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Posts posted by JosephKnecht

  1. 16 minutes ago, JessiChell said:

    But Leo got me through it. I put on his videos and listened to him constantly. At work, at home, like 12 hours a day for 3 weeks straight.

    Sounds like someone is in love? :x


    1 hour ago, Askarov said:

    Realised  that i am so needy and my mind keep tells me you cannot live without her.

    Can you pinpoint what exactly do you need from her? You must bring the specific aspects of your neediness into your awareness to relinquish it. 

    Do you need her because she is pretty? Or because she is kind? Or because she is funny? Contemplate on this. 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Memory = imagination

    Let's break it down. 

    Imagination is an infinite collection of Images and concepts. 

    For imagination to make sense to itself, it must create a finite collection of its images. 

    To have a finite ordered collection, you must create a flawless progression aka TIME.

    Memory is a concept used to re-collect the flawless progression of images in a sequence that makes sense to itself.  

  3. 2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    Firstly, I think the name 'Pick Up' is pretty shitty, a better name would be 'Dating & Attraction' or something like that, I feel. 

    Instead of Pick up, the industry should be renamed to Lift up

    Instead of picking up the qualities that you are missing from the other (confidence, beauty, security, etc). Try to lift them up with the qualities you have.

    Pick up is a game where you try to gain something from the other. Lift up is a game where you try to give something to the other. 

    You have to learn to play the right game. 

  4. 19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    When I was in full God-mode one time, I looked at a candle on my countertop and said, "Okay, let's make this thing levitate." And I tried to do the whole Jedi force levitate thing on it. Then I instantly realized, "Wait! Why am I being such an idiot?" and I just picked it up with my hand and smiled as I realize that this is how God levitates a candle. And I just laughed at how obvious it was.

    You can't raise the Light. The Light raises You. :)

  5. Before you pursue enlightenment, you must set your life in order. Enlightenment will give you absolutely Nothing.

    If you have emotional issues or psychological issues, try to resolve them first. 

    To move forward on your path, sometimes you have to take a few steps backward. It might not sound like a good idea initially, but if you build a strong life foundation, you can later rebuild your spirit, and it would be easier to reach enlightenment. 

    As a piece of practical advice, try reading 12 rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. He has a good down to earth psychological advice on how to get your house in order.

    If you are not into reading, try watching some of Jordan Peterson's lectures on youtube. 

    Don't be intimidated by the forum. You can ask questions. 

    I hope this helps.  



    12 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

    If I imagine that other consciousnesses exist they "truly" exist?

    What you imagine to truly exists, will truly exist for you. 

    13 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

    if only I exist than why Leo and all of you do not acknowledge this, admit that you are figments of my Imagination?

    If we are imaginary, how can we tell you that we are imaginary? If we exist in your imagination, then you imagine us and we will tell you what You want to hear.


    14 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

    So I have to assume that Only I am real but in this imaginary world that I created everyone behave as if they existed - and they behave as if they exist only for me to experience love?

    You are real, but who are YOU? Who is I?


    15 minutes ago, Vercingetorix said:

    ultimately, If true, How should it practically change my life?

    If you are the creator of everything, what life would you create for yourself? 

  7. 30 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

    Leo makes it look so easy by saying you can't get rid of guns. Why be so pessimistic? 

    Anything is possible if you put your mind to it 

    A revolution will happen in America. People will get fed up with guns. 

    They are about 300 million guns in America. How do you get rid of them?

    The government can make a law to make it illegal to own a gun? Progress.

    299 million guns will be returned or destroyed by honest people. 1 million guns will be kept by criminals. No progress.

    The honest people that returned guns to the government now have to purchase new guns from criminals to protect themselves from criminals. This makes illegal gun sales a more lucrative business for criminals. The number of criminals increases. No Progress

    The only way to progress is to progress society to a level where there is no need to have criminals. Only when the whole society put their mind into it and realize that they are only shooting at themselves, there can be no progress.


  8. 5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    Remove the guns and see how differently police will approach people. 

    You're ginormously increasingly the threat levels by introducing guns. 

    Guns can't create a society. But they can definitely destroy a society. 


    If you remove guns, only criminals would be able to have guns. In a country with lots of criminals, you are likely to get shot by criminals. 

    Guns don't kill people. Idiots with guns kill people. Remove the idiots from society and nobody cares who has a gun or not. 

    How to remove idiots? Education. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Son of leo said:

    I'm jealous of my friends doing better than me. They have got jobs and doing good in life while I am still depressed and unable to do anything. What should I do..?


    I feel really terrible seeing instagram selfies of my friends daily. They are doing really better than me.

    How do you know your friends are doing better? You don't know.

    Maybe they hate their jobs and they use Instagram to mask how unhappy they are. Deep down, you don't know if your friends are happy or not. You can never know that. 

    The only thing you can ever know is that YOU are happy or not happy. If comparing yourself to others makes you unhappy, then why do it? Why do something that makes you unhappy? Don't compare yourself with others. Compare yourself with who you used to be.

    If you are less happy than yesterday, then find something to do today that will make you happier tomorrow.  

    @Son of leo You are the son of Leo. You can do it. 

  10. 11 hours ago, fluffy said:

    Experts cite that these technologies could arrive as soon as 2029, forever changing culture and human life.

    If everyone thought the same way you do, these technologies would not arrive in 9 years nor never. If they never arrive, you better get off your ass and do some spirituality or learn how to implement AI.

    Someone has to work to imagine, someone has to work to implement a better future than the present you live in now.

    Why don't you be that someone

    What if Ray Kurzweil is wrong? Or what if he is right but needs your help to make the future happen? 

  11. Think of your life as building a pyramid.

    When you are born, you know nothing about building anything.

    By age 10 you learn what are buildings and pyramids. 

    By age 20 you can learn physics, architecture, etc so you learn all the theoretical knowledge on building a pyramid. 

    By age 30 you have perhaps started building the foundations of the pyramid. You better build a strong foundation otherwise the pyramid will collapse later on.

    By age 40 you have built half the pyramid. By building it you are learning better approaches and techniques for building the pyramid. You are constantly improving.

    By age 50 you have nearly built it. Now you are a master in a pyramid building. 

    By age 60 you have finished building it. Now you teach other children your knowledge of how they too shall build a pyramid for themselves too. 

    But then, at 70 you realize that you didn't want to build a pyramid, but actually should have built a holy circle.

    Then you wish you were 26 again. 

    @RawJudah By 30, you should figure out what you want to build? Do you want to build pyramids or circles? If you choose wrong, you cant go back. 


  12. 7 hours ago, StrangerWatch said:

    I checked in on his RationalWiki page, and the first section ends with this: "Thankfully, Gura has recovered to the point where he no longer believes this." (This is talking about his views on consciousness, enlightenment and arguably solipsism).

    What could the article be referring to? Anyone have any links or sources they'd be willing to share with me? Thank you.

    @StrangerWatchYou saw a statement on RationalWiki. But then you doubted the veracity of the statement.

    Then you came to the forum to ask if the statement is true or not. But how do you know that the answers given here will be truthful?

    Can you trust @WaveInTheOcean @Keyhole @Mada_ or @Nak Khid. Do they seem like trustworthy people? You don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.

    There are no links to the Truth, because you have the Truth within yourself. You are the Source of the Truth. So you can only ask yourself.

    As long as you believe others, no matter how rational or friendly they seem, you will be deceived. 

  13. 15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    The actual answer is shocking:

    ANYTHING you do will be the highest form of love.

    It makes absolutely no difference what you do.

    Ta-da! That's real Love.

    Love is a tautology. Anything that exists is by definition Love. Love cannot be broken.

    I know that ANYTHING I do is the highest form of love I can give. But what would Jesus do? :) 

    You have answered my hypothetical question. Answering is a form of action rather than inaction.

    That answered my question. Thanks