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About Vrubel

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  1. Holland Belgium France Germany Poland Russia Ukraine Czechia Estonia Finland Sweden Denmark England & Scotland Spain Portugal Italy Greece Croatia Austria Switzerland Luxembourg Monaco Turkey Israel & Palestine Jordan Suriname Brazil Argentina Uruguay Peru Ecuador Colombia Panama United States Canada Indonesia Thailand Hong Kong Next week 39 as I'll be adding Serbia, from there also going to Israel again. Special shout out to Suriname. Had some of the most memorable times of my life in that country.
  2. Dude, we are talking about global propaganda. Obviously, Israel is filled with Israelis who love their country.
  3. I was talking on a more global level. We are rare.
  4. This is obviously not true. Your perspecitve is so skewed on all this. Very few people are actual Zionists. Honestly, I am silent on social media because I am afraid. My non-Jewish girlfriend posted a pro-Israel post on Social Media and I reprimanded her to not do that again. Take that as a win that you guys are the loudest. You even get to redefine words that used to have real meaning.
  5. To stand up against the lies and demonization. How can you not see this?
  6. It is a legitimate perspective because the Jewish people had to reestablish and secure their future. Furthermore, Israel is extremely multicultural with a large Arab minority. Any excesses deserve criticism I agree with that.
  7. No worries, they are legitimate questions. Thanks for asking. I've often answered them in previous posts. But it comes down to this: I have my own unique experience that allowed me to get the deepest view and insight of the Israeli perspective. I can see the purity in it so to speak. I understand that people don't share my perspective and that's totally fine. I am fine when people are critical in a healthy way. However I do see it as a task to stand against blatant lies and demonizations. Like the genocide hyperbole for example. The siege of Leningrad was not considered a genocide and that was a whole other dimension of cruelty and subsequent human suffering. So the hypocrisy runs deep on some people. This is a horrible war and I understand emotions run high but this does not excuse us from being level-headed. I also keep my anger in check whenever I read something outrageous about 7/10, other terrorism or Israelis dying or being held hostage.
  8. Bullshit, all you guys do is lie and manipulate. Yes, Israel has currently a political retardation but it is a democracy with oscillating electoral results. Hamas is part of the equation in all this. Let's consider that for a moment. Israel doesn't need that much propaganda when they have a legitimate perspective and fighting against such an enemy.
  9. I am not "shocked" by other people's perspectives. I can definitely see that if you have a certain bias you can very conveniently play this game of hyperboles, lashing out, demonizing and blaming Israel for absolutely everything, of course, all without ever having the slightest consideration for Israel's perspective. Decent people will always stand against such things like pink hair guy. If people are "shocked" by my perspective that tells more about them than about me.
  10. Piers Morgan show is not "news". It's sensationalized debating. That's why I am so cavalier about it.
  11. Not exclusive but most apparent. Holy shit, I did another snippet skimping, from timestamp 30:50 shit hits the fan. How can somebody behave this shamelessly classless? Of course, the bar was already set by a literal crackhead at the beginning. I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting sucked in here haha. I get it now! Piers is a genius. He is a Brit who moved to America to not only profit from a war but most crucially to wittingly exploit the unhinged loudmouthed mannerisms of Americans for maximum profit. The pink-haired guy who was so contrastingly gentle was also a Brit. Coincidence? I think not. (;
  12. I am not for acting out or lashing out either way. One has the responsibility to keep his emotions in check. Write angry letters but do not send them instead send a constructive level-headed letter. Class and gentleness as shown by that pink-haired guy should win out. Of course, the whole debate show is so deeply sensationalized. Piers Morgan acts all outraged at the guests when they misbehave but I bet when the recording ends his mood changes in an instant to being all gleeful as he knows this shitshow will be good for ratings. But the problem lies in the wider culture, as an outsider, it's very apparent to me how loudmouthed, Polarized and uncompromising Americans are. This is a sickness of society.
  13. The Jewish women. For women, it's more excusable to act out a bit I understand her but arguing with loudmouthed idiots is a game that's not winnable.
  14. How can peolpe even watch that cringe-fest full and to the end? I could barely handle skimping some snippets. The woman is right when she says that she stands up against lies and hypocrisy, well done for doing so. That gentle pink-haired guy seems to be the most reasonable and genuinely compassionate. Unfortunately, though he totally gets snowed under for he is so gentle. He barely gets a word in but the ones he does hit like bricks of truth. I'm him with a slightly deeper Israeli perspective.
  15. ...Piers Morgan, still going at it with the same shit over and over again. He is a 21st-century media Carpetbagger haha