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About Socrates

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  1. Damn, these people are evil, no self-reflection no accountability no truth. Just lies lies lies mudding the water and winning through division.
  2. It is about to get ugly and he isn't even in office yet, I dont know if i'd rather cry or laugh 😅😅
  3. @zazen <- why is this shitposter allowed in here ? @Leo Gura
  4. although accurate, you need to face the reality of how dumb the average person really is, their mind is filled with trash and propaganda, and most of them dont even have the potential to wake up from their indoctrination, they are similar to video game NPCs, they arent able to change, same dialogue every time you interact with them. Even the potential for change is a feature of an advanced mind.
  5. People are way too dumb to understand what Trump has in the books, fascism is no hyperbole. If you witness firsthand the weaponization of the justice system for personal gain (of the dictator) you would even consider war at that point. The only fault of democracy is that it didn't have any checks and balances in place that could make it impossible for even a president to use every means necessary to remain in power and prosecute his political opponents, now even the few rail guards that are in place to combat corruption will get removed. When democracy falls and any speech against the authority is a punishable offense, then bloodshed is the only solution left. I Hope Trump doesn't abuse his power that much even considering that there will be no legal consequences if he did.
  6. America lost an IQ test with 50% odds of getting it right. For those smart enough honesty is not a virtue when appealing to low-development people, the idiot would rather get scammed and think he got a good deal than get a good deal and think he got scammed, dont treat low-consciousness people like honest ones, they won't appreciate it. Gotta pull out the spiral wizardry and speak just above their level of development to make sense, In the same way, you won't teach your dog advanced math, you won't get too philosophical about democracy and fascism jazz with a trump supporter, they won't get it.
  7. @lostingenosmaze I watched that the other day, it is so underwhelming seeing Owen being so clueless about politics. The bottom line is if you dont have a model to understand politics aimed to progress a nation, you will dumb it down to social skills as the major skill to be a politician like Owen does. People need an explicit understanding of systems, tools, and institutions and less airy fairy stuff, this was painful to watch.
  8. @JosephKnecht These ideas are more up-to-date This is the exact fundamental premise in my mind when I end up with that precise solution I mentioned. The fact is that real philosophers will never be elected to positions of power in such an underdeveloped and cognitively impaired society hence the best we can do is minimize the human factor. Not to mention that democracy will always retard the progress of a nation, meritocracy would be ideal but a sick society has a flawed perspective of what is actual skill and understanding.
  9. Actualized Quotes #078 This is a great idea but let's address the relativity of the situation, you can't tell if someone is intentionally lying or just misinformed and there is a high level of difficulty if you want to enforce that. Also, notice that every tool that can be used for the collective good can be used for someone to abuse the system and be used to discriminate. That is why the government first needs to become airtight in terms of structure, efficiency, and honesty and then get that much power so someone can face consequences based on something they said. If this was already in place I could easily see scammy Republicans like Trump co-opt it to gain a political edge and witch-hunt their opponents. At the end of the road, the ideal government needs to have the least amount of "human factor" possible since the human is a flawed being that is inherently self-biased and can't act without being affected by self-interest.
  10. This whole fantasy of a "holy land" belonging to them is an existential issue, nobody wants to deconstruct their fantasies of identity. Hence you see them easily justifying 40k dead than deconstructing and dropping the fairy tale story about that land. The more lies they tell, the more disdain they create for themselves, hence making their survival more difficult. Survival goes full circle, the egoism that creates these atrocities for so-called survival always ends up backfiring.
  11. @Inliytened1 If you repeat a lie 10 thousand times you may believe it but that doesn't make it true
  13. I'm so balanced 🥰
  14. 10 fold apply the same relativity to Hitler and tell me how that goes. You wouldn't be that lax in real time, why are you now? There never was a goal for peace for Jews, the moment they had an unbalanced power dynamic they never cared about peace. History proves that extensively. If the carrot won't motivate peace, maybe the stick will.
  15. Imagine while having the leverage of the US backup and the bought media, and you continue to do terrorism by killing non-combatants and bombing schools and hospitals. Israel has reached nazi Germany's levels of evil and unfortunately, there is no redeemable road. Now if you're still somehow defending this, you are a part of the problem and you should face similar consequences for aiding and supporting war crimes. I've seen so many crimes on videos there is nothing I can see happening to settlers and supporters of Zionism that I will bat an eye for. We are so used to Israeli lies and propaganda and simultaneously reports of terrorism and deliberate attacks on women and children that we forget how often they have been doing it to also journalists, humanitarian aid workers, and others. Not to mention group chats and telegram groups of thousands of Jews celebrating these horrors and baby killings. Mind you this is not just news of last year, they have been doing this for decades. Now let's talk conscious politics, should the US, Israeli, and corporate leaders be prosecuted? 100%. If not I can hear the lynching solution. Can you pay or serve some kind of sentence to whitewash such crimes? No, you can't really. One thing is certain, there has to be a punishment for these things for Israel and the US included.