffering, including physical pain. And you can stop doing it. This requires new levels of consciousness.

    The Absolute level and the relative level are identical (at the Absolute level) ;)

    There is absolutely no difference between enlightenment and non-enlightenment. But me telling you doesn't help you much. It only confuses you. Which is good, I guess, if you embrace the confusion and don't stop doing the work.

    If you use any of these discussions to stop doing the work, you've failed and ego has won. And if you just keep doing the work, you don't need any of these discussions, as they mostly just slow you down.

    Nonduality is a bitch (for duality) ;)

    @Leo Gura Do we create our own physical pain by allowing an identification with said pain to happen? Or how is so? 

  2. @Natasha yes indeed, I had an aha moment. I´ve had several aha moments but this time was special, I literally couldn´t stop smiling when I had that aha moment. It was amazing, very profound. It didn´t last too long as I was listening to a motivational speech as I was walking so it kind of distracted me in somehow. My mind went back to focus on the meaning of the words I was listening to.

    Thanks, I will check that thread.  

  3. Just now, JustinS said:


    Once you fully Be it. And once experienced, it will become a Truth for yourself and not believing what others have said in the past. Then your faith of knowing will become stronger and stronger. But then again, seeking an ANSWER is the problem in itself. It's the mind/egoic needs to satisfy itself for freedom of pain. It's another paradox. At the end, you have to fully give up on finding the answers, and Be it instead. Being present to what is, and that it is all already perfect as it is, and that you are a part of something so grand whichever route you take. :) 

    Yes meditating is to simply notice. You can do this every where and all the time besides sitting. Just simply notice your thoughts when they arise (be the witness), notice the body (witness). Noticing should not take any effort. Meditation should not take any effort as it not a Doing. Doing again, is something of the mind, to get somewhere other than here. Process of undoing, not doing, just being, effortlessly. Overtime you will realize the witnesser more easily and effortlessly and this will provide a gap between your body/mind. That gap is a good place to Be. :) 

    "Do not be a meditator. When you sit, let it be. When you walk, let it be. Grasp at nothing. Resist nothing." - Ajhan Chah

    @JustinS thank you very much for your reply. Even though I thought I knew all you have said, knew that there isn´t anything to find, that there is no answer, that we already are that which we are seeking... some part of me didn´t truly resonate with that, it was just an intellectual knowledge that I thought I knew and that I had to undestand it.

    But as I was walking on my way home and reading the part of "At the end, you have to fully give up on finding the answers, and Be it instead" . When I read it, my mind stopped, I smiled, I couldn´t stop smiling, I´m even still smiling as I´m writing this. 

    Thank you again for your answer. I do appreciate. 

  4. @JustinS yes, I have watched that video. I will watch it again, I found it very usefull.

    Thanks for your answer, It helps to get things in a more clear way:)

    I still wonder, at what point does that silence as a form of answer become a realization, an insight?

    At what point the identification with the body/mind goes? .Is it a matter of keep doing self inquiry, to keep meditating... 

  5. 4 hours ago, charlie2dogs said:

    self realized have already overcome death while still living there is no such thing as death to them.  death is just a thought in your mind.

    however it does matter in what state you leave the body,  either as a liberated being, or as a unconscious functioning human identity with lots of quantum memory to deal with after leaving the body.

    Yes, I agree with you. It does matter 

  6. @JustinS thanks, much clear now. 

    These past days I've been asking myself a lot through out the day such questions like " who is aware" "who is getting Hurt" "Who is percieving " etc 

    And silence always follows as a form of answer as I ask myself from a place of genuine curiosity, like really really truly!!  who I am... 

    And the answer is always the same, just silence...nothing appears in my mind. And when that happens I remain with that silence for as long as I can until a thought arises.

    Even though dead is an illusion, is a very real one that is why I was wondering how a self- realized person would deal with dead.

    Thanks everyone for your answers :-)