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Posts posted by Mongu9719

  1. @Socrates I never said I didn’t want to do 5meo. I will do it for sure. But it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that something is wrong here. Leo claims that 5meo will fix his health problems. That he uses it become enlightened. That it’s the magic pill. Look at Martin ball he used 5meo to become enlightened. He also suffers from chronic sleep issues. Leo suffers from debilitating health problems. I wonder if that has anything at all to do with the unbalanced lifestyle. Using 5meo as some kind of cure all. Focusing on this one psychedelic.

  2. @Leo Gura what am I suppoused to do? Get access to 5meo dmt now? You said all other methods are a waste of time right? What ever happened to kriya yoga? I’ve been following that for the past month. Better just drop it and smoke some 5meo. Problem solved. Too fat? You don’t need to workout. Just use 5meo. It will heal all illnesses once you realise your god by miraculously zapping away your body fat. Give me a break. My yoga teacher Was right to criticise you. He seems far more balanced and he has worked with 5meo for over a decade  It’s getting really hard to take you seriously now. 

  3. @Martin123 I don’t think this place was intended to be a cult, but most people are too stupid to think for themselves and follow everything on this forum blindly without doing their own research. They parrot Leo’s words. Leo always stressed open mindedness but I get attacked for ever questioning Leo by some of his followers. A few people on here are actually pretty solid, but it’s rare. 

  4. @Leo Gura just because someone said that doesn’t mean it’s good advice. Do you think they had 5meo dmt when that advice was given? your straw manning me. I didn’t say you should pursue enlightenment without seriousness, just that you should take precautions and maybe slow down. You said each awakening is deeper than the last and that there is no bottom right? So what’s the point of trying to get to the bottom? I feel like you could ease the pedal and stop compressing your development. You could develop other aspects of yourself like your physical body with ashtanga yoga since ultimately everything is being transmitted through your body. Make the antenna more durable. Slow down the pace of the psychedelic use and integrate over a period of 10 years rather than 2. Ultimately you are still in a limited human form, perhaps you should embrace it.

  5. @Leo Gura Im not critizing your use of it,  and I’m not disputing it’s value, but your going down a path that no has gone down before.  To me and a lot of other people who support you, it seems like your overloading yourself and relying heavily on this single substance. It feels like your compressing your spiritual journey. Just going way too fast and trying to embody God himself. Pursuing awakening after awakening.  Surely this must take a toll on you. You look like you have aged 15 years or something in the past two years. Look at Martin Balls FB page, he has chronic sleep issues and is struggling. My yoga teacher is friends with Martin and he himself has done 5meo multiple times. He told me that it can take a toll on you and if you have a more grounded approach you won’t suffer from such ailments. I’m not even a skeptic of your claims, just the measures you have taken. You saved my life with your videos and I do feel concerned about this path. I have no doubt that 5meo dmt is powerful and works, I’m just worried about you and also about people who might do the same thing. I’m also questioning if I should do it myself, even though I have been following you until now. 

  6. If realising that your god means repeatedly taking 5-Meo dmt, then what is the point of doing anything else? Leo said that realising fully your god would solve all your problems and that all other methods besides psychedelics are useless. If this is true then what is the  point of yoga,meditation ect and also pursuing other aspects of spiritual and personal development. Is it all a waste of time? If all it takes are a 100 doses of 5meo dmt to realise your nature as god, then what work does spirituality pose? The average bum off the street can do it and pretend he is god.  It makes no sense. Psychedelics should be used as a tool and not a crutch. I feel like Leo is depending way too heavily on 5-Meo. He is in love with the high of awakening. It appears as though he has let go of his other spiritual practices. He’s done over 80 trips now for the past 2 years. At some point you have to slow down. I feel like he is just chasing awakening after awakening. It seems very neurotic and rushed.  At what point do we question if this is the right way? How far can we take this? I was on board until now, but I am having serious doubts. Are we just getting driven further into delusions and harmful behaviours?

  7. @Red-White-Light @Preety_India Ageing and age related conditions go hand in hand, so this distinction is irrelevant. Those behaviour you described as “anti-social” are only “anti-social” because we were able to move past being primitive tribes living in “natural” conditions. This was socially acceptable and even encouraged back then.  If you really want the most natural lifestyle then why don’t you abandon modern society and live in the woods? I doubt you would survive without all the unnatural technology like modern medicine to help you. Again, just because something is natural doesn’t mean it’s good. This is the fallacy. Also you claim that we can never be immortal, but we already have clinical trials showing that we can do just that. We have already identified the genes for ageing. Humans always underestimate what is possible. People didn’t think an AI could beat the best GO player, that we would ever land on the moon, or create nuclear fission. It’s silly to assume that we couldn’t tackle ageing. We are well on the way. 

  8. @Red-White-Light Yeah and you know what else is natural? Rape, murder, shitting outside and cannibalism in human tribes. We have evolved past that with technology. It’s a huge fallacy to say that just because something is natural that it’s good. Ageing causes misery for a lot of people because there are a lot negative symptoms associated with it like arthritis, dementia, loss of eyesight. If we can solve the root issue then we can help a lot People.

  9. @Leo Gura Joe Biden is losing his mind. He has so many gaffes and can’t string together a coherent sentence. He touches children inappropriately on live television.    Trump will rip him apart.  You are a fool to even think he could ever beat trump. He doesn’t stand a chance. The DNC is so corrupt that they are supporting a Alzheimer’s patient, spelling their doom. Someone with a clear vision like Bernie or Andrew Yang is needed to move the country forward. Too bad most of the country are sheep and don’t realise that they are shooting themselves in the foot.