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Posts posted by PenguinPablo

  1. 2 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    He's drastically reduced the number of videos he is putting out.  In fact recently he has put out nothing.  This is because he's realized it doesn't matter.  It's a killer, but it's a sign of enlightenment. 

    Frank did the same for a couple of years after his 'awakening' if this is the metric you're going to use then Frank Yang would also be enlightened


    Edit: sorry for being argumentative. I'm just bored


  2. 41 minutes ago, EugeneTheSage said:

    Cool feature. Unfortunately, I no more do notes in google docs - I found Notion more comfortable. I wonder if there is some tool which is outside of google docs or Notion that will allow you to dictate in any software. Sometimes I read a book and I need to quickly translate some word without putting the book aside. Google assistant on my phone is terrible

    Talon voice

  3. Leo was most likely on psychedelics when he wrote this and hence the insights were so clear to him.

    Speaking with any other fashion besides that which he used would pretty much dilute the message entirely.

    You guys are getting caught in the weeds and as a consequence WILL TAKE A LOT LONGER to grasp what he is trying to tell you.

  4. @Noahsteelers34 your mind is tricking you. It's all a story to keep you trapped. Smoke some weed or something and really start to notice how your mind works.

    I was stuck for years with this dipping my feet in the water nonsense. 

    You can't fall for those mind tricks. 

    Additionally. You will only be in University one time in your life. This is your only shot. There is a good deal of urgency. You will literally never have access to such a prime environment again in your life. With young beautiful girls.


  5. Most people would be bisexual if they were really honest with themselves. But it takes a lot of introspection, deconstruction of your psyche, and hell even fucking non duality. Like when you are watching porn ---


    are you fapping to the girl's fat ass or the guy with the large cock? Or both?

    Why create an arbitrary delineation?

    "Well bro, the truth is I am imagining myself as the guy in the video"

    I guess that's how deluded you have to be to sustain your "super straight" macho narrative.

    It's all a silly game we play in our minds. Another distraction really.


  6. @Leo Gura

    7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Nice strawman. Very Tier 2 of you.

    LMAO! :):)

    On paper, a blue girl sounds nice. But truthfully, I think she would hold a green or higher guy back. I think it would mostly be a distraction from your own development and she won't really know what the fuck is going on, understand or even appreciate your world view.

    The desire for a conservative and reserved blue chick stems from our own male insecurity. @StarStruck

    Her being a little more open doesn't make you a cuck (or any less of a man). If you choose to fixate on that, obviously that what you'll believe. But it seems like this is your own personal hang-up rather than her qualities as a woman. 

    It's not black or white and we could respect each other and have empathy in relationships without  rigidly adhering to archaic social roles.


  7. When I took stimulants (ADHD medication) I was a fucking math wiz. The reason math was a hard subject for me was because I didn't have enough interest in it so my attention constantly waned and therefore I was perpetually behind. On stimulants though my mind saw those Calculus problems like fun puzzles to be solved. Could help to get your brain dialed in at least for the math material. 

    I'll tell you one thing. I wish I would have been diagnosed with ADHD long ago. I would be a lot further in my professional career, instead of lost in my philosophical ideals.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    Are you serious?  You make a mockery of God.  If you realized directly that God was real you would never be the same again.  The biggest thing is you will never fear death again because you will know it is an illusion.   You might actually want to jump in front of a train because you will know God is Infinite Love.  But I don't recommend that.  The reason is once you have become Infinite you also realize that your finite life is really the pinnacle of your existence.   It is in imperfection and finitude that God finds solace.   And thus you will cherish your finitude because in that is your perfection but also in that you can have imperfection.  So God can have his cake and eat it too.

    that makes so much sense

  9. 5 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

    Oh man, it's funny that you have an infinite orgy on truffles haha. Have you tried to masturbate on truffles? 

    You know, I also tried to watch porn on 5Meo. It's an experience worth trying. When you watch porn in the default state of consciousness you have yourself watching somebody having sex with somebody, but when you watch it on 5Meo duality collapses. I remember I erased the boundaries between me watching them, it was just me loving myself. I could actually feel the girl's pleasure and the guy's pleasure  simultaneously.  
