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About Jodistrict

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  1. It’s biological. Your brain adopts. When you take a psychedelic, there is all kinds of adjustments of neurochemicals going on in your brain. My trips are much different than 4 years ago. I still have brilliant colors but the vision part of the trip lasts for a shorter period of time. I know one guy who lost the color visions after a few trips and he was disappointed. One thing you might try is to switch to another mushroom that is known for giving visions.
  2. Good politics comes from a spiritual origin. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr., a Christian minister, or Gandhi, a Hindu saint. The problem with the current so-called “progressive” politics is that it is absent of any spiritual origin, with its roots in scientific materialism and Marxism. It has a reductionistic Marxist “victim/perpetrator” narrative rather than anything transcendent and healing. The consequential fascist and intolerant implementation of their policies is what creates legitimate resistance from the population. Spiritual people recognize this and are naturally repulsed, even though they may be at a beginning level of development where they don’t have good alternatives.
  3. You might want to check out the spiritual teacher Maharishika. She talks alot about Kundalini awakening and tells people not to activate it because of the problems you pointed out.
  4. The California environment in its natural state is sagebrush and chaparral, and it is only imported water that maintains the non-native plants and populations. The Santa Ana winds are also a well-known meteorological phenomenon in Southern California. It requires proactive management of the surrounding vegetation by the government and maintainance of adquate water supplies to mitigate the risk of fires. Thus, it is reasonable to suspect government failure in this case due to the enormous losses. During the fire, some fire hydrants actually ran out of water. Previously, the mayor had cut funding from the fire department budget. It will be interesting to see if an investigation can uncover the factors or will this be handled by the citizens throwing out the inept politicians in the chain of responsibility.
  5. You seemed to have missed the point that i said the technique is useful for some people.
  6. People who already know how to engage in social situations don't need to holler and scream. However, somebody who is timid needs to do something to get the volume of his voice up.
  7. His solution for everyone (not just his son) is to talk louder, holler and scream. He is a one-trick pony. It is a useful exercise for people who are too timid, but has to eventually be integrated with common sense into the underlying context.
  8. "For God is not a God of confusion but a god of peace" 1 Corinthians 14:33
  9. This is a good point. If Canada was added as one state it would get 53 electorial votes. If each of the 10 provinces was added as a separate state, they would get 73 electorial votes. I had Chatgpt do the math. That doesn’t include the three territories. If the 10 provinces each became a state, former Canada would have 20 senators. The democratic party should jump on this.
  10. Vegetarianism is a more natural diet, and you can still get animal protein with milk. It is a sattvic diet practiced by holy men in India for centuries. Veganism sounds extreme and unbalanced. I prefer ancient wisdom over modern developments.
  11. Trump only has two years to implement his agenda before the congressional elections. I don’t see how he could implement something as time consuming as the acquisition of Canada. A president has to be focused on a few key areas to be successful. But, as for the acquisition itself, keep in mind that the acquisition of Alaska was called “Seward’s Folly”. Some of the congressional opposition said: "Seven million dollars for a refrigerator”, “What will we do with polar bears and icebergs?”, “rivers of ice, and death-like solitude”.
  12. Scientists get around the fine-tuning argument with the Multiverse theory. If there are an infinite number of universes than one of them by chance will be capable of supporting observers and those observers will, of course, note that the universe is fine-tuned. But ironically by Occam’s razor this scientific theory is a less simple explanation than God as a designer.
  13. Populism emerges when the public loses trust in the elites and institutions. The policies (such as mass destablizing immigration and anti-family wokeism) of the Western elites has become widely unpopular. There have been other populist movements in US politics. The Jacksonian Era (1820s -1830) emphasized the rights of the common man against the elites, the progressive moment of Theodore Roosevelt, Huey Long, The Tea Party, Bernie Sanders Campaign. Populism is a democratic response to elites who become out of touch with the needs of the people.
  14. I believe that his father Pierre Trudeau served as Prime Minister for 15 years.
  15. Try living without a smartphone. There are businesses you can't even interact with without an app. Your choice is really no choice at all.