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Posts posted by Gennadiy1981

  1. @jimwell The Nazis hated us as many others is because we bring morality and ethics to the world. And for your info, in that video above most people were not Jews. Believe me most Jews support the State of Israel the way I do, fortunately, otherwise the State would cease to exist. 

    Also your sympathy towards us is really irreverent, we could care less what you think.

    @Tobia I am not aware of such document you posted but I humbly think it would be best case scenario, consider the Sinai Peninsula is mostly vacant, to relocate Gazans there and build them homes and infrastructure would be great. They would have so much moving freedom and way much more landscape. I dont know how they even live in Gaza such a small silver of land, they are suffocating there. I really hope that is the case and the UN should also help. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    This is what Jewish extremists think, and they think it because of events that have occurred for a hundred years. They are not completely wrong, but they are fanatics, they feel their survival is threatened and they remember a lot the persecutions of the Jews and they think that now is the time to react. These people are in power in your country, and that is why Hamas terrorists have been allowed to come in and kill, to start a great change.

    After what is happening, coexistence with the Palestinians will be impossible, even moderate Israelis will have to admit it, so a real and definitive solution will have to be found. The only possible one is the expulsion of all Palestinians. anything else is impossible.

    @Breakingthewall Thank you. As far as calling us extremists in terms of survival, well when you are persecuted for two thousand years, you may end up being extreme in survival and at the end of the day it is what is left. Look if we had to deal with intellectuals like yourself and people on this forum it would have been different talk, but we are dealing with very low conscious people where force is the only language.

    As far as coexisting, we are not looking for coexisting. Its not possible to coexist with people are differ in every aspect you can name. And as I said before, form the bottom of my heart, I wish Palestinians well among their brethren in any of the 21 Arab states or 56 Muslim states or European states or even USA. Honestly, I wish them well, the only viable solution is separation, anything else will lead to a blood shed.

    The longer the two people live together the more blood will be spilled. You guys do not seem to get it, the mentality there is different. You want to impose us living together, well this will be the result. Fine today we will destroy Hamas, tomorrow there will be Hamas 2.0 and they will attack another festival and then we will go again into Gaza and then we will have another topic on this forum where everyone will be stating their point of view, and so on.

    The biggest picture and deep issue here that coexistence is not possible, its a marriage that is not meant to be.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    @zazen Israel left gaza and provided them food, water, medicine etc every day, because they dont have port and airport. Their missery is because of hamas. But you (not you specifically but everyone who is not by Israel's side) won't want to think that way, so you will find any acrobat movement to twist this upside down therefore the discussion is pointless as Gennadie said. 


    @Nivsch Did you noticed you keep answering the same question over and over. Those who are blind will ignore you and be asking the same question just using different words. I believe this was the sixth time or fifth that you keep repeating yourself. I tried counting but got mixed at one point. 

    By the way all, I actually was not sarcastic about bible, what I said in previous one seems to hold true. Note how people filter what the other side says. I am really reading down the posts and all arguments just go the other way, they skip through the ears. See how deep the issue is.

  4. 4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    Well you can just go to another thread. There are many topics on the forum you know

    Why is everyone so obsessed with Israel and the Jews. What about Ukrainians and Russians? What about Iran and how minorities are treated there? Apparently we are a hot topic, thats the price we need to bear for being chosen. What can I do. You know all my life I was trying to walk away from religion but I see the prophecy is, it keeps pulling us back to it. That is says we need to be light unto the nations and when we are not the world will get upset at us. It says the world will calm down when we start teaching them about God. I guess I have no choice but to start teaching you guys. Too bad this form does not have section that is dedicated to religion.

  5. I am reading the posts here and basically to summarize it all. None of us will agree with others, this is all verbal masturbation. I will not convince you and you will not convince me. And thats fine and its beautiful. Don't worry we Jews survived for thousands of years and we will survive more. People are biased and they refuse to listen to any side and thats reality. I think at this point on, it is only entertaining of words. I think we should switch to another topic. 

  6. @PurpleTree Thats ok you can be pro whatever you want, I am not here to tell you what to do.

    All I want is a safe Jewish State thats all. We have Christian States and Muslim States and secular States and democratic States and God bless all of them. I want to see all states prosper with love and peace and I want to have my one Jewish State. I am happy with the small territory I have which is the size of New Jersey and thats good for me now.

  7. 3 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    Read my posts i‘m not anti israel having a state

    i‘m anti extremism on every side, anti settler etc

    cease fire and two state solution yay

    I am not sure which country you are from but you are more than welcome to make a two state solutions at your home and I will be more than happy to cheer and scream Yay and will pray for you and will praise you and will have you as an example to all nations.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    @Gennadiy1981 Most of Palestinians were removed by force from Israel and their settlements were destroyed.

    I am not talking about actual states or not.

    If a group of people live in the same place for hundreds of years and then you come and force them to leave and take their land you are colonizing.

    End of story.


    Well we were suppose to get the entire Palestine Mandate and by the way they illegally cut 77% of the mandate and made a fictitious state called Jordan and our Jewish houses were demolished and removed. OK I bite it thats step one when we take Jews to our remaining site and we give them Palestinians to their side and we call it even and fair.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

    Because Israeli is the one colonizing not the other way around.

    A colonizer will be hated more by the colonized than the colonized will hate the colonizer.

    If I take your house and then we meet on the street, you will hate me much more than I would hate you.

    Israel is not the one colonizing. What are we colonizing, you are stating that Palestine was a flourish country once, but the fact is Palestine never existed until early 1960s for one reason only, to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. 

    Really you are saying that 1967 territories are an obstacle to peace? Well what bothered the Arab world before 1967, why did they made a war in 1948, in 1956 and even in 1967 when they had the territories? I am sure its not the 67 territories that bothered them.

    What bothered Arabs to make pogroms in 1921 in Safed, 1928 Jerusalem, 1929 in Hebron, form 1936-1938 horrible programs, when there was no even state of Israel? I will tell you what bothered them, just the existence that there can be any state of any size or shape. I understand that and I respect their decision, but then dont blame us for acting the way we do.

    Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I wish the Arabs of Israel well, elsewhere. God bless their 21 one ethnic Arab states that they have, we have only one state, not two or three but one state and I dont intend to loose it.

  10. I personally do not condemn Israel for bombing, because that is how wars are fought. During WW2, when allied forces were bombing Dresden and Berlin, whom do you think they were killing, S.S. troops, generals? They were killing innocent civilians. When US threw an atomic bomb n Hiroshima and Nagasaki, wee you aware that those were civilian areas and not military zones. 

    What I am trying to say is that you fight war with people. It is people who elect their government. Look war is a terrible thing, but sometimes its terrible necessary. 

    When i was a young kid, I approached a surgeon once, and asked him a question, coming form  a kid, how can he cut people with a scalp. He answered me that stick with me for the rest of my life. He said, "I have to hurt people in order to heal them".

  11. @PurpleTreeThe first video you uploaded describes a very small group of 20-30 people who are on the payroll of PLO and they are not recognized in jewish world. Do you know that their children cannot attend Yeshivat. Now you want to hear an authentic Rabbi who does represent Judaism check out below.


    Your second video about Massiah, sounds more like conspiracy,  but what I don’t know I won’t debate. Rabbi Kadouri was a mystic and interestingly he has many similar topics about the soul which Leo describes as consciousness. Honestly, listening to him when he describes outer world, I think that he had to try some psychedelics.


  12. 18 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

    Everyone has had hardships. Don't be such a victim. Being a victim is the weakest position you can take as a man

    So if Jews put down the weapons why would Jews cease to exist?

    What I meant to say, is, if juice put the weapons, there would not be Israel, hence, we need to do anything to defend it.


    17 minutes ago, Understander said:


    Be careful about spiritual fantasies; they could destroy a whole country. You won't be able to hold them when your country can't defend itself.

    It is on the contrary, it is the spiritual fantasy as you call it, kept us alive. Indeed we lived as a minority among other nations and many other nations who did not had homelands totally extinct, you can only see them in museums and encyclopedias. We are on the other hand alive and well. We have a saying that “the more the Jews kept the sabbath, the more the Sabbath kept the Jews.

  13. 8 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

    That‘s funny

    don‘t you have to wait for the jewish messiah before you go there though according to your book?

    No that is not said in the Bible, that’s a text out of context. The Messiah will become king and build a temple that is what said in the Bible and (for weak minded people please do not read further) Israel will expand its borders from the river of Egypt (Nile) to the great river Euphrates (Iraq)

  14. Thank you @Breakingthewall and @Twentyfirst I accept it as a compliment. You can see that I am sincere and honest person and do not have back thoughts. You may be right. Listen we Jews always had hardship so nothing new under the sun. They say the more things change the more they remain the same. Again going back to Bible, it says clear there, that as long as Jews would sin God would punish with calamities, once Jews embrace God’s commandments then they would live in peace. I am not going further in it but that is the main point. Whether we agree with the Bible or disagree it keep proving itself over and over, I don’t know what to say to this but burning it off, I also can’t. 

    I never said I want to see war, every person wants to live in peace, it’s just I know if we put down weapons tomorrow we will not exist. It’s self survival here at stake.

    Why I am on this form? I do a lot of self development and actualization. I listen to Leo’s lectures and I truly understand them, I really appreciate the depth of his wisdom where many of you here actually don’t and I see most people criticism of Leo’s work by the way. Now I don’t mean you personally but people on this forum. Leo does say very wise stuff and I don’t mean to suck up, I can appreciate deep and thorough depth of human consciousness. To be honest I have not found such depth anywhere else and tell you the truth it has to do with using psychedelics form my opinion as they truly open up a person. 

  15. 8 minutes ago, Twentyfirst said:

    @Gennadiy1981 Why would the Palestinans leave? Wasn't the issue that it was the Jewish people that needed a state? The Palestinians can't be bought

    Well neither are we. We are not going anywhere whether you like it or not. This land was promised to us by God, so we’re staying here. We don’t need any more land. Indeed, if we were to make a land somewhere else, it would fail, why, because that’s God‘s decision, and not ours.

    I’m not speaking as a religious fanatic, historically, I see that divine power is way above this whole thing. There were some crazy individuals before the state of Israel was born, and they wanted to make state somewhere else, some in South America, some in Africa, some in Europe, but every time it failed, and in only succeeded in the land of Israel. Like it was prophesies in the Bible menu thousand years ago. How will you beat that fact?

  16. 2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    It's crazy to have a connection with a land you've never been to, don't you think? a madness that leads to problems

    Then you don’t know anything about Judaism. First of all, we were kicked out of Israel, 2000 years ago by Roman‘s, and second of all for three times a day, every single day we prayed to return to Zion. For every holiday, we added additional prayers to return to Jerusalem. So you can see we do not have ties it was something embedded in us. In addition, many Jews did come to settle throughout middle ages and especially in the beginning of 20th Century wave before the word Palestinian even existed.

  17. 2 hours ago, Twentyfirst said:

    It seems the USA and Israel are in love with each other. The USA has plenty of land. Why not just establish a new Jewish state there and then give back the Palestinians their land and homes? That seems fair

    I would love to do the swap, the other way let’s build Palestine in United States and leave Israel alone. Or built Palestine in Saudi Arabia that has a lot of land, mostly uninhabited and speaking on behalf of Israel we will be more than happy to compensate for all the properties.

  18. 10 hours ago, AerisVahnEphelia said:


    If you are enlightened, you shall absolutely hate and despise every formalized in-group, such as religion. All religions, to me, are equivalent to soft Nazism at best and hard Nazism at worst. They promote a fixed mindset that fosters hate against humanity's unity, breeding division, which ultimately leads to hatred and a preference for one's own group, resulting in the hatred of other groups.

    Even if the ego keeps denying this evident truth, they are all a mental poison and should not be tolerated at all. They make the mind aesthetically ugly, prompt you to pick imagined sides that are outside of love, and foster hate, hatred, despise, and negativity.

    There is only hell and misery in identification with any in-group; enlightenment shall shatter these divisions entirely for the one thing that is worth it: love.

    Ultimately, anyone who feels triggered by someone insulting their favored fairy tale has not truly touched real enlightenment at all.


    @AerisVahnEphelia Thank you for the message. I want to give you a compliment that so far on this forum your message is the only message coming from an enlightened person, while everyone is throwing biases back and forth. And I see that you are truly actualized and spent many hours watching Leo’s videos and working on yourself. 

    You may be correct to some point and probably in some idealistic case scenario it would work. But you need to understand that self survival here is at stake and when survival is concerned, all intellectuality goes down to drain. It’s like meeting bullies on the street and you need to fight to survive. Now a wise person may advise not to step down to their level, but if you don’t step down to their level, you may end up stepping six feet down. If you know what I mean. You need to speak the same language as otherwise you will not be understood.

    Personally about me, at some point I was very religious person, doing enlightenment work moved me from stage blue to stage turquoise (sorry for not being humble but I am saying here for purely description purposes only)  of course I also went through all stages in between not saying that I skipped, I went through all. 

    The more I try to move away from the Bible the more it moves with me. Maybe it is something embedded in me but there is so much truth in it, that a lot of things there are true. It’s not something to brush off.

    Going to recent conflict. You may call me bias and I will admit I am, the most important is to be honest and thankfully I posses this character. Israel is also a survival for me. I can be all enlightened and etc, but when you go to bar in the suburbs in the United States and hear what comes out of the mouth of people when alcohol comes in, I quickly realized the danger for Jews in America and I heard really bad things such as blaming Jews for controlling the money, controlling the government, various conspiracy theories and much more which I won’t even go into here. So when majority have such attitude I have to worry about my self survival. And I will be honest with you, when push comes to shove, all people no matter what spiral dynamics they are, fall into beige level of just pure survival.

  19. 13 hours ago, Philipp said:

    @Gennadiy1981 what's interesting, is that you say palestinians don't allow israel to exist, but you don't allow Palestine to exist either. You basicly said that the entire region including Gaza and the west bank should belong to the jewish population. Does not seem like you are very different from one another in this regard. 

    You are right, and we can have million arguments back and forth but the truth is this land can host only one state. You can give reasons and debates and talks but you need to understand something, Middle East and is not Middle West. Here different rules apply. This is a very small silver of land and hosting two states is impossible, they would not be viable to survive. Because if there is Palestine then there is no Israel. 
    Why do you think this conflict is so hard and all solutions given are too simple. It’s not a Hamas vs Israel or it’s not even Palestine vs Israel, it’s a Jewish vs Arab conflict that is way deeper than that. 
    And I will be flat with you, Israel will not create Palestine because that would be an end to Israel. Have you seen even the regional map of Israel, it’s not possible to geographically to make continuity if you do divide into two states. For example Gaza today cannot exist as a state, it needs to receive so much financial aid and that’s why it’s so poor and people are so frustrated there.

  20. @Merkabah Star I am not labeling antisemitic those with opposing ideas, I am labeling those who compare us to nazis or saying we have no right to exist. It’s all same as was said thousand of years ago, nothing new under the sun.

    As fas as civilians getting hurt, what can I say, those are the rules of engagement and war. Any was is bad, people will always get hurt. And you can be sympathetic to it, that’s perfectly fine, but we need to finish the job.