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About Lucasxp64

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  1. ABSOLUTELY YES. I really hope it will go similar to that debate between Jordan Peterson and Slavoj Ε½iΕΎek, it was very productive.
  2. Do gradual exposure to them. Start with merely greeting them like a friendly neighbor. Go at your pace. Or go all in, your choice. Secondly, statistically, it's guarantee that you will hit it off eventually with one of them if you have enough volume, put this in your mind: It's inevitable that a gorgeous woman will be interested in you. If you became famous, for example, and a million gorgeous woman knew you, there is absolutely no way in hell at least a dozen of them wouldn't be highly interested. Only the logistics would be an issue. Also: They are the same fucking species! They have feelings just like the less attractive ones. They are just in more abundance and have more "conscious standards", but subconsciously they will still react. (Well... Less attractive people can have just a high standard, not that matters to you.) Also: Calibrate your mind. The girls you think are 10/10s, might actually be universally more like 7/10s. i.e. 10 is like 1/1000, 7s are more like 1/10, I'd guess. If you see such gorgeous woman extremely often everywhere, it's very likely they are more like 7s than 10s. Calibrate your 6th sense.
  3. What matters to me, is that I need to calibrate my expectations, that the older women are, the more likely she's in a committed relationship. Common sense already told me that. But also, I've read from some studies (citation needed, I think it was on that book a billion wicked thoughts?), that the shorter a relationship has been, the more likely one of them is to cheat or monkey branch. Also, from those singles, many of them are not looking to date. Source:
  4. Source 1: Source 2: Also, let's keep in mind the "creepiness rule" (Highly debatable, subjective) : Wikipedia / Age disparity in sexual relationships
  5. That's pathetic, unless she has a body, and it behaves biomechanically like a woman and is past the uncanny valley of realism. Even hyperrealistic video & audio with a chatbot that has a mind similar to a woman wouldn't be enough to fully suffice a person's cravings, they will always yearn for the full thing. "Surrogate" partners will be a thing. Like the scene in the movie Her. A lady that wanted to be part of the "triad" between the main character and the AI offered to give the full girlfriend/sexual experience to him, while the AI mimicked being her (to him) and, she simultaneously, were giving instructions to the woman. So guys would hire escorts to take on that role. I guess that's the full uberzation of relationships? The mind is the AI, the body is an escort. (in the movie, she wasn't paid, she did it out of some sort of polyamory love)
  6. True. But I have to survival as an ego somehow. Funny enough, I actually even tried before to brainwash myself into Christianity (4 years ago, I call it the radioactive wasteland dating phase of my life - COVID-19 had compounded it) because I had some long distance relationship with a dogmatic Christian girl. She was super sweet emotionally, but the dogma did run epistemologically deep into the structure of her mind, despite other issues such as bipolar disorder. It's like doing spiritual bypassing. Pretty funny, there are lots of layers of mindfuckery and self-deception, when we think we are being wholesome, that we have escaped into a higher state, it's just a type of spiritual bypassing fulled by a past karma from an earlier wound. It just keeps repeating itself, just like how Buddha has foretold.
  7. How wholesome! Sex workers can find a loving community to partake in!
  8. It just became a habitual pattern, I'd guess. Some people say they can't get stuff done without coffee. Well, they are addicted to it chemically... But the trigger of doing is the crucial part too. Some just swap decaffeinated coffee. Like people that have to jerk off every time they feel the urge. We really don't. It's just an acquired thing. You just over-used the pattern of being in that weed-induced state of mind for creativity.
  9. That looks pretty cool! I like the patterns! You should use some cloud-backed up apps. Like I said, OneNote by Microsoft. Obsidian is a bit more complicated and nerdy to use. Also just Google Keep is also really nice, but for me it was lacking in features, so I ended up with Obsidian after all. I use SyncThing to sync across my phone and computer, plus it helps me keep other files synced up, like my voice diaries. I also use on my computer "Duplicati" which makes a backup every 6 minutes of that Obsidian folder, and it keeps previous versions in a smart way. It keeps 12 copies, one for each of the last 12 months, one copy for each day of the past week, etc. So, even if I corrupt my notes at some point, I can go back to a previous version. Also I use "VEEAM BACKUP" to backup my entire Windows disk, once per day it makes a perfect clone of it (in a fast way) even while it's turned on! So I can even roll back my entire computer to 7 days in the past (or more!), one per day. Once I have more money I'll increase my storage and have even more backups hahah! When it comes to passwords, I use a password manager, I use Bitwarden. But it takes discipline to setup and keep those kinds of backups running. You can try to recover data from password protected phones, perhaps try to reset by the Google account registered there.
  10. Luxury lifestyle infused song, I understand some french, she's pretty classy about it, I can vibe to that! πŸ˜‚
  11. SPRING. πŸƒ
  12. She had to be a 10 for me to give a second chance... That's why I avoid 10s. 😏
  13. I always break clean... I don't like that fuzziness after a relationship has ended. What kind of friend is she now? Don't you have friends without less emotional drama attached? What about making new friends? What about the wasted emotional energy, could you direct it towards a new girl? It comes down to emotional processing and letting go. Breaking clean works best for me. I don't ghost, I don't block them. But I'm also not trying to increase engagement or get closer. Eventually you guys will slowly stop talking to each other, one day the tail end of your last message to her would have been a year ago, and you'll be emotionally pre-occupied with other stuff and people in your life. Like letting go of an addiction, if we may put it that way. Some go cold Turkey, some need to dose it off slowly. Let go of her slowly, as you get preoccupied with other things emotionally. I know it's hard, but don't put hope on it. But also, I don't want you to feel like you need to go Cold Turkey and have to block her, specially since she's not the one initiating new messages, so she isn't actively bothering you.
  14. πŸ˜‚ Any recommendations of similar games?