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About AerisVahnEphelia

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  1. @eTorro what you call growth, développement and évolution could also just be stacking more idiocy. How can you be sure you not running towards your end.
  2. Don't worry I have been lucky to loss the second quarter because in retrospect that was enough af. Don't drink guys that's bad, unless it's beer pong with cute girls. Never say no to beer pong with cute girls. Might find love there. Stuff seems legit though. It felt like real psychedelics pure. Need to try more. But big break before that.
  3. Never I enjoyed just saying random shit high in my broken Japanese. Battling in the infinite sea. God life is good. Even if I cried somewhere along the line lol. I mean literally in the line 😂 I felt the feeling of this girl and pain and it hurted me but I m also glad to be able to get those feelings.
  4. @Sandroew I @OBEler @Thought Art so I did my 1/6. That was very good and could definitely feel it. Also got drunk quite a lot. Just decided to go at the beach this morning. Lost my self 3 times in this fucking station shit. Met a famous guy from an interview that I checked with. Didn't find my party at first but I finally did when it started. Maybe found the love of my life at this. We checking right now on Instagram You still sitting down and thinking about living and becoming master of mental porn. Nice story guys. Master of enlightenment masturbating monkeyzor. Go outside and take the sun.
  5. @OBEler 😂 @Thought Art why not it's fun to talk
  6. @OBEler definitely not doing that @Schizophonia tr only if that is peak sex in it's nature @shree yeh might just dose up more after 1h based on the hold. Like salt you can had more only
  7. @Thought Art I don't need to wake up neither to realize anything. I just want to get high and have fun around people, might aswell makes me able to pull out all my unconscious for speaking Japanese properly, a thing I m curious to check over. I'm on a phase or I want to be around people and talk with them and just enjoy that. I definitely won't smoke anything neither drink. I allow myself maybe some fresh drink around people but that's it. It's just that the universe brought me LSD so simply, I had to take the line. So a small dose is enough, I m not trying to get to the end of the cosmos. I might aswell already be there though.
  8. @Thought Art I need to navigate cities and not look completely off. I might do more later so yeh probably, but let's be conscious aswell about use. I know that a full can lead me over the top. Yes most people already believe I m high all the time because I don't live in the same frequency range as 'average people'. I'm very sensitive. So I don't know even how much is in those. It's similar to 1P LSD from what I read. Which basically does the same as the original one. I'll do small and increase next week if that was too low.. Starting in 6 division then. Which could be 100 then I guess if they are supercharged right ?
  9. Yeh maybe for you but I m already extremely conscious. 100mcg is like 500 for me.
  10. Apparently still legal Japan only ban by chemicals. Does someone know if they differ a lot from the base LSD. I thought just doing it in microdose to chill around would be best I have plan to go outside and drinking is like probably never a great idea. Fun thing I got them there more easily than in Europe. Just enter a CBD shop said I want 2 LSD. Got them fresh didn't do psychedelics for 5 years. Shall I chop chop them in 10 as a start or something? Is there someone who tripped on it that could give me some reports? Thanks 🙏
  11. @Adrian colby thanks for your review, I appreciated reading it.
  12. gamble on being fun at parties how fucking annoying those crypto retards are, like cancers, no one want to hang out with those guys, litteral brain parasite
  13. Yeh I did a thread on it. But obviously got received exactly as I thought it would. Remember all those people saying weed doesn't have withdrawal. All absolutely wrong. It can last up to 2 years and more. And the withdrawal can be life threatening. Definitely not as much as alcohol but gives you hellish symptoms. Read the /r paws cannabis to see Plus my own experience speak enough to me. There is no such non sense as 'free extasy At least not at this moment of existence and not via those hacks. I suspect usually it might take 6 months after last dropping of psychedelics to get the 'comedown' But could be before. 2 comedown usually. An acute and the one from completely going back to homeostasis once it clean it from all cells in your brain/body. __ Symptoms are usually very different for everyone at least in frame. Time seems consistent.
  14. Physics create the field that is "moral behavior". Ultimately no. everyone is as conscious as YOU make it. All those models are just pure garbages attachment for the ego to entertain a sense of self/meaning. You can't model reality with an human brain, at best you might get a glimpse, but even if that happen, this is still not "reality", and you cannot measure if the glimpse is delusional or realistic. So the paradox is, you're in a "movie of consciousness" at chapter 1 you've a set of belief, but the second after you've another set of belief. Reality is permanently moving. As an ego, you'll keep acting on pure hallucinations all the time. Good & wrong exist, but only for you, when you think they do.
  15. @Someone here YOU invented awakening, the concept, the whole thing, like you could invent a god of snow flake.