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Everything posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. @Leo Gura I'm so looking forward to this.
  2. @Leo Gura I don´t enjoy having to pay all the energy and attention to single picking of assets. But I understand. I want to focus more on my carreer and stuff
  3. @Leo Gura my strategy is not to buy single out assets but have a large portafolio or fixed and variable returns.
  4. @Leo Gura does exist mean you transfer your money to other funds or literally cash out and get taxed on it?
  5. The theory is to keep on investing on Index funds every year regardless of the situation for the compund interests and long term play. @Leo Gura do you follow this?
  6. @Leo GuraI imagine outside of crypto you keep on investing even if the market crashes¿
  7. @Leo Gura I need to get a property up in the mountains for when the day comes where I am truly fed up 🤣
  8. @Leo Gura in what fields do you feel called to create business in? I imagine outside of personal development.❤️ Do you currently have more than one business? Like beyond actualized?
  9. @Leo Gura does this mean you´ve made enough that you live from it or does your business require that you focus on making money each month and year to keep paying all your bills?¿
  10. @Leo Gura not so much profit for the sake of It. But in service of your vision. Like you mentioned hiring top coaches, consultants, buying a House, travelling, education. All of that costs a lot.
  11. @Leo Gura does that mean your lifestyle has reduced? - Or you just simply found a way make the same Money every year to keep your desires lifestyle? Is there a place where we use money as a tool for transformation? Rather than growth for the sake of It. Like given that is available what It can offer, why not commit to making a lot without getting Lost in it
  12. @Leo Gura how do you balance your ambition for more Money with the surrendering of having enough. Have you found It?
  13. @Leo Gura I think Making between 200k 500k per year is a decent income and don't think we need more than that really.
  14. @Leo Gura from my understanding, you are still and continue being a multi millionare!? I imagine there is a spiritual way to make tons of money and aligned with higher things.
  15. Also, get clear what is the arrogance intending to protect you from? ❤️
  16. @Leo Gura Love that you are practicing here what you mentioned on your last video, challenging people's thinking from a place of being open and curious. Thank you Leo.
  17. @Leo Gura congrats on that. And I loved your last video.
  18. Love this and how you explain it@Leo Gura these days, sincerely, I don't know how you earn your money. It doesnt seem you do from actualized, that's the sense I get. Doesnt mean I'm right.
  19. @Leo Gurawhat´s your game about? im into them
  20. Play the illusion of meaning and purpose just because what else there is to do - but know it is a game.
  21. Love this, and thanks for sharing your experience Is coaching overpriced?: yes and no, and depends on your relationship to and with money and value. Ultimately, money is wrapped in all our deep traumas, sense of trust in ourselves. Which is why, hiring a good coach is scary, because there is no more excuses, and has you confront all the stuff that we hide and protect from (which is deeply spiritual in essence). I've personally paid coaches who, deep down, I thought I was better and more skillful than then. I also invested a lot of money on coaches who have helped me transformed my life in ways it would take me days to share. And with my therapist too, it took me going through 3, to find the one I know can hold me and serve me in a way I feel most need. These days I charge 12k to work with me for a year. I Make 6 figures and work 15 hours/week. As a context, I used to be very shy, insecure, awkward and a teacher or early years earning 1,200 pounds back in the old days. And like, as an example, a client of mine went from 190k (working 50 hours per week) to 420k in a year, while having 12 weeks off, plus saving his marriage and creating way more intimacy, impact in his company, and freedom. So the money is worth it for as long as we create the results we are committed to having. Whether a coach charges 3k or 100k. But I've also done pro bono work with people who are very committed but couldn't afford me fees. Or I'd create something bespoken for the right people who aren't ready yet to commit to a big investment. In regard to this question: How do you know that you found a good coach? I'd say, personally, through talking to a bunch and feeling into it. Although I only trust coaches who have proven their value on what they do, have served me powerfully with no agenda and more importantly, are doing their own deep work VS just talking about it. Meaning, they too invest good money on their therapists, coaches, and education. There is so much more to this industry and conversation. The problem with coaching is that it has a very low bar of entry and very high to actually have a thriving business. And with that comes a lot of people who call themselves coaches, who aren't qualified or gone through a rigorous training. None of this is wrong, but it also damages the image and potency this work has to offer. And the impact all of this, is that most people, because they haven't worked with powerful coaches and created real results in their lives. They conclude that isn't worth it and it's best to try to coach themselves, which doesn't really work anyhow. Happy to share more from my experience shall that be of value. Love, David
  22. @cjoseph90 from Madrid here!
  23. I did my first ICF training back in 2017, in London, for 5k- it was a good foundation of coaching. Then I did an ontological one for 10k and another one for 5k. All of this without counting all the coaches I have hired. If you want to be a coach, you want to commit to play a long game and invest thousand and thousand of dollars in training and coaches. In US, Accomplishment coaching is one of the best and most rigorous trainings there are out there.
  24. @Leo Gurai don´t think you ever stop building one´s life