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About Twentyfirst

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  1. But there was an old argument saying why would they make cigarettes or alcohol illegal if they kill more people than some of the more harmless illegal drugs and are more addicting
  2. Israeli's as they blow children into smoke and steal more land
  3. Maybe you guys are right. In 100 years historians will say "why oh why did he turn his head the last second"
  4. But what did Trump do that is similar to Hitler? It seems like you guys just keep saying that "he will" do something when he is elected. How do you know he will do the bad things?
  5. He is just wrong on a lot of things. He thinks of his society as automatically better than collective societies even though he never grew up in a collective society. He separated the difference between good collectives and bad collectives but he looks down on both of them unfairly
  6. @Leo Gura Do you know about sleep chronotypes? It simplified it all for me
  7. It's hard because even those who care will listen but they may not have the guts to apply it. The problem with one on one private teaching is you put all your eggs in one basket and hope they come through. If you teach masses at a single time even if only 10 percent listen you can be satisfied knowing it was worth it
  8. It's both liberating and terrifying to finally realize that. A big part of those decades are spent in denial "No I know for a fact they want to learn truth it just isn't the right time yet"
  9. Thats the problem with feminism. When the most protected and privileged women of all time start to believe in just a little bit of it then their entire worldview is colored by it and it's the only lens they can see out of. Making them completely unwifey material. And if you do wife them up the programming will make them divorce you and take everything. What is the obsession with believing that for thousands of years men were just oppressing women for no reason essentially handcuffing them to the oven like slaves and only now after we invented laws can we bypass mans evil instinct? COMPLETE GARBAGE and anyone who believes in it is an idiot obviously. Men are programmed by DNA to provide and protect for women even though they only get a percentage of what they gave back
  10. The video is bunk. It gives excuses for why women are in their "masculine" which is really just a nice way of saying women are insufferable. Why is it that only Western women watch these videos? You do know that women in other parts of the world have tougher situations, less comfortability, and they STILL are 10 times more feminine? Ya'll will invent all these words like "masculine shield" and whatever other crap she said in the video it was really hard to watch you will invent all this things just not to be a normal happy girl who knows her place and knows what men want. Talk about taking the indirect path. Sometimes you just gotta learn from women who are already wives and mothers because obviously they were chosen for a reason. Even to say that women love nice guys is a result of feminism
  11. Teal Swan is a feminist who thinks men have been oppressing women for centuries and the only way to solve it is by changing men and laws
  12. The red pill wasn't born out of nothing. Simple as that